3rd International Research Workshop – "Methods for Ph.D."

October 4-9, 2009
Akademie Sankelmark, Flensburg (Germany) 
University of Southern Denmark, Sønderborg (Denmark)

For the third time Ph.D. students in the field of Social Sciences and Economics have the opportunity to broaden their knowledge and experience in research on empirical data, including SOEP. The workshop language will be English. Interested parties from all countries are invited. The workshop is especially for those who need training in the process of choosing a topic, grounding the research idea in theory, as well as in gathering and analyzing data and presenting results in scientific contexts.

The workshop tackles these steps of Ph.D. research projects:

  • gathering data through (un)structured interviews and analyzing standardized survey data (e.g., SOEP),
  • using the computer for content analysis and as a statistical tool,
  • writing a report and making presentations,

These steps will strengthen the cooperation in empirical research to boost and streamline ones project.

It is possible to obtain credits for the workshop under the European Credit Transfer System.

The workshop fee is 370 Euro. This includes all lectures, meals, and accommodations during the workshop (October 4-9, 2009).

Organizers of the Workshop are: Helmut-Schmidt University – University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg, University of Flensburg, the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) at the DIW Berlin, University of Southern Denmark Campus Soenderborg, Leuphana University Lüneburg, University of HamburgFaculty of Economics and Social Sciences and Faculty of Education Psychology and Human Movement.

For more information, see:
