International Research Workshop – Methods for Ph.D. on October 5-10, 2008

Ph.D. students in the field of Social Sciences and Economics have the opportunity to increase their knowledge in research with empirical data like the SOEP. The workshop language will be English, interested parties from all countries are invited. We encourage especially those to come to the workshop, who need training in the process of choosing a topic, grounding the research idea in theory as well as gathering data, analyzing them, and presenting results in scientific contexts. 

It is possible to get a certificate on the credit points (according to the European Credit Transfer System).

Workshop Site: The workshop will take place at the Akademie Sankelmark near Flensburg.

Workshop Fee: The workshop fee is 370 Euro. This includes all lectures, meals and accommodation during the workshop (5-10 October).

For more information and registration see: or

Workshop Folder