Tag Archives: IAB

IAB Workshop – Daten des Nationalen Bildungspanels, der amtlichen Statistik und des IAB


Der Workshop wird am 10. und 11. Juni 2013 in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität Bamberg (NEPS, BAGSS), dem FDZ der statistischen Ämter der Länder und dem SAMF e.V. vom IAB veranstaltet.

Im Mittelpunkt steht die Vorstellung verschiedener Mikrodatensätze, die für die Forschung in den letzten Jahren zugänglich gemacht wurden. Neben der Vorstellung der Daten soll ihr Potential anhand exemplarischer Forschungsbeispiele und weiterer Forschungsmöglichkeiten aufgezeigt werden. Die Datenproduzenten stehen für  Fragen und Diskussionen rund um die Datensätze zur Verfügung. Damit bietet der Workshop auch für Forschungseinsteiger eine gute Möglichkeit zur Orientierung und Vernetzung.

Der Workshop ist für alle Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler zu empfehlen, die aktiv mit den Mikrodaten in naher Zukunft arbeiten wollen bzw. ein Arbeiten in Erwägung ziehen.

Vorgestellt werden u.a. folgende Datensätze:

  • BHP – Betriebshistorikpanel
  • Hochschul- und Berufsbildungsdaten der amtlichen Statistik
  • EGS – IAB-Erhebung des Gesamtwirtschaftlichen Stellenangebots (Dr. Anja Kettner)
  • IAB Betriebspanel (Dr. Susanne Kohaut)
  • LIAB – The linked employer-employee dataset of the IAB
  • lidA – leben in der Arbeit  (Angela Rauch)
  • NEPS – Nationales Bildungspanel (Dr. Corinna Kleinert  und  Dr. Jan Skopek)
  • PASS – Panel Arbeitsmarkt und soziale Sicherung (Dr. Gerrit Müller)
  • SIAB – Stichprobe aus den Integrierten Erwerbsbiographien

Weitere Informationen zu den Daten finden Sie unter:

Call for Papers: Dynamics of Low Wage, Low Pay, and Transfer Receipt

Date: November 15 – 16, 2013

Location: Institute for Employment Research (IAB), Nuremberg, Germany


In recent years the great recession and Euro crisis have affected national labor markets. In most countries, unemployment has risen. In some countries austerity policies put a break on wage increases and institutional reforms have supported the generation of extended low wage sectors. This directs new attention to the workings of national minimum income systems.

The conference will present international current research on trends and developments in the fields of low wage employment and transfer receipt (e.g., welfare, unemployment or other types of benefits) and the dynamics of these patterns over time.

We are interested in studies on national developments as well as on international patterns. Both micro- and macroeconomic analyses are welcome. The conference shall focus on empirical studies but heoretical contributions are welcome as well.

Key-Note Speakers:

  • Stephen JENKINS, London School of Economics
  • Jürgen ScHupp, DIW Berlin


The deadline for submission is June 15, 2013. please submit electronic versions of full papers or extended abstracts (3 pages) in pdf format to lowpay2013@iab.de. You will be notified on acceptance of your paper by end of July 2013. All presenters will be asked to submit full papers until October 15, 2013. All participants are requested to register no later than October 15, 2013.

Scientific Committee:

  • Lorenzo cAppELLARI, università cattolica Milan
  • Joachim MöLLER, IAB Nuremberg
  • Regina T. RIpHAHN, FAu Erlangen-Nuremberg
  • Helmut RuDOLpH, IAB Nuremberg
  • Wiemer SALvERDA, university of Amsterdam
  • Joachim WOLFF, IAB Nuremberg

Conference Fee:

The conference fee is 80€, which includes refreshments and lunches during the workshop, as well as the conference dinner on November 15, 2013. participants presenting a paper are exempted from the conference fee (one person for coauthored papers). There is a small travel grant for ph.D. students, who present a paper at the workshop and provide a letter of their supervisor that confirms their current ph.D. student status. The grant covers 50 percent of the travel cost, but the grant is limited to a maximum of € 150.

Call for Papers

CfP 5th International Ph.D. Workshop at the IAB, November 19-20, 2012

Aims and Topics

The IAB Graduate School’s 5th interdisciplinary Ph.D. workshop on Perspectives on (Un-)Employment endeavours to bring together young researchers from different disciplines. This international workshop will provide an opportunity for Ph.D. students to present and discuss their research in a constructive atmosphere, incorporating feedback and advice from a number of experiences researchers. The workshop will focus on, but not be limited to, empirical research in the folowing fields:

  • Labour market institutions and policies
  • Inequality and education
  • Regional disparities
  • Labour mobility and dynamics
  • Qualification and skills

Keynote speakers

  • Prof. Thomas Bauer (Ruhr-University Bochum and RWI-Essen)
  • Prof. Markus Gangl (Goethe University Frankfurt)


We invite Ph.D. students to submit an extended abstract or a full paper.

Deadline for submission is July 15th, 2012.

For more information see http://www.iab.de/de/veranstaltungen.aspx

Call for Papers: 4th User Conference of the RDC of the BA at the IAB

Date: April 8-9, 2011
Location: Institute for Employment Research, 90478 Nuremberg, Germany


The aim of the conference is the presentation and discussion of selected current research projects conducted by guests/users of the Research Data Centre (RDC) of the German Federal Employment Agency (BA) at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB). The conference will cover applications of the following data:

  • ALWA
  • BA Employment Panel
  • Establishment History Panel
  • KombiFiD data
  • IAB Employment Samples
  • IAB Establishment Panel
  • Integrated Employment Biographies Sample
  • Linked Employer-Employee Data from the IAB
  • PASS
  • Sample of Integrated Labour Market Biographies
  • SGB-II-Data
  • WeLL

Scientific committee

Prof. Dr. Thomas K. Bauer (Ruhr-University of Bochum, RWI)
Prof. Dr. Miriam Beblo (Berlin School of Economics and Law)
Stefan Bender (Institute for Employment Research – Research Data Centre)
Prof. Bernd Fitzenberger, Ph.D. (University of Freiburg)
Prof. Regina T. Riphahn, Ph.D. (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)
Assistant Professor Johannes F. Schmieder, Ph.D. (Boston University)
Associate Professor Till Marco von Wachter, Ph.D. (Columbia University)
PD Dr. Ralf Andreas Wilke (University of Nottingham)
Prof. Dr. Elke Wolf (University of Applied Sciences Munich)

All members of the Scientific committee will give presentations (keynote or in sessions) and will join the whole conference.

Reimbursement of Travel Cost and Conference Fee

There will be a small budget to cover travel and accommodation expenses for speakers who do not have other financing possibility. If you want to apply for a refund, please inform us about the approximate amount of travel costs when submitting your paper. There is no conference fee for speakers. The conference fee for participants not presenting a paper is € 50.

Submission and Registration

  • Deadline for submissions: 23 January 2011
  • Notification of acceptance: 14 February 2011
  • Registration until: 13 March 2011

If you are interested in presenting at the conference, please send a title and a paper (or an expanded abstract) as electronic copy to iab.fdz(at)iab(dot)de. Presentations should be about 30 min. The conference language will be English. The program and further information will be available on the website of the Research Data Centre of the German Federal Employment Agency at the Institute for Employment Research:

Personal und Organisation

Institution: Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB), Graduiertenprogramm

Dozent: Prof. Dr. Lutz Bellmann

Termine: 28.04.2010, 12:30 Uhr – 16:30 Uhr, 29.4. 2010, 8:30 Uhr – 12:30 Uhr

Raum: Sitzungssaal 160 der Bundesagentur für Arbeit, Nürnberg

Max. Teilnehmerzahl: 15

Credit Points: k.A.


In der Veranstaltung werden neuere empirische Studien zu den Auswirkungen personalwirtschaftlicher Unternehmensstrategien und Organisationskonzepte auf die Entlohnungs- und Beschäftigungsstrukturen vorgestellt. Die zu behandelnden Artikel beruhen auf den Daten des IAB-Betriebspanels und den Linked Employer-Employee Daten des IAB.

Bitte melden Sie sich bis zum 31.03.2010 verbindlich bei der Studienkoordinatorin des Graduiertenprogramms sandra.huber@iab.de an.