Tag Archives: Chile

Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (Chile): Faculty Positions – Organizational Behavior/Human Resources Management and Strategy/International Business

The School of Business at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (UAI) seeks candidates for full-time faculty positions in the areas of Strategy/International Business and Organizational Behavior/Human Resources Management starting March or July 2014. Rank is open. The positions are based in Santiago or Viña del Mar, Chile.

Requirements: Candidates must have been granted or nearly completed a PhD in Management or a related field. Applicants must demonstrate excellent research and teaching skills. Proficiency in both English and Spanish is recommended. More senior candidates should have teaching experience and a competitive research record that must include publications in peer-reviewed journals.

Institution: Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez’s Business School (http://www.uai.cl/negocios) is the oldest business school in Latin America. Its academic programs are consistently ranked among the best in the region. In 2011 and 2012, América Economía ranked UAI’s MBA program as #1 in Latin America (http://www.americaeconomia.com). The Business School has a full time faculty of 70 professors with expertise in areas such as: strategy, marketing, finance, economics, operations research, OB, accounting, innovation and entrepreneurship, leadership, and general management. The global mindset of our school is also reflected in the fact that 30% of our faculty comes from abroad. UAI has four campuses, equipped with state of the art technology. Two of them are located in Santiago. Another one is in Chile’s coastal city of Viña del Mar, which is close to the port of Valparaíso. The fourth campus is in Miami, Florida. UAI’s Business School provides management education to more than 5,000 students enrolled in undergraduate and graduate programs. In 2006, UAI became the first Latin American university to open a business school in the U.S., offering a Multinational MBA (http://www.adolfoibanez.com) program for top executives from Latin America. In 2008, it created Chile’s first Ph.D. Program in Management. More recently, UAI’s Business School teamed up with UCLA to offer a dual degree Global Executive MBA (http://www.anderson.ucla.edu/x32927.xml) with residential sessions in Los Angeles, Miami, Santiago and São Paulo. UAI’s Business School is accredited by AACSB International and the Association of MBAs (AMBA).

Application process: Candidates should submit a cover letter, a current curriculum vitae, three letters of reference, publications, and a job market paper (identified as such). Applications should be sent to esteban.koberg@uai.cl. Recommenders may submit letters directly. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the positions are filled.

Ausstellungseröffnung: Überlebenskunst – Konfliktbearbeitung durch textile Bilder (11.07.2012)

Hiermit sind Sie herzlich zur Eröffnung der Ausstellung ÜBERLEBENSKUNST –
KONFLIKTBEARBEITUNG DURCH TEXTILE BILDER am Mittwoch, den 11. Juli 2012, ab 18 Uhr in der Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg (Von-Melle-Park 3, 20146 Hamburg) einladen.

Die Ausstellung zeigt Arpilleras und Quilts aus Chile, Nordirland und Spanien, die auf expressive Weise Situationen politischer Gewalt thematisieren. Die Exponate sind Produkt einer persönlichen, künstlerischen Auseinandersetzung mit Repression und Krieg und mit der Frage, wie sich solche gewaltsamen Erfahrungen überwinden und verarbeiten lassen.

Bei der Ausstellungseröffnung am 11. Juli wird u.a. Roberta Bacic, die
Kuratorin der Ausstellung, sprechen. Frau Bacic stammt aus Chile und lebt seit einigen Jahren in Nordirland. Sie hat u.a. an der Wahrheits- und Versöhnungskommission in Chile mitgewirkt und für die Organisation War
Resisters’ International in London gearbeitet. Sie wird anhand ausgewählter Exponate in die Ausstellung einführen. Ausserdem spricht PD Dr. DR. Horacio Riquelme zum Thema “Die Bedeutung der Arpilleras zur Wiederaneignung des öffentlichen Raumes”.

Mehr Informationen zur Ausstellung, zum Programm der Eröffnungsfeier und zum begleitenden Workshop (27.-29. Juli) finden sie unter: