HFM Workshop “Big Data, Datenschutz und Wettbewerb” (04.11.2016)

Hamburger Forum Medienökonomie
Interdisziplinärer Workshop: Big Data, Datenschutz und Wettbewerb
04. November 2016

Die Digitalisierung aller möglichen Lebensbereiche hat zu einer enormen Zunahme der in digitaler Form zur Verfügung stehenden Informationen geführt. Big Data ermöglicht nicht nur die Verbesserung bestehender und Schaffung neuer Produkte und Dienstleistungen, große Datenmengen erlauben ebenso die Realisierung enormer Effizienzvorteile. Gleichzeitig werden immer neue ökonomische sowie juristische Fragen aufgeworfen, die mit Big Data in Verbindung stehen.

In der digitalen Ökonomie entstehen solche Datensammlungen insbesondere bei der Verwendung entgeltfreier Internetplattformen. Es stellt sich dabei z.B. die Frage, welche Informationen überhaupt erhoben werden, wer die Eigentumsrechte an diesen Daten besitzt und inwieweit Portabilität ermöglicht wird. Eng damit verbunden sind ebenso Fragen des Datenschutzes und des Wettbewerbs.

Aber auch andere Bereiche sind von der Datensammlung nicht ausgenommen. Digitalisierung und Big Data sind heutzutage ebenso präsent in Unternehmen der analogen Welt (z.B. Industrie 4.0). Auch hier stellt sich immer häufiger die Frage nach dem Eigentümer der generierten Informationen oder nach der Notwendigkeit eines neuen Schutzrechts. Nicht zuletzt die Verzahnung beider Welten schafft also eine Reihe neuer Herausforderungen für Ökonomen und Juristen. Der Workshop widmet sich intensiv einem Teil dieser Fragen. Hochrangige Vertreter aus Wissenschaft und Praxis tragen mit ihren Präsentationen zu der aktuellen Diskussion bei. Im Rahmen einer Paneldiskussion besteht im Anschluss Gelegenheit, einige dieser Fragen zu erörtern.

Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung

New Book: Financial Participation of Employees in Europe

2016-10-11-fietze-matiaske-finapart-in-europe-titleDimensions and Perspectives on Financial Participation in Europe
Edited by Ass.-Prof. Dr. Simon Fietze and Prof. Dr. Wenzel Matiaske
2016, 507 pp., pb., € 99.00 ISBN 978-3-8487-1876-4 eISBN 978-3-8452-5941-3

About the book:
Financial participation of employees is a perennial debate in political discussions as well as in business practice and in social sciences research. On the European level in particular attempts have been made during recent years to harmonise and stimulate the instrument of economic democracy and partnership. To date, regulations have been characterised by national law and labour relations. For instance, France has established an obligatory legal framework, whereas small tax incentives are provided in Germany. Therefore, this book combines several national reports with perspectives from different disciplines, e.g. business administration, economic sociology and law. Furthermore, different institutional forms like corporate associations are presented.

With contributions by:
Jens Lowitzsch, Iraj Hashi, Alban Hashani, Jean-Michel Content, Mirella Damiani, Fabrizio Pompei, Andrea Ricci, Herwig Rogge- mann, Simon Fietze, Wenzel Matiaske, Verena Tosch, Maciej Kozłowski, Spartak Keremidchiev, Eric Kaarsemaker, Eric Pout- sma, Nina Pološki Vokić, Maja Klindžić, Ivana Načinović Braje, Mathieu Floquet, Loris Guery, Patrice Laroche, Anne Stevenot, Thomas Steger, Madeleine Dietrich, Christina Beisiegel, Alexander Kern, Thomas Haipeter, Rahma Daly, Marc-Arthur Diaye, Jean-Max Koskievic, Begoña Arregi, Fred Freundlich, Mónica Gago, Maite Legarra, Nerea Lizarraga, Sylvia Gay, Jose Antonio Mendizabal, Ainhoa Larrañaga, Theresia Theurl, Sandra Maria Swoboda

Table of Contents:

Simon Fietze & Wenzel Matiaske

The role of employee share ownership for corporate governance in the aftermath of the financial crisis – a closer look at the Central Eastern European EU Member States
Jens Lowitzsch, Iraj Hashi & Alban Hashani

Financial participation in Europe: Some kind of a dream
Jean-Michel Content

How to overcome the ‘Great Divide’ of the capitalist market society: Development, legal grounds and perspectives of employee capital participation in Germany and Europe
Herwig Roggemann

Historical perspectives on employee ownership in Germany
Alexander Kern

Financial participation in Germany: Management’s and works councils’ view
Simon Fietze, Wenzel Matiaske & Verena Tobsch

Works councils and profit sharing in the German metalworking industry
Thomas Haipeter

The corporate culture of silent partnerships – shareholding vs. participation?
Thomas Steger, Christina Beisiegel & Madeleine Dietrich

Profit sharing in France: Substitute or complement to wages?
Mathieu Floquet, Loris Guery, Patrice Laroche & Anne Stevenot

Employee financial participation: Evidence from Italian firms
Mirella Damiani, Fabrizio Pompei & Andrea Ricci

Employee share ownership in the Netherlands
Eric Kaarsemaker & Erik Poutsma

Government, union and business associations’ perceptions of employee financial participation in Gipuzkoa
Begoña Arregi, Fred Freundlich, Mónica Gago, Maite Legarra, Nerea Lizarraga, Sylvia Gay, Jose Antonio Mendizabal & Ainhoa Larrañaga

Employee financial participation in Polish listed companies – a management approach
Maciej Kozłowski

Employee financial participation in Bulgaria
Spartak Keremidchiev

Determinants of financial participation – two decades of Croatian practice
Nina Pološki Vokić, Maja Klindžić & Ivana Načinović Braje

Workers’ risk attitude and financial participation
Rahma Daly, Marc-Arthur Diaye & Jean-Max Koskievic

Cooperatives: Direct and indirect forms of employee financial participation
Theresia Theurl & Sandra Maria Swoboda

JMP Intro & DOE / Kriging Workshop using JMP and R

Institution: Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg, hosted by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sven Knoth, WiSo (sven.knoth@hsu-hh.de)

Presenter: Volker Kraft, JMP Academic Ambassador

Time: 25th November 2016, 10am – 5pm

Location: Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Holstenhofweg 85, 22043, Hamburg,  WiSo Hörsaal 3 (or PC-Pool)

Registration: Please click here an fill out the form to register for the workshop.

Number of attendees: 25 max. (hands-on only)

10-12: Introduction to JMP, Design of Experiments and Predictive Modeling (live demo & discussion)
12-13: Lunch break – pizza session by JMP
13-17: Kriging Workshop – attendees should have JMP 13 pre-installed (see www.jmp.com/trial for 30 days trial license)

Target Group:
Morning: Anybody interested to see JMP 13, or to get ready for the afternoon hands-on workshop.
Afternoon: Anybody with applications that require to work with functions, often of many variables, that are costly to evaluate.
Knowledge of linear regression, statistical modeling, and stochastic processes is helpful but is not required for the workshop. Similarly, basic knowledge of R and/or JMP will be helpful for the hands-on lab component, but is not mandatory.

JMP is an easy-to-use, standalone statistics and graphics software from SAS Institute. It includes comprehensive capabilities for every academic field, and its interactive point-and-click interface and linked analyses and graphics make it ideal for research and for use in statistics courses, from the introductory to the advanced levels. JMP runs on Windows and Macintosh operating systems and also functions as an easy, point-and-click interface to SAS®, R, MATLAB and Excel.

The JMP INTRO SESSION introduces the interactive user interface of JMP. Sample applications will focus on Experimental Design and Data Modeling. Get to know about JMP academic resources and where to find help.

KRIGING (or Gaussian process regression) has proven to be of great interest when trying to approximate a costly to evaluate function in a closed form. The principle aim of the workshop is to show how to build useful surrogate models using this approach, and to make clear the assumptions that such models rely on. Furthermore, once it exists, we will show how a surrogate model can be used for optimization.

Lab sessions will use both R and JMP. The main aim of the lab is to quickly find optimal settings of a catapult numerical simulator that can fire the longest shot.

Workshop content and installation instructions for R (packages) and JMP will be shared mid of November.


Reminder – Call for Papers: Demands in the modern workplace

Special Issue of Management Revue
Demands in the modern workplace

Guest Editors:
Sascha Ruhle, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany
Johannes Siegrist, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany
Stefan Süß, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany
Eva-Ellen Weiß, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany

The flexibility of work organization and employment, the growing need for training and development, digitalization of work, the increasing blurring boundaries between work and private life – the list of developments that have shaped the modern working world in recent years is long. Those developments will continue to affect employees as well as organizations and economies. Especially for employees, several of these developments are challenges rather than improvements. Various approaches have increased our understanding of these and similar challenges, including the job demand-control model (Karasek, 1979), leader-member exchange (Graen & Uhl-Bien, 1995; Hesselgreaves & Scholarios, 2014), the effort–reward imbalance model (Siegrist, 2002) and the concept of work-family conflict (Barnett, 1998).

There are numerous indications that demands in the modern work place lead to elevated stress experiences (Sparks et al., 2001; Sverke et al., 2002; Stansfeld & Candy, 2006) and related health consequences (e.g. Schnall et al., 2009; Siegrist & Wahrendorf, 2016). Sources of stress may, for example, be rooted in role overload or even role underload depending on the type of demands (Shultz et al., 2010). Further, research shows that changing working conditions can provoke conflicts between work and private life (e.g., Byron, 2005). In the long run, impairments of job satisfaction and health can result as well in reduced work engagement and elevated turnover intentions (e.g., Kinnunen, 2008; Li et al., 2015). Thus, organizations increasingly aim at improving working conditions in order to keep their employees healthy and productive.

Divers options exist for organizations to tackle these challenges. For example, both supervisor and coworker support have been shown to reduce the negative consequences of demands (Luchman & González-Morales, 2015), and the same holds true for a transformational leadership style (Weiß & Süß, 2016), while an increase in time flexibility might even further strain the individual (e.g., Biron & van Veldhoven, 2016). Another way to deal with workplace demands might be the development of personal resources, which in turn can decrease burnout (Huang et al., 2015) or the adequate design of employees’ task fields (Shultz et al., 2010).

Yet, to answer challenges resulting from demands in the modern workplace, research might benefit from considering not only results from a single discipline, but a combined perspective. Multiple disciplines, like business administration, psychology, sociology, and occupational medicine contribute to, e.g., research on stress and resulting strain (e.g., Ganster & Rosen, 2013). A joint approach might further enhance our understanding of the prevention, occurrence, and the consequences of work demands as multiple perspectives on the area of research are being combined.

Therefore, prospective papers may address, but are not restricted to, the following questions:

  • Which individual and organizational consequences result from the various developments that characterize the modern working world? And how might organizations manage the different technological and economic changes in order to reduce negative consequences for employees?
  • Under what circumstances do particularly problematic work demands arise? What are the differences between various forms of employment and their influences on work demands?
  • How can organizations manage the various demands in the workplace and which approaches are the most promising ones? What possible help can leadership or co-worker support provide to face increasing work demands?
  • What are the socio-structural and economic antecedents of and consequences caused by work demands? Are there burdens which are unequally distributed among different social or occupational classes that account for differences in the exposure to changing demands?

Potential authors
Authors are encouraged to submit research manuscripts that are likely to make a significant contribution to the literature on demands in the modern workplace. The focus of the Special Issue is empirical – qualitative or quantitative – evidence, and we welcome contributions from business administration, industrial and organizational psychology, work sociology, and occupational medicine as well as other disciplines dealing with the topic of the Special Issue.

Full papers for this special edition of “management revue” must be with the editors by 31 January 2017. All submissions will be subject to a double-blind review process. Papers invited for a “revise and resubmit” are due on 31 May 2017. Final decision will be made by September 2017. The special edition will be published in 2017 or 2018. Please submit your papers via email to Sascha Ruhle and Stefan Süß, using “management revue” as a subject.

Submission Guidelines
Manuscript length should not exceed 8,000 words (excluding references) and the norm should be 30 pages in double spaced type with margins of about 3 cm (1 inch) on each side of the page. Further, please follow the guidelines on the website http://www.management-revue.org/authors_guidelines.php and submit the papers electronically by sending a “blind” copy of your manuscript (delete all author identification from this primary document), and in a second document information that would typically appear on the document’s title page (title, author names, complete postal addresses, titles, affiliations, contact information including email, and phone).

We look forward to receiving your contribution!
Sascha Ruhle, Johannes Siegrist, Stefan Süß & Eva-Ellen Weiß

Introduction to Regression Analysis

Institution: Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaft, Universität Hamburg

Course Instructor: Dr. Alexa Burmester (Universität Hamburg)

Dates, location: October 10. and 11. 2016; 09:15 – 13:45 h (block course), R. 4030/4031

Course Value: 1 SWS or 2 LP

Course Overview:
This course will give an introduction to regression analysis with Stata.
Course Contents: This course will focus on basic regression analysis. Topics include (1) Data preparation, (2) Summary statistics, (3) Model free evidence, (4) Regression analysis, (5) Check of model assumptions, (6) Nonlinear models & interaction effects, and (7) Panel data.
Individual (or two-person team, with permission) research assignments will be re-quired. Please schedule some time at Monday afternoon for the assignment. Own re-search questions and data are very welcome to be discussed in the course.

Software: Please bring a laptop with Stata 13 or newer. If applicable, you can bring your own data set of your research project.

Please also study the following text:
Backhaus, K., B. Erichson, W. Plinke und R. Weiber (2016): Multivariate Analysemethoden, 14. Auflage, Heidelberg (Kapitel 1: Regressionsanalyse)

Assessment: Assessment will be based on active participation and performance on assignments. Grading for students of University of Hamburg will be pass/fail.

Registration: Please e-mail Alexa Burmester: Alexa.Burmester@uni-hamburg.de until 06. October 2016. (Please remember that places will be allocated in order of received registrations.)

Day 1:

  • Data preparation
  • Summary statistics
  • Model free evidence
  • Regression analysis
  • Check of model assumptions

Day 2:

  • Presentation of assignment
  • Nonlinear models & interaction effects
  • Panel data
  • Summary

GIGA Hamburg: Introduction to Zotero (22.11.2016)

Institution: German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

Lecturer: Dr. Birte Pfeiffer

Schedule: 22.11.2016

Place: GIGA, Neuer Jungfernstieg 21, 20534 Hamburg, Germany

Registration: Participants need to register online by filling in the registration form that is available on the website of the respective event (see below).

Course description:
Zotero is a free, open-source tool that helps you collect, organize, cite and share your research sources. This course will introduce the basics of Zotero such as: installation, adding sources to your library, organizing and managing your citations, creating a bibliography, and using the Mi-crosoft Word plug-in to easily insert citations from Zotero into your documents. Participants are encouraged to bring their personal computers so that they may download and interact with the program.

About the lecturer
Dr Birte Pfeiffer is Research Data Manager at the GIGA Information Centre.

Further information

GIGA Hamburg: Write like a pro. How to get started, organized, finished – and succeed with your texts (20.10. and 24.11.2016)

Institution: German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

Lecturer: Dr. Natalie Struve

Schedule: 20.10. and 24.11.2016

Place: GIGA, Neuer Jungfernstieg 21, 20534 Hamburg, Germany

Registration: Participants need to register online by filling in the registration form that is available on the website of the respective event (see below).

Course description:
Being an academic means being a professional writer: for it is through writing that you make an impact and pursue your career. Alas, the writing part of academic work doesn’t seem inviting or even fun to most people. Yet it can be made a lot easier! Furthermore, writing is a useful tool in managing your thesis as well as other complex projects. Learn about helpful techniques and work on your own texts in this two-day workshop.

The workshop is split into two parts. It comes with an accompanying wiki to supply you with further information and impulses as well as a place to discuss topics. Please note that you will be asked to take part in all of that, and accomplish 3-4 small tasks before and in between workshop days.

About the trainer
Dr Natalie Struve has taught at both German and British universities. Now she coaches academic writers of all fields and levels, and provides workshops for universities and research organizations

Further information

GIGA Hamburg: CAS & Global Studies III: Promises and Potential Problems of Comparative Analysis (14.12.2016)

Institution: German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

Lecturer: Dr. André Bank

Schedule: 14.12.2016

Place: GIGA, Neuer Jungfernstieg 21, 20534 Hamburg, Germany

Registration: Participants need to register online by filling in the registration form that is available on the website of the respective event (see below).

Course description:
Building on the introductory courses on Comparative Area Studies, this course will focus on CAS’ concrete implementation in empirical, comparative studies. After a brief overview on current CAS-related research in the study of Middle East politics, the course will examine and discuss the promises and potential problems of this strategy in view of two important examples, both stemming from the comparative politics of the Arab Uprisings.

About the lecturer
Dr André Bank is senior research fellow at the GIGA Institute of Middle East Studies.

Further information

GIGA Hamburg: CAS & Global Studies II: Comparing Across World Regions: Assets and Pitfalls (15.11.2016)

Institution: German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

Lecturer: Dr. Christian von Soest

Schedule: 15.11.2016

Place: GIGA, Neuer Jungfernstieg 21, 20534 Hamburg, Germany

Registration: Participants need to register online by filling in the registration form that is available on the website of the respective event (see below).

Course description:
A key aim of Comparative Area Studies is to stimulate – where applicable – systematic comparison across world regions. However, scholars have paid insufficient attention to bridge the research divide between different world regions, these traditionally conceived areas have been studied in largely distinct academic discourses. This course deals with the practical as well as conceptual assets and pitfalls of cross-regional comparison. For this, we will draw on two articles that focus on case selection techniques and give specific examples of cross-area comparisons.

About the lecturer
Dr. Christian von Soest is lead research fellow of GIGA’s research programme 4 on Peace and Security.

Further information

GIGA Hamburg: Quantitative Approaches to Data Collection and Analysis (08.-09.11.2016)

Institution: German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Vera Troeger

Schedule: 08.-09.11.2016

Place: GIGA, Neuer Jungfernstieg 21, 20534 Hamburg, Germany

Registration: Participants need to register online by filling in the registration form that is available on the website of the respective event (see below).

Course description:
This course will cover various questions and specification issues in multivariate quantitative data analysis and is designed for students with only basic knowledge of applied data analysis. The course deals with different problems arising in applied data analysis when multiple violations of the basic regression assumptions occur. We will start by discussing the basic Gauss-Markov assumptions of OLS regression analysis, their violations and suitable solutions to such misspecifications, especially when they occur in conjunction. Thus, participants will learn how to deal with different types of heteroskedasticity, spatial correlation, serial correlation and dynamics as well as various kinds of heterogeneity. This discussion will include working with divers data such as crosssectional, time-series, panel and pooled data. The course combines a more theoretical introduction into different topics with practical analysis of diverse data sets using STATA. Students are encouraged to bring their own data sets and present their research projects and empirical analysis during the course.

About the lecturer
Prof Dr Vera Troeger is Professor of Quantitative Political Economy and PPE Co-Director at the University of Warwick.

Further information