EURAM 2020 T03_09 & MREV Special Issue – Call for Papers: Entrepreneurial Management

Track Proponents & Guest Editors:
Simon Fietze, University of Southern Denmark
Sylvia Rohlfer, Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financieros (CUNEF), Spain
Claudio Petti, University of Salento, Italy
Abderrahman Hassi, Al Akhawayn University, Morocco

To create growth and increase the effectiveness of new business venturing as well as small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) entrepreneurial management practices play a pivotal role in exploiting entrepreneurial knowledge and utilizing it towards opportunity exploitation (Goel & Jones, 2016), innovation (Hisrich & Ramadani, 2017) and talent development (Pinheiro & Stensaker, 2014). In line with this, the track addresses entrepreneurial management practices from interdisciplinary and multi-level angles as an important variable in the interplay between individual, organizational and institutional contexts. We invite empirical and conceptual research that contributes to a better understanding of behaviour and mechanisms constituting the formation and diffusion of entrepreneurial management practices. These managerial practices include a wide range of means (e.g. management structure, decision processes learning, knowledge management, human resource system) that help a firm to remain competitive and contribute to organizational and societal value creation.

According to Gupta et al. (2004), entrepreneurs need to fill entrepreneurial and leadership roles and guide the organization through change by implementing certain bundles of practices to build strong dynamic capabilities to sense and seize innovation opportunities, (introducing new products, processes or practices), to successful venture (entering new businesses) or to renew strategically (improving internal coordination; Teece, 2016). Previous research was mainly concerned with the different life cycles of new ventures and problems related to maturity (Gray & Ariss, 1985) and certain types of entrepreneurial leadership (Kim et al., 2017). Thus, a better understanding of the dynamics of entrepreneurial and managerial behaviour of entrepreneurs is crucial.

The track provides an opportunity to take stock on these developments and to present research that addresses entrepreneurial management practices in combination with related fields (e.g. dynamic capabilities, internationalization). A critical issue is a better understanding of contextual factors. Mostly “Western” theories have been applied and these theories may – to a certain degree – explain individual and organizational behaviour on a global level. However, institutional arrangements need to be considered as a driving force to explain the higher level of entrepreneurial activity in emerging economies compared to advanced markets, and, thus, the variation of entrepreneurial management practices.

European Academy of Management (EURAM) 2020
The European Academy of Management (EURAM) is a learned society founded in 2001. It aims at advancing the academic discipline of management in Europe. With members from 49 countries in Europe and beyond, EURAM has a high degree of diversity and provides its members with opportunities to enrich debates over a variety of research management themes and traditions.

Deadline for paper submission is 14 January 2020 (2pm Belgium time). Contributors are notified of acceptance on 19 March 2020. Further information about the deadlines and important other dates can be found on the EURAM homepage. Author’s guidelines and information about the submission procedure can also be found on the EURAM homepage.

Special Issue of management revue – Socio-Economic Studies
management revue – Socio-Economic Studies is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary European journal publishing both qualitative and quantitative work, as well as purely theoretical papers that advances the study of management, organization, and industrial relations. Management Revue publishes articles that contribute to theory from a number of disciplines, including business and public administration, organizational behavior, economics, sociology, and psychology. Reviews of books relevant to management and organization studies are a regular feature.

All contributors to the EURAM track are invited to submit their paper for the special issue of management revue – Socio-Economic Studies. Full papers for this special issue must be submitted by September 30th, 2020. All contributions will be subject to double-blind reviews. Papers invited to a ‘revise and resubmit’ are due March 31st, 2021. The publication is scheduled for issue 2/2022. Please submit your papers electronically via the online submission system using ‘SI Entrepreneurial Management’ as article section.

Manuscript length should not exceed 8,000 words (excluding references) and the norm should be 30 pages in double-spaced type with margins of about 3 cm (1 inch) on each side of the page. Further, please follow the guidelines on the journal’s homepage.

Hoping to hear from you!
Simon Fietze (
Sylvia Rohlfer (
Claudio Petti (
Abderrahman Hassi (

MREV – Call for Papers: New Work Arrangements – A review of concepts and theories

Guest Editors:
Ralph Kattenbach, International School of Management, Hamburg
Johannes Moskaliuk, International School of Management, Stuttgart
Barbara Kump, WU Wien

Special Issue

Much has occurred since Frithjof Bergmann‘s seminal thoughts on New Work (1994; 2004; 2019): Smartphones, virtual communication and virtual cooperation have entered the business world. Digitalization has brought forth a completely new economy, agile work processes, AI services, a digital start-up culture, cloud work, new employment relationships, leadership styles, co-working tools and an enhanced spatial and temporal flexibility. These changes in work context and job characteristics, summarized as New Work Arrangements call for a revision of work related concepts and theories. However, even in top management research outlets, the pervasive presence of technology in organizational work has been neglected (Orlikowski & Scott, 2017).

With this special issue on “New Work Arrangements”, we would like to provide comprehensive insights into the many ways in which digitalization influences how we organize, manage and learn work. We also aim to present approaches from various disciplines to incorporate characteristics of New Work Arrangements in existing theories, models, and concepts. In an attempt to categorize the various faces of New Work Arrangements and to provide a guideline for contributions to our special issue, we focus on three central aspects that are influenced by digitalization:

New Organization

Digital technologies enable new business models and strategies; however, they also come with numerous behavioural and organizaitonal challenges for firms: For instance, online markets for talent and labor allow firms to out- source complex tasks but may have implications for knowledge management and human resource management. Adoption of digital technologies may require complementary investments in rare skills to bring about the intended productivity improvements in full (Leiponen et al., 2016). Furthermore, through the advent of digital technologies, virtual work has become the new normal: Staff members work from dispersed locations and interact through their smart phones or other mobile devices (Raghuram et al., 2019). This situation poses a number of new, interesting research questions, for example:

  • What effects have agile work processes, ubiquitous working and virtual teams on an individual and organizational level?
  • What influence do digitalization and artificial intelligence solutions have on work and job characteristics as well as work engagement, performance and perceived autonomy?
  • What is the role of organizational culture and team norms in explaining the impact of New Work Arrangements?
  • Which business models are successful from both an economic (e.g. increased profit) and a psychological (e.g. meaningful work) perspective?

New Leadership

New technologies enable arrangements that offer work-life flexibility. However, studies have shown that such arrangements do not necessarily benefit all groups of workers equally and may come with new challenges, such as promotion and pay schemes (Kossek & Lautsch, 2017). Moreover, such new work arrangements may require new forms of leadership (Banks et al., 2019; Sheniger, 2019). In addition, leaders may have to deal with changes in organizational identity, practice, and knowledge that need to be overcome when organizations become more and more digitalized (Kump, 2019). Possible questions for this special issue include:

  • How are leadership and communication in the workplace affected by digitalization?
  • How can we base trends like mindful leadership, holacracy or agile project management on solid research?
  • What are appropriate competencies, tools, styles or mindsets for leaders facing New Work Arrangements?
  • How can we use digital tools and methods to transfer knowledge, support self-reflection, and foster creativity?

New Learning

Digital devices, virtual reality and other innovative technologies offer new learning opportunities for workers at their workplaces (Noe, Clarke & Klein, 2014). At the same time, managers may need dynamic managerial capabilities in order to keep up to date with constant change (Helfat & Martin, 2014). These new situations require new management skills and may benefit from novel educational settings. Accordingly, new work arrangements come with manifold research questions regarding learning, for example:

  • Which influences has digitalization on learning and development in the workplace?
  • How can digital be used media to provide self-organized learning on the job?
  • How can we foster self-responsible learning competencies and a growth-oriented mindset?
  • What effects do concepts like micro-learning, nudging, and gamification have on learning motivation and learning success?

For the special issue, we invite contributions that consider the above mentioned or related topics of New Work Arrangements, both from a theoretical and an empirical point of view. Qualitative and quantitative research contributions are welcome. We also invite survey articles, best practice cases, didactical designs and book reviews.

Full papers for this special issue of management revue – Socio-Economic Studies must be submitted by May 31, 2020. All contributions will be subject to double-blind review. Papers invited to a ‘revise and resubmit’ are due November 30, 2020. The publication is scheduled for issue 3/2021. Please submit your papers electronically via the online submission system ‘New Work Arrangements’ as article section:

Special Issue
All contributors to the seminar are invited to submit their paper for the special issue of management revue – Socio-Economic Studies. Full papers for this special issue of management revue – Socio-Economic Studies must be submitted by August 30th, 2020. All contributions will be subject to double-blind review. Papers invited to a ‘revise and resubmit’ are due February 28th, 2021. The publication is scheduled for issue 1/2022. Please submit your papers electronically via the online submission system at using ‘SI Employee Voice’ as article section.

Submission Guidelines
Manuscript length should not exceed 8,000 words (excluding references) and the norm should be 30 pages in double-spaced type with margins of about 3 cm (1 inch) on each side of the page. Further, please follow the guidelines on the journal’s website (

Hoping to hear from you!
Ralph Kattenbach (
Johannes Moskaliuk (
Barbara Kump (

2 IP-Day an der Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg (HAW) am 13. November 2019

Die neue Ringveranstaltung des Hamburger Patentverbundes in Kooperation mit der Hamburg Innovation GmbH (HI) findet seit diesem Jahr regelmäßig für Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler statt.

Zu folgenden Themen haben wir Spezialisten eingeladen, die kurze Impulsvorträge halten:

  • Urheberrecht zum Schutz von Software
  • Patente zum Schutz von technischen Erfindungen
  • Normung und Standardisierung zur Unterstützung des Markteintritts

In der anschließenden Podiumsdiskussion wird anhand praxisrelevanter Beispiele gemeinsam über die Vor- und Nachteile der vorgestellten Möglichkeiten diskutiert. Hier­bei­ soll­ insbesondere ­auf­ den­ Einfluss­ auf­ Koope­rationen, den Zugang, die Nutzung und die Verwertung des geistigen Eigentums eingegangen werden. Die Expertinnen und Experten stehen Ihnen im Anschluß an den Ständen des Marktplatzes für Einzelgespräche zur Verfügung.

Mit dem IP-Day der HAW Hamburg wird zum zweiten Mal im Rahmen der neuen Ringveranstaltung veranstaltet, um vor Ort bei den wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen darüber zu informieren, wann der Schutz von Forschung und Entwicklungen wichtig ist, welche Mittel zur Verfügung stehen und welche Unterstützung in Hamburg für Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler angeboten wird. Die Mitglieder des Hamburger Patentverbundes sind UKE, TUHH, UHH, HAW Hamburg, HSU, BNITM und HPI. HI ist eine privatwirtschaftlich organisierte Wissens– und Technologie–Transfereinrichtung der Hamburger öffentlich–rechtlichen Hochschulen.

Mehr Informationen

Hamburger Interpretationswerkstatt für qualitative Daten startet diesen November: weitere Mitstreiter*innen willkommen

Diesen November startet die „Hamburger Interpretationswerkstatt“. Es wird alle 2-3 Monate ein Treffen zur Analyse qualitativer Daten (Interviewtranskripte, Bilder, Videos etc.) im Hamburger Raum geben. Die Analysemethode richtet sich dabei nach dem jeweiligen Material, der Fragestellung und der Gruppenzusammensetzung.

Dazu hat sich bereits eine kleine Gruppe interessierter Wissenschaftlern (Soziologie, Psychoanalyse, Betriebswirtschaftslehre) zusammengefunden. Weitere Mitstreiter*innen sind willkommen!

Jetzt im November wird es losgehen; die Terminabsprache hat gerade begonnen. Wer Interesse an der Interpretation eigener und fremder Daten in diesem Rahmen hat, kann sich an folgende Ansprechpartner wenden.

Alexander Degel, Telefon: 040 6541-2371, Email:, Fakultät für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften
Dr. Jaromir Junne, Telefon: 040 6541-2373, Email:, Fakultät für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
Beide Helmut Schmidt Universität Hamburg,

How to develop a strategic plan for funding your research

The workshop will take place in Hamburg on 18th March 2020.

The continuity of research funding often makes or breaks a research career at the postdoctoral stage. As institutional core funding diminishes and external funding becomes more and more competitive, how do you build your re-sources systematically and mitigate the risk of gaps in funding?

The workshop explores the concept of strategy in the research context. Having a clear idea of your research direction facilitates aligning even small projects to larger goals and makes individual proposals more compelling. It also helps to avoid the trap of letting funding dictate your research focus, which may lead to a fragmented track record. The goal of the workshop is to pro-vide guidance on how to approach the development of a strategic funding plan in the individual research setting. Participants will identify a portfolio of funding opportunities to be pursued in the coming years and manage the grant life cycle systematically to build the resources and capabilities necessary to deliver long-term sustainable research. A specific focus is on integrating national and EU funding sources, including both MSCA Fellowships and ERC Starting Grants.

More Information

MREV – Call for Papers: Employee Voice and the Digitalization of Work

Guest Editors:
Simon Fietze, University of Southern Denmark
Sylvia Rohlfer, Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financieros (CUNEF), Spain
Wenzel Matiaske, Helmut-Schmidt-University/University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg, Germany

Seminar at the IUC Dubrovnik (April 20-24, 2020) & Special Issue

Over the past four decades, scholars from employment relations, human resource management, organizational behaviour and labour economics have published a vast body of literature concerning employee voice (Wilkinson & Fay, 2011). Employee voice is thereby understood as the opportunity to participate in organizational decision-making and to have a say to influence the own work and the interests of managers and owners (Barry &Wilkinson, 2016) or – in the case of employee silence – to withhold these views and concerns (Morrison & Milliken, 2003). Employee voice and silence have been linked to organizational performance and the development of competitive advantage (Barry & Wilkinson, 2016) and are a key ingredient for the positive relationship between strategic human resource management and organizational performance (Wood & Wall, 2007) which also implies a link between employee voice and innovation. Employees with the opportunity to communicate individual ideas to management and to participate in decision-making give them the possibility to express ‘creative ideas and new perspectives, increasing the likelihood of innovation’ (Grant, 2013, p. 1703; Zhou & George, 2001).

Recently, scholars are paying more attention to current topics and relate them to employee voice. One stream of research is addressing the advancing technologies and consider the digital revolution and its impact on employee voice. There is no doubt that digital technology is fundamentality changing the way we do business (Mennie, 2015) and in consequence forms, tools and channels ‘voice’. The few studies on employee voice and digitalization are mainly dealing with social media at work and its opportunities for management to get in dialogue with employees. Holland, Cooper, and Hecker (2019), for instance, discuss conceptually issues and opportunities social media provides in the development of employee voice. In a similar vein, Barnes, Balnave, Thornthwaite, and Manning (2019) show how a union’s use of social media might facilitate greater member participation and engagement. However, more empirical evidence and conceptual considerations are needed to better understand and explain digitalization and employee voice (or: ‘e-voice’).

Therefore, the purpose of this seminar and the aim of the special issue of management revue – Socio-Economic Studies is to focus on digitalization at work and its challenges and opportunities for employee voice and silence in cross-disciplinary discussions. Some context to discuss are listed below:

  • To what extent do technologies impact employee voice and silence?
  • To what extent do employees make use of technology to ‘raise their voice’?
  • What role do trade unions play when it comes to electronic (e.g., social media) employee voice?
  • What is the impact of electronic (e.g., social media) voice on traditional mechanisms of employee voice?
  • What is the effectiveness of electronic (e.g., social media) voice? How does it compare to the outcomes of traditional mechanisms?
  • Why do electronic (e.g., social media) employee voice systems fail?
  • What is the ‘dark side’ of electronic (e.g., social media) employee voice/silence?

Potential contributors to the seminar at the IUC Dubrovnik are encouraged to submit an abstract of five pages before January 31st, 2020 electronically via the online submission system of management revue – Socio-Economic Studies using ‘IUC Dubrovnik’ as article section:

Special Issue
All contributors to the seminar are invited to submit their paper for the special issue of management revue – Socio-Economic Studies. Full papers for this special issue of management revue – Socio-Economic Studies must be submitted by August 30th, 2020. All contributions will be subject to double-blind review. Papers invited to a ‘revise and resubmit’ are due February 28th, 2021. The publication is scheduled for issue 1/2022. Please submit your papers electronically via the online submission system at using ‘SI Employee Voice’ as article section.

Submission Guidelines
Manuscript length should not exceed 8,000 words (excluding references) and the norm should be 30 pages in double-spaced type with margins of about 3 cm (1 inch) on each side of the page. Further, please follow the guidelines on the journal’s website (

Hoping to hear from you!
Simon Fietze
Sylvia Rohlfer
Wenzel Matiaske

Barnes, A., Balnave, N., Thornthwaite, L., & Manning, B. (2019). Social media: Union communication and member voice. In P. Holland, J. Teicher, & J. Donaghey (Eds.), Employee voice at work (pp. 91–111).
Barry, M., & Wilkinson, A. (2016). Pro-social or pro-management? A critique of the conception of employee voice as a pro-social behaviour within organizational behaviour. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 54(2), 261–284.
Grant, A. M. (2013). Rocking the boat but keeping it steady: The role of emotion regulation in employee voice. Academy of Management Journal, 56(6), 1703–1723.
Holland, P., Cooper, B., & Hecker, R. (2019). Social media at work: A new form of employee voice? In P. Holland, J. Teicher, & J. Donaghey (Eds.), Employee voice at work (pp. 73–89).
Mennie, P. (2015). Social media risk and governance: Managing enterprise risk. London: Kogan Page.
Morrison, E. W., & Milliken, F. J. (2000). Organizational silence: A barrier to change and development in a pluralistic world. Academy of Management Review, 25(4), 706–725.
Wilkinson, A., & Fay, C. (2011). New times for employee voice? Human Resource Management, 50(1), 65–74.
Wood, S. J., & Wall, T. D. (2007). Work enrichment and employee voice in human resource management-performance studies. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 18(7), 1335–1372.
Zhou, J., & George, J. M. (2001). When job dissatisfaction leads to creativity: Encouraging the expression of voice. Academy of Management Journal, 44(4), 682–696.

management revue – Socio-Economic Studies – Vol. 30, No. 2/3 (Corporate Responsibility: In the Dilemma between Fake and Trust)

2nd/3rd Issue 2019
management revue – Socio-Economic Studies, Volume 30

Special Issue ‘Corporate Responsibility: In the Dilemma between Fake and Trust’
Guest Editors: Simon Fietze, Wenzel Matiaske, Roland Menges

Simon Fietze, Wenzel Matiaske, Roland Menges
Corporate Responsibility: In the Dilemma between Fake and Trust?

Walther Müller-Jentsch
The Dialectics of Trust and Control: About Different Concepts in Human Resource Management and Mandatory Co-determination

Ute Schmiel
Corporate Social Responsibility: A Fake Already According to the Theory of the Firm?

Leona A. Henry, Guido Möllering
Collective Corporate Social Responsibility: The Role of Trust as an Organizing Principle

Jürgen Beyer, Simon Dabrowski, Florian Lottermoser, Konstanze Senge
Shaping or Shaking Trust in Corporate Responsibility Strategies: The Role of Financialization Practices

Grit Tanner, Eva Bamberg, Carolin Baur, Marlies Schümann
Workplace Health Promotion Inspired by Corporate Social Responsibility – Interactions Within Supply Chains and Networks

Maria Uzhegova, Lasse Torkkeli, Sami Saarenketo
Corporate Social Responsibility in SMEs: Implications on Competitive Performance

Thomas Hermann
Corporate Social Responsibility in the Dock. How Persuasive Strategies Support Verbal Accounts in the Event of Loss of Trust

Fabian Grabicki, Roland Menges
Consumer Responsibility and the Transformation Process of the Electricity Market: Insights From Behavioral Decision Research

Call for Papers

Digitalization, Big Data, Social Media and Internet of Things from a Network and Customer Perspective
Submission Deadline: 01 November 2019

Good Work: Eroding and New Standards in a Changing World
Submission Deadline: 31 December 2019

Employee Voice and the Digitalization of Work (Seminar at the IUC Dubrovnik, April 20-24, 2020 & Special Issue)
Submission Deadline: 31 January 2020

Deutsches Jugendinstitut e. V.: Zwei Stellen als Wissenschaftliche/r Referent/in in der Abteilung Familie und Familienpolitik

Das Deutsche Jugendinstitut e. V. (DJI) ist eines der größten sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschungsinstitute Europas mit aktuell fast 400 Beschäftigten in München und an den Standorten Halle (Saale) und Leipzig. Seit über 50 Jahren erforscht es die Lebenslagen von Kindern, Jugendlichen und Familien, berät Bund, Länder sowie Kommunen und liefert wichtige wissenschaftliche Impulse für die Fachpraxis.

Für die Abteilung Familie und Familienpolitik suchen wir Sie als

Wissenschaftliche Referentin/
Wissenschaftlichen Referenten (m/w/d)

in der Fachgruppe F1 Lebenslagen und Lebensführung von Familien (83/2019)

Ihre Kernaufgaben:

  • Entwicklung und Bearbeitung ökonomischer Forschungsfragen zu den Lebenslagen von Familien und sozialer Ungleichheit unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Themen Erwerbsbeteiligung, Armut und Digitalisierung
  • Aufbereitung des ökonomischen Diskurses zu den o. g. Themen
  • Mitwirkung an der Konzeption und Durchführung von Projekten der Fachgruppe
  • Publikation und Dissemination von Forschungsergebnissen in Wissenschaft, Politik und Fachpraxis

Ihr Profil und Ihre Kompetenzen:

  • Abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium in Volkswirtschaftslehre, Wirtschaftswissenschaften oder Statistik/Ökonometrie
  • Abgeschlossene Promotion im Bereich der Familien-, Bildungs- oder Arbeitsmarktökonomik
  • Mehrjährige Berufserfahrung an einer Universität oder in einem Forschungsinstitut
  • Gute Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen in Methoden der quantitativen Sozialforschung sowie der einschlägigen deutschen und europäischen Mikrodatensätze
  • Forschungsinteresse und Publikationserfahrung in den o. g. Forschungsfeldern
  • Aufgeschlossenheit gegenüber der interdisziplinären Forschungszusammenarbeit, Kommunikations- und Teamfähigkeit
  • Sichere Beherrschung der deutschen und englischen Sprache in Wort und Schrift
  • Idealerweise Erfahrungen in der Projektakquise

Unser Angebot:

  • Beschäftigungsbeginn nächstmöglicher Zeitpunkt
  • Unbefristetes Beschäftigungsverhältnis
  • Beschäftigungsumfang 39 Stunden/Woche
  • Tätigkeitsort München
  • Bezahlung entsprechend TVöD Bund bis Entgeltgruppe 14

Das DJI fördert die Gleichstellung aller Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter und begrüßt deshalb Bewerbungen unabhängig von ethnischer, kultureller oder sozialer Herkunft, Alter, Religion, Weltanschauung, Behinderung oder sexueller Identität der Bewerberinnen und Bewerber.

Schwerbehinderte und gleichgestellte Bewerberinnen und Bewerber werden bei gleicher Eignung und Qualifikation bevorzugt berücksichtigt.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung

  • bis zum 03.11.2019
  • unter Angabe der Kennziffer 83/2019
  • vorzugsweise per E-Mail als PDF-Datei
  • inklusive aller Anlagen (max. 10 MB) an

Für Rückfragen und fachliche Auskünfte wenden Sie sich bitte an: Dr. Christina Boll, E-Mail:, Telefon: 089 / 62306-255.

Weiterbildungsangebot: „Auswertung qualitativer Daten mit MAXQDA – Schwerpunkt Visual Tools“ an der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität Hamburg

Nachdem sein MAXQDA-Einführungskurs im vergangenen Jahr bei den Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern auf überaus positive Resonanz gestoßen ist, bietet Herr Dr. Stefan Rädiker im Rahmen der Weiterbildungsangebote der Fakultät WiSo auch in diesem Jahr wieder einen Workshop an der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität an. Diesmal geht es um das Thema: „Auswertung qualitativer Daten mit MAXQDA: Schwerpunkt Visual Tools“. Der Workshop richtet sich an Personen, die mit MAXQDA bereits erste Erfahrungen gesammelt haben (und ist NICHT als Einstieg in die Software gedacht).

Dr. Rädiker ist Diplom-Pädagoge und Trainer. Er hat mehrere Jahre als Chief Technology Officer bei der VERBI GmbH in Berlin, dem Hersteller von MAXQDA, die Funktionen des Programms weiterentwickelt und dabei auch zahlreiche Konzepte für Software- und Methoden-Workshops erarbeitet. Seit 2017 ist er mit seinem Angebot selbstständig tätig.

Die Veranstaltung findet am Freitag, den 25. Oktober 2019 von 09:00 bis 16:00 Uhr im PC-Labor der Fakultät WISO im Hauptgebäude H1 (R. 2161) statt. Es sind selbstverständlich nicht nur Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden willkommen, sondern Interessierte aller erdenklichen Herkünfte.

Für Mitglieder der HSU erfolgt der direkte Kursbeitritt ab sofort unter diesem Link: Wer nicht Angehöriger der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität ist, melde sich bitte bei Simon Weingärtner ( per E-Mail an. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Teilnehmerzahl begrenzt ist. Sollten Sie einen Platz erhalten haben aber kurzfristig nicht teilnehmen können, melden Sie sich bitte in ILIAS bzw. per E-Mail wieder ab, damit ggf. Kolleg*innen auf der Warteliste nachrücken können.

Der Workshop richtet sich an Personen, die bereits mit MAXQDA erste Erfahrungen gesammelt haben(und ist nicht als Einstieg in die Software gedacht). Nach einer kurzen Auffrischung der Basics von MAXQDA (Daten importieren, Codieren, Memos schreiben) widmed sich der Kurs vorrangig den Visualisierungstools, die unabhängig von der gewählten Forschungsmethodik in vielen Auswertungsprozessen gewinnbringend eingesetzt werden können. In einer Mischung aus Demonstration und Übungsphasen stehen zudem die Möglichkeit, Daten zusammenzufassen, auf dem Programm:

  • Code-Matrix-Browser: Die Verteilung von Themen etc. auf Fälle überprüfen
  • Code-Relations-Browser und Codelandkarte: Gemeinsames Vorkommen von Aspekten untersuchen
  • Dokumentportrait und Codeline: Abfolge von Codierungen sichtbar machen
  • MAXMaps: Konzeptmaps erstellen und Ergebnisse visualisieren
  • Wordtree: visuelle Auswertung von Worthäufigkeiten und Wortkombinationen
  • Summary-Grid und Summary-Tabellen: Codierte Textstellen zusammenfassen

ACHTUNG: Zur optimalen Vorbereitung des Workshops werden alle Teilnehmenden gebeten, vorab online ein paar Fragen zu ihren aktuellen Forschungsprojekten (in kurzen Stichpunkten!) zu beantworten. Weiterhin wird Herr Dr. Rädiker einen Übungszettel zu MAXQDA bereitstellen, den die Teilnehmenden in ca. 30-45 Minuten mithilfe von kostenlosen MAXQDA-Tutorials ( bearbeiten können, so dass alle zumindest die Oberfläche schon einmal gesehen haben. Zugang zum Fragebogen und zum Übungszettel erhalten Sie zwei bis drei Wochen vor Workshop-Beginn über den Ilias-Kurs, bzw. als Auswärtige/r per E-Mail.

Die PCs in R. 2161 sind mit der aktuellsten Version des Programms ausgestattet. Wer keine eigene Lizenz besitzt und den eigenen Laptop nutzen möchte, kann zur Bearbeitung die kostenlose Demoversion verwenden ( Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Lizenz nur 14 Tage gültig ist.

MREV – Call for Papers: Good Work: Eroding and New Standards in a Changing World

Guest Editors:
Sven Hauff, Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg
Daniela Rastetter, University of Hamburg

Special Issue
The changing context of work – e.g. though globalisation, intensification of competition, deregulation, growth in employment flexibility, technological changes, digitalization – increasingly triggers debates about the quality of working life and concerns about the well-being of employees. Observations of precarious forms of employment or increasing demands and intensification of work thereby often elicit nostalgic memories of the apparently ‘good old days’ where work was characterized by full-time employment, an adequate income, a permanent contract, and social insurance. However, these ‘old’ standards of ‘good work’ did not apply to all employees and even in the ‘good old days’, work was often characterized by strict hierarchy and low influence, where employees’ interests were largely neglected. Here, modern forms of employment could lead to improvements by providing, for example, more autonomy, involvement, flexible working hours, a better work life balance, and inclusion.

The question of how to evaluate the changes in the world of work is not easy and there are manifold perspectives how to define the standards of ‘good work’. One perspective could be to identify the work and employment conditions that are actually increasing or threatening employee well-being. A particular challenge here is to consider the different dimensions of employee well-being, which includes aspects like physical and mental health, satisfaction, engagement or fairness. Another perspective could be to confront the new developments to the aspirations and values of employees. The latter are also changing since new generations enter the labour market, since women increasingly participate in the labour force, or because migration movements lead to an increasing diversity. Finally, one could contrast the changes with the current regulations in labour and social law concerning employee protection rights, working time and wage standards, social security, and representation of employees’ interests.

In this Special Issue we want to bring together research that addresses the issue of eroding and new standards of ‘good work’ and we encourage researchers to share their thoughts with us. Contributions should address one or more of the following questions:

  • Which standards of good work erode or fade, evolve or change?
  • What are the driving forces behind these changing standards?
  • What influence do digitalisation and globalisation have on the standards of good work?
  • What standards of work are emerging in new forms of organisation such as crowd work platforms?
  • How do individual standards of good work – such as working hours, wages, health and safety, co-determination, trade union representation, or equal opportunities – develop?
  • How can new forms of HRM or business strategies like diversity management support standards of good work?
  • What effects do this change in the standards of good work have on workers and their ability to work and perform?
  • Are standards of good work developing in new fields, for example on the question of religious practice, spirituality and the search for meaning in the workplace?
  • What are the effects for companies and businesses? Which strategies do companies and businesses choose when dealing with new standards, or which strategies lead to new standards?

Full papers for this special issue of management revue – Socio-Economic Studies must be submitted by December 30, 2019. All contributions will be subject to double-blind review. Papers invited to a “revise and resubmit” are due June 31, 2020. The publication is scheduled for issue 2/2021. Please submit your papers electronically via the online submission system at using “SI Standards of Good Work” as article section.

Submission Guidelines
Manuscript length should not exceed 8,000 words (excluding references) and the norm should be 30 pages in double-spaced type with margins of about 3 cm (1 inch) on each side of the page. Further, please follow the guidelines on the journal’s website (

Hoping to hear from you!
Sven Hauff
Daniela Rastetter