Category Archives: General

Reminder HSU-Doktorandenkurs: Measuring Preferences using Conjoint Analytic Methods and Advanced Compositional Approaches, 01.12.2016

Institution: Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg/Syddansk Universitet, Sønderborg (SDU), Denmark

Lecturer: Prof. Martin Meißner, Department of Environmental and Business Economics, SDU

Date: 01.12.2016, 09:00-17:00 (incl. breaks)

Place: Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Holstenhofweg 85, 22043 Hamburg, Aula-Gebäude, Raum 3

Language of instruction: English

Registration: Non-members of the Helmut-Schmidt-Universität may click here firstly to create an HSU-Ilias-account, and secondly here to join the course.

The participants of this course develop a sound understanding of the benefits of using conjoint analytic preferences measurement approaches and alternative advanced compositional approaches. Participants gain practical experience of using conjoint-analytic methods, and develop a better understanding of the value of measuring preferences.

The course starts with introducing the basic concepts behind the measurement of stated preferences, specifically focusing on conjoint analysis. The most often used approaches, i.e. traditional conjoint analysis, adaptive conjoint analysis and choice-based conjoint analysis are introduced. We deliberate on advantages and disadvantages of the approaches and also discuss advanced compositional approaches, like pairwise-comparison based preference measurement and the adaptive self-explicated approach. During the workshop we will further talk about all the important stages of designing a preference measurement study. We pay special attention to the types of research questions that conjoint analysis can answer. We also discuss the most important questions you should answer before setting up your preference measurement/conjoint study: What is the optimal choice of attributes and attribute level? What is a good experimental design? How should I design my survey design and present potential choice scenarios? How do I analyze the results?

Participants will have the opportunity to use Sawtooth Software on their own laptops and build their own conjoint analysis survey during the course. Based on this experience, participants will be able to improve the planning of their own future experiments.

Recommended literature and pre-readings:

  • Bradlow, Eric T. (2005), “Current Issues and a ‘Wish List’ for Conjoint Analysis,” Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 21 (4-5), 319-323.
  • Hauser, John R. and Vithala Rao (2003), “Conjoint Analysis, Related Modeling, and Applications,” in Advances in Marketing Research: Progress and Prospects, in Marketing Research and Modeling: Progress and Prospects, Wind, Jerry and Paul Green (eds.), New York: Springer, 141-168.
  • Huber, Joel (1997), “What We Have Learned from 20 Years of Conjoint Research: When to Use Self-Explicated, Graded Pairs, Full Profiles or Choice Experiments,” Sawtooth Software Conference Proceedings, Sequim, WA., 243-256.
  • Scholz, Sören W., Martin Meissner, and Reinhold Decker (2010), “Measuring Consumer Preferences for Complex Products: A Compositional Approach Based on Paired Comparisons,” Journal of Marketing Research, 47 (4), 685-698.

Reminder Inside the Editor’s Head: Publizieren in internationalen Fachjournalen

Institution: Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg

Lecturer: Dr. Florian Kühn, Institute for International Politics, Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg

Date: 24.11.2016, 14:00-17:00

Place: Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Holstenhofweg 85, 22043 Hamburg, Seminarraum 0105, Hauptgebäude H1

Language of instruction: Deutsch

Registration: Non-members of the Helmut-Schmidt-Universität may click here firstly to create an HSU-Ilias-account, and secondly here to join the course.

Florian Kühn führt aus der Sicht eines Herausgebers einer internationalen Fachzeitschrift (Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding) in die Tücken, Fallstricke aber auch Praxis und Abläufe des Publishings ein. Wenn wir – womöglich zum ersten Mal? – vor der Frage stehen, wo und wie ein Aufsatz eingereicht werden kann und sollte, um angemessen berücksichtigt zu werden, aber auch eine Chance zu haben, einen Peer Review-Prozess zu überstehen, erscheint die Welt der Journal Publishings zunächst wie ein Buch mit sieben Siegeln. Dieser Workshop behandelt in drei Blöcken den Prozess einer Veröffentlichung (Welches Journal? Welcher Aufsatz? Wie präsentieren?). Aus der Sicht eines Herausgebers schildert Florian Kühn häufig gemacht Fehler und gibt Tipps, wie ein Aufsatz erfolgreich eingereicht werden kann, wie die Kommunikation zwischen Herausgebern und Einreichenden sowie zwischen Editorial Boards und Gutachtern verläuft, und wie sich die Chancen verbessern lassen, einen Aufsatz unterzubringen. Was kennzeichnet einen guten Aufsatz, wie präsentiere ich Forschungsergebnisse, welches Publikum spreche ich an, an welche bestehende Forschung knüpfe ich an (oder von welcher grenze ich meine Forschung ab), wie soll das Verhältnis zwischen Forschungsstand – Forschungsergebnissen – Desideraten sein, etc.? Je nach Interesse können Fragen zu Open Access, zu Indices, zu Zitationen und Impact-Berechnungen diskutiert werden.

Dr. Florian Kühn ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Internationale Politik an der HSU, hat Professuren an der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin und an der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg vertreten und ist seit 2013 Herausgeber von JISB.

JMP Intro & DOE/Kriging Workshop using JMP and R on 25th November at the HSU — CANCELED!

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

Due to unforeseen and unfortunate circumstances, the above-mentioned workshop on Kriging using JMP and R, scheduled for 25th November at the HSU, has to be canceled. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Kind regards
Volker Kraft, JMP Academic Ambassador, and Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sven Knoth, Chair of Computational Statistics, Helmut-Schmidt-Universität Hamburg


Reminder – Call for Papers: Echoes of an Era – A Century of Organisational Studies

Special Stream of Management Revue (MREV)
Echoes of an Era – A Century of Organisational Studies

Managing Editor:
Wenzel Matiaske, Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg (Germany)

Hundred years ago, Henri Fayols “Administration Industrielle et Générale”, a milestone in the history of organizational thought, was published. This centenary motivates the editors of the Management Revue to launch a stream on the history of organiational studies. In the forthcoming volumes, and rather on an infrequent basis, we would like to publish contributions which not only introduce the reader to one or several, interrelated seminal works of organizational theory, but also provide accompanying commentaries and an analysis of their history of effects.

The reason for this format is, given our discipline’s forgetfulness of history, to provide orientation, which not only serves teaching and young management scholars. While reference to classic thought contributes to scientific advancement in other fields of the social sciences, in our field some research issues are being addressed over and over again – without putting the associated arguments and findings in an adequate historical context. In this respect, addressing the history of thought should be understood as a contribution to the advancement of management research.

We would like to avoid a strict delimitation of the era being addressed. Contributions on contemporaries of Fayol like Frederik Winston Taylor, Frank B. and Lillian Gilbreth or Henry L. Gantt und Karol Adamiecki are as welcome as contributions are on Fayol’s predecessors or successors. By  no means we are exclusively committed to the “engineers of the organisation”; economists, legal scholars and particularly the labour science community and psychologists should also be given due attention. A temporal upper boundary shall nevertheless be the 1970s, when, most notably induced by Alfred D. Chandler, strategic management and the reflection on it started to thrive.

This stream will be open to submissions until the end of 2017 in the first place. It will be maintained and edited by Wenzel Matiaske (Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg, Germany). Submissions shall accord with the formatting guidelines of the Management Revue. Please submit your manuscripts electronically via our online submission system using “SI Organisation Studies” as article section.

Looking forward to your contribution!
Wenzel Matiaske

Paper course: Audit market research and publication strategies

Institution: Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaft, Universität Hamburg

Course instructor: Professor Nicole Ratzinger-Sakel (UHH)

Dates: Block course: February 2017 (3 days): 22 February, 2017 – 24 February, 2017.
Time: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Location: tba

Course Value: 2 SWS or 4 LP

Course Overview:
The main objectives of this PhD course include:
Introduce students to the main areas of empirical audit market research and discuss the main statistical approaches/models used to examine these areas. In addition, the course will enhance students’ ability to critically review the quality of research papers and will introduce students to the publication process. To do so, students are expected to present and critically discuss papers that will be assigned to the students. Students will further see real reviewers’ comments given during the review process of double-blind reviewed journals as well as the authors’ implementation of these comments. Finally, students should present their (first ideas of) own research ideas during the course.

Teaching language: English

Student evaluation: Presentation and critical discussion of assigned papers (papers will be assigned to students after their application; each student is expected to present and critically discuss one paper)

Application: Please send a short letter of motivation that includes your research interests and a current CV

until January 14, 2017


Review Processes & Research Ethics

Institution: Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaft, Universität Hamburg

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Michel Clement (Universität Hamburg)

Dates: block course: December 5th 2016 and January 10th 2017

Location: tba

Course Value: 1 SWS or 2 LP

Course Overview:
This course will give an introduction in review processes of journals specialized in the management and marketing area and/or media management and media economics. It also aims to teach how to review for journals and how to write response notes within a review process. The course also focuses on research ethics within review processes

Course Contents:
This course will focus on review processes. Topics include:

DAY 1:

1. The Author’s View: The submission process of various journals (Management Science, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Information Systems Research). Discussion of the submission steps:

a. Submission requirements
b. What to submit
c. Editor selection
d. Reviewer selection
e. Data requirements

2. The Editor’s View: Analysis of the submission systems and reviewer selection.

a. Reviewer selection
b. Decision making process
c. Reviewer evaluation

3. The Reviewer’s View: How the evaluate a paper. Guidelines on writing a review.

4. Ethical issues in the review process.

a. Cases of misconduct
b. Reviewer selection
c. Reviewer exclusion
d. Authorships
e. Conflict of Interest

5. Guidelines of how to write a review. Participants receive a paper that they are asked to review until the second part of the course. The reviews are then dis-cussed and the participants then receive the original reviews and the revision notes by the authors to learn how their assessment of the paper matches with the original review.

DAY 2:

6. Discussion of the reviews.

7. Guidelines of how to write revision notes.

8. Guidelines of how to write a response letter.

Individual (or two-person team, with permission) review assignments will be required. Own research questions and papers are very welcome to be discussed in the course.

Please also study the following texts / blog:

Albers, Sönke (2014): Preventing Unethical Publication Behavior of Quantitative Empirical Research by Changing Editorial Policies, Journal of Business Economics, 84 (9): 1151-1165.
Holbrook, Morris B. (1986): A Note on Sadomasochism in the Review Process: I Hate When That Happens, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 50, No. 3 (Jul., 1986), 104-108.

Assessment: Assessment will be based on active participation and performance on assignments. Grading for students of University of Hamburg will be pass/fail.

Registration: Please e-mail Michel Clement: until 01. November 2016 (Please remember that places will be allocated in order of received registrations)


Multivariate Analysis Methods

Institution: Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaft, Universität Hamburg

Lecturer: Tammo Bijmolt (University of Groningen, Faculty of Economics and Business)

Dates: 21st November 2016, 12th December 2016, 16th January 2017, 6th February 2017 (all sessions scheduled on Mondays)

Course Value: 3 SWS or 6 LP

Course Overview:
The PhD course deals with a variety of multivariate analysis methods. The main focus of the course is rather applied: students who have successfully finished the course should be able to apply multivariate analysis methods at an advanced level in scientific research in marketing (or more general, in business). A full-day lecture will be used to explain a particular method and to learn about conducting the analyses. There will be four topics, each with a lecture and an assignment (see below).
The course is open for students from outside Hamburg, from other departments within the Business School, and junior faculty members (max. 15-20 participants). In principle, participants could sign up for all sessions / the entire course, or cherry-pick the topic(-s) that they like.

After attending the course, students should have acquired:
a) State-of-the-art knowledge of potential application of these multivariate analysis methods
b) Understanding of the methodological underpinnings of the methods
c) Practical skills to perform the analyses

Assessment and Credits:
After the session, participants will have to work on an assignment (if the participant requires formal credits), using real data, and write a short report (about 10 pages; to be graded as pass/fail) about this. Participants who attend all sessions and pass the four assignments can attain 6 LP.

Potential topics:
Topics of the PhD course will be selected based on preferences of participants. Therefore, please indicate your preferred topic(s) out of the following methods when registering for the course. Four out of seven topics will be taught in the course.

# Topic

  1. Latent class analysis / mixture modelling
  2. Hierarchical models
  3. Hidden Markov models {assuming knowledge of 1}
  4. Moderation & mediation
  5. Meta-analysis
  6. Factor analysis & principal component analysis
  7. Duration models

Assessment and Credits: After the session, participants will have to work on an assignment (if the participant requires formal credits), using real data, and write a short report (about 10 pages; to be graded as pass/fail) about this. Participants who attend all sessions and pass the four assignments can attain 6 LP.

Registration: To register for this seminar please contact Marius Johnen ( Registration is open till 16th October 2016 and is on a first come, first serve basis.

Tammo H.A. Bijmolt is Professor of Marketing Research at the Department of Marketing. From March 2009 till November 2015, he has been Director of the research school SOM, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Groningen, The Netherlands. His research interests include conceptual and methodological issues such as consumer decision making, e-commerce, advertising, retailing, loyalty programs, and meta-analysis. His publications have appeared in international, prestigious journals, among others: Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, Marketing Science, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Psychometrika, and the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (A). His articles have won best paper awards from International Journal of Research in Marketing (2007), Journal of Interactive Marketing (2011), and European Journal of Marketing (2015). He is member of the editorial board of International Journal of Research in Marketing and International Journal of Electronic Commerce. Tammo Bijmolt is vice-president of EIASM and lectures in the EDEN programs. He has lectured in a broad range of programs at the Bachelor, Master, PhD and executive MBA level. He has been involved in several research-based consultancy projects for a variety of companies including MetrixLab, GfK, Wehkamp, and Unilever. Finally, he served as expert in several legal cases involving market research projects.



New Book: Case Study Research Approaches, Methods, Contribution to Theory

9783957100757Hans-Gerd Ridder

Case Study Research
Approaches, Methods, Contribution to Theory

This book outlines the richness of case study approaches in their contribution to theory. It offers master and doctoral students a systematic overview of how to conduct case study research considering the variety of its approaches.

A continuum of theory is outlined in order to clarify the contribution of research designs to theory. Research topics, research questions, and the role of the theoretical and empirical state of the art are discussed. The conceptual framework is displayed as an orientation, guiding the study theoretically as well as methodologically.

The core of the book is the investigation into the main approaches of case study re-search. Exploratory, explanatory, constructivist, and extended case study approaches are outlined and compared. Commonalities and differences in data collection and data analysis within case study research are deepened.

Hans-Gerd Ridder holds the Chair in Human Resource Management at the Leibniz Universität Hannover. His research focuses on strategic HRM in Profit and Non Profit Organizations.

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Neues Buch: Wahrscheinlichkeits- und Matrizenrechnung für Sozialwissenschaftler

9783957100733Pascal Jordan

Wahrscheinlichkeits- und Matrizenrechnung für Sozialwissenschaftler

Die Themengebiete Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und Lineare Algebra bilden die mathematische Grundlage zahlreicher quantitativer Analyse- und Forschungsansätze in den Sozialwissenschaften. Sie sind dabei nicht nur zum Verständnis klassischer Auswertungsansätze relevant, sondern insbesondere
auch um neu adaptierte statistische Verfahren nachvollziehen und integrieren zu können. Dieses Buch bietet eine theorieorientierte Einführung in die Grundlagen der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und der Linearen Algebra. Im ersten Teil werden nach einer Einführung der drei Kernbegriffe der Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie (Ereignis, Wahrscheinlichkeit, Zufallsvariable) zentrale Sätze der Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie behandelt und das Unabhängigkeitskonzept definiert. Es werden hierauf basierend generelle Prinzipien zur Lösung
wahrscheinlichkeitstheoretischer Probleme dargestellt, kontraintuitive Resultate erläutert sowie häufig auftretende Fallstricke hervorgehoben. Ein separates Kapitel behandelt als Anwendungsbeispiel die statistische Theorie derAuswertung von Experimenten zur Gewinnung kausaler Aussagen.

Der zweite Teil befasst sich mit der Vektor- und Matrizenrechnung. Neben elementaren Begriffen der Vektorrechnung werden hierbei insbesondere auch die Lösung linearer Gleichungssysteme sowie das fortgeschrittene Konzept eines Eigenvektors bzw. eines Eigenwerts behandelt. Anwendungen der
Matrixrechnung werden sowohl im Rahmen des linearen Regressionsmodells als auch für den Bereich der Indexkonstruktion dargestellt.

Schlüsselwörter: Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie, Lineare Algebra, Matrix- Vektorrechnung, Statistik, Stochastik

Pascal Jordan ist promovierter Statistiker. Seine Forschungsinteressen liegen in den Gebieten Latente-Variablen- Modelle, stochastische Prozesse und nichtlineare Optimierung unter Nebenbedingungen.

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Reminder/Update HSU-Doktorandenkurs: Combining Rigor and Relevance with Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA)

Institution: Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg

Lecturer: Jan Dul, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

Date: 20.10.2016 – 10 a.m. to 15 p.m.

Place: Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Holstenhofweg 85, 22043 Hamburg

Room: Seminarraum 0105

Language of instruction: English

Registration: Please notify Dr. Sven Hauff via email (

Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA) is a novel methodology, recently published in Organizational Research Methods (Dul, 2016). Reactions of editors and reviewers of papers that use NCA are very promising. For example, an editor of a 4-star journal said:
“From my perspective, [this NCA paper] is the most interesting paper I have handled at this journal, insofar as it really represents a new way to think about data analyses”.

How does NCA work?
NCA understands cause-effect relations in terms of “necessary but not sufficient”. It means that without the right level of the condition a certain effect cannot occur. This is independent of other causes, thus the necessary condition can be a bottleneck, critical factor, constraint, disqualifier, etc. In practice, the right level of necessary condition must be put and kept in place to avoid guaranteed failure. Other causes cannot compensate for this factor.

Whom is NCA for?
NCA is applicable to any discipline, and can provide strong results even when other analyses such as regression analysis show no or weak effects. By adding a different logic and data analysis approach, NCA adds both rigor and relevance to your theory, data analysis, and publications. NCA is a user-friendly method that requires no advanced statistical or methodological knowledge beforehand. It can be used in both quantitative research as well as in qualitative research. You can become one of the first users of NCA in your field, which makes your publication(s) extra attractive.

What will be discussed in the seminar?
The seminar consists of two parts:

  1. The first part (one hour) is open to anyone who is interested in NCA and its potential value. We will discuss the method and its applications in different management fields.
  2. Immediately afterwards, in the second part (1-3 hours depending on the number of participants) we will discuss the method in more detail. In particular we will focus on the participants’ research areas and datasets. If you are interested in a demonstration of the method on your dataset, please bring your dataset (scores of the variables) on a USB drive (e.g., excel.csv file). Normally, an NCA analysis takes less than 5 minutes to get the main results.

More information:

  • Dul, J. (2016) Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA): Logic and methodology of “necessary but not sufficient” causality, Organizational Research Methods, 19(1), 10-52.