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Qualitative Inquiry and Content Analysis with MAXQDA

Institution: see Organisers & Acknowledgements

Program of study: International Research Workshop

Lecturer: Heiko Grunenberg (Leuphana University Lüneburg)


06.10.2011, 09:00 – 12:30
07.10.2011, 09:00 – 12:30

Room: n.s.

Max. number of participants: 20

Semester periods per week: n.s.

Credit Points: 5 CP for participating in the whole IRWS

Language of instruction: English/German (depending on participants)


MAXqda is a software to analyze textual data in a qualitative (but also quantitative) way. The course provides a basic introduction into the logic of the program and its broad possibilities. The goal is to enable you to use this tool accordingly to your own method of analysis. For this reason, everybody can practice our working-steps at an own Computer. We will start at the very beginning and learn about the basic features of the program such as preparation and import of texts, basic analysis strategies and creation of codes, memos and variables. After this, we will focus on analysis strategies, simple and complex text retrievals. At the end, we will take a short excursion into the quantitative content analysis of counting and numbers.

You have to register for the 5th International Research Workshop to participate in this course.

Data Analysis with Stata (Beginners)

Institution: see Organisers & Acknowledgements

Program of study: International Research Workshop

Lecturer: Tobias Gramlich (University of Duisburg-Essen)


03.10.2011, 09:00 – 12:30
04.10.2011, 09:00 – 12:30
06.10.2011, 09:00 – 12:30
07.10.2011, 09:00 – 12:30

Room: n.s.

Max. number of participants: 20

Semester periods per week: n.s.

Credit Points: 5 CP for participating in the whole IRWS

Language of instruction: English/German (depending on participants)


Stata is a statistical program package widely used (not only) in the social and economical sciences; it is used for data management, statistical graphics and analysis of quantitative data. Statistical concepts will not be part of the course, so participants should have some very basic knowledge of statistics. The course should enable participants to prepare their data for analysis, perform adequate analysis using a statistical computer program and to document these tasks to keep them reproducible.

For Beginners with No or Very Little Knowledge of the Program!

Course Topics cover:

  • “What You Type is What You Get”: Basic stata Command syntax
  • Getting (and Understanding) Help within stata: stata Bulit-in Help System
  • Basic Data Management: Load and Save stata Datasets, Generate and Manipulate Variables, Describe and Label Data and Variables, Perform Basic uni- and bivariate Analyses, Change the Structure of your Data
  • Basic stata Graphics: Scatterplot, Histogram, Bar Chart
  • Working with “Do-” and “Log-” Files

You have to register for the 5th International Research Workshop to participate in this course.

(Multi-Value) Qualitative Comparative Analysis

Institution: see Organisers & Acknowledgements

Program of study: International Research Workshop

Lecturer: Lasse Cronqvist (University of Trier)


03.10.2011, 14:00 – 17:30
04.10.2011, 14:00 – 17:30
06.10.2011, 14:00 – 17:30

Room: n.s.

Max. number of participants: 24

Semester periods per week: n.s.

Credit Points: 5 CP for participating in the whole IRWS

Language of instruction: German


Configurational Comparative Methods (CCM) are increasingly in social science research. The workshop will introduce to these methods mainly on focusing on Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA). We will first introduce the conceptional basics of QCA and then looking at different refinements. Various applications of CCM will be studied and the software used for QCA will be introduced. Finally, current developments in CCM research are briefly presented.

The software introduced in this course is only available for Windows OS:
Tool for Small-N Analysis – Tosmana –

You have to register for the 5th International Research Workshop to participate in this course.

Introduction to the SOEP

Institution: see Organisers & Acknowledgements

Program of study: International Research Workshop

Lecturer: Elke Holst (SOEP at DIW) and Anne Busch (Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (BGSS) & SOEP at DIW)


03.10.2011, 14:00 – 17:30
04.10.2011, 14:00 – 17:30

Room: n.s.

Max. number of participants: 25

Semester periods per week: n.s.

Credit Points: 5 CP for participating in the whole IRWS

Language of instruction: English


The Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) is a longitudinal study of private households in Germany. The panel provides information on all household members and was started in 1984. In 2009, there were almost 12,000 households, and more than 20,000 persons sampled. Some of the many topics include household composition, occupational biographies, employment, earnings, health, well being, integration, values, lifestyles, and personality. The course gives an overview of the data structure and the research designs facilitated by longitudinal household studies that go beyond conventional surveys (household analysis, intergenerational analysis, life course research, etc.). In hands-on sessions using Stata, the course provides an applied introduction into the data retrieval, the construction of longitudinal data files, and illustrates some exemplary analyses.

You have to register for the 5th International Research Workshop to participate in this course.

Teaching Skills: The Adequate Implementation of Activating Methods in Seminar Sessions

Institution: see Organisers & Acknowledgements

Program of study: International Research Workshop

Lecturer: Verena Brenner (Self-Employed Trainer) & Tatjana Reiber (HSU Hamburg)

Date: 05.10.2011, 09:00 – 17:30

Room: n.s.

Max. number of participants: 20

Semester periods per week: n.s.

Credit Points: 5 CP for participating in the whole IRWS

Language of instruction: German


Although independence and personal initiative are considered key competencies in academia, teaching at university level does often amount to the transfer of knowledge from an expert (the lecturer) to a passively absorbing audience (the students). Participants of this course will get to know various activating methods and teaching strategies, which encourage students to study autonomously and self-determined. A strong focus will be set on the appropriate use of these methods: for which objectives, in which course context and for which target group can a method be applied? Furthermore, participants will have time and opportunity to practice the instruction of several methods.

You have to register for the 5th International Research Workshop to participate in this course.

Analysing Panel Data

Institution: see Organisers & Acknowledgements

Program of study: International Research Workshop

Lecturer: Toben Dall Schmidt, Nisar Ahmad (SDU Sonderburg/Denmark) – tbc

Date: 06.10.2011, 14:00 – 17:30

Room: n.s.

Max. number of participants: 25

Semester periods per week: n.s.

Credit Points: 5 CP for participating in the whole IRWS

Language of instruction: English


Panel data has become popular due to their very specific structure and associated advantages. This module will introduce these basic structures and offer some first insights into the different standard estimation methods available to use panel data for analysis – the most two most common being the fixed effects models and the random effects models. In terms of advantages, the module will offer a discussion of the properties of panel data in allowing for unobservable heterogeneity, but it will also point to some of the caveats of using panel data, e.g. attrition problem in survey data. A final issue in the module will be testing procedures to allow for a selection between different estimation methods for panel data. The module will therefore offer a basic introduction into the essence of panel data analysis.

You have to register for the 5th International Research Workshop to participate in this course.

Einführung in die Wissenschaftstheorie

Institution: Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Fakultät Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften

Studiengang: Doktorandenweiterbildung

Dozent/in: Prof. Dr. Günther Ortmann

Regelmäßige oder geblockte Veranstaltung im Herbsttrimester 2011 (Oktober bis Dezember). Der genaue Termin wird noch bekannt gegeben!

Raum: Wird noch bekannt gegeben!

Max. Teilnehmerzahl: k.A.

Semester-Wochen-Stunden: k.A.

Credit Points: k.A.

Unterrichtssprache: deutsch


Wenn Sie Interesse an der Veranstaltung haben, schicken Sie bitte die Einladung ausgefüllt an Axel Czaya. Sobald die Veranstaltung terminiert und weiter geplant wurde, werden die Informationen hier veröffentlicht.

European workshop to introduce the EU Survey of Income and Living Conditions and the EU Labour Force Survey data

Thursday 4 August – Friday 5 August 2011
University of Manchester

A two-day workshop organised by ESDS Government at the University of Manchester and GESIS at the Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Mannheim. This workshop will give an introduction to the cross-national comparative EU-SILC and EU-LFS data. There is a registration fee of £110 (£55 for students).

For more information and to book a place please go to and see the flyer.

Tagung: Soziale Netzwerkanalyse und ihr Beitrag zur sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung

Hiermit möchten wir Sie heute auf eine Tagung am 24. und 25. März 2011 im Hamburg aufmerksam machen mit dem Titel:

“Soziale Netzwerkanalyse und ihr Beitrag zur sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung”

Nähere Informationen zum Programm und zur Anmeldung finden Sie unter:

Bitte geben Sie uns gesondert Bescheid, wenn Sie Interesse haben, Ihre Forschung auf der Tagung im Rahmen einer moderierten Postersession zu präsentieren. Eine ausgearbeitete Publikation im Tagungsband ist möglich.

Nachstehend finden Sie einen zusammenfassenden Einblick in die Tagung:

Die neuesten Erkenntnisse der Netzwerkforschung werden auf der Tagung diskutiert und darüber hinaus Vernetzungsprojekte von der Behörde für Schule und Berufsbildung und der Behörde für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt vorgestellt.

Am ersten Tag wird es um inhaltliche und methodische Aspekte der Analyse von Gesamt- und egozentrierten Netzwerken gehen. Interdisziplinärer Austausch und methodische Vorgehensweisen vor allem in Bezug auf egozentrierte Netzwerke stehen dann am zweiten Tage der Veranstaltung im Vordergrund. Zudem finden am zweiten Tag Kurzworkshops sowie eine moderierte Postersession statt.

Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling (Achtung: Geänderter Terminplan!)

Institution: Universität Hamburg, Fakultät Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften

Studiengang: Graduate School

Dozent/in: Dr. Elmar Schlüter (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin)

Termin(e): (Achtung: Geänderter Terminplan!)
Do., 17.02.: 10:00 – 17:00 Uhr (1 Stunde Mittagspause)
Fr., 18.02.: 10:00 – 17:00 Uhr (1 Stunde Mittagspause)

Sa., 19.02.: 09:00 – 13:00 Uhr

Raum: Universität Hamburg, Fakultät Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, Raum WiWi 1005 (Von-Melle-Park 5)

Max. Teilnehmerzahl: 15

Semester-Wochen-Stunden: k.A.

Credit Points: 2

Unterrichtssprache: deutsch


Anmeldefrist: 17.01.-04.02.11 (per Mail bei der WiSo-Geschäftsstelle, siehe Anmeldeformular)

Outline: Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is becoming one of the standard instruments of empirical social science research. The main advantage of SEM is that these models are suited to empirically test complex theoretical assumptions in detail.

The primary objective of this course is to give participants an introduction into the method and provide them with the basic understanding and technical skills necessary for modeling structural equations and interpreting the results, using cross-sectional data. Core topics of the course will be:

  • confirmatory factor analysis, path models, full SEMs
  • specification of different models and evaluation of model fit
  • multiple group comparisons.

The course is designed for application-oriented participants, intending to provide a broad overview of SEM, but it is also suitable for users who are already familiar with the basics of SEM offering them the possibility to enlarge their knowledge and/or practical skills in the field. Participants need to have a basic comprehension of statistical methods and a minimum experience in multivariate data analysis (factor analysis and OLS regression).

To facilitate the transfer of theoretical knowledge into own research, a large part of the course will be devoted to systematic exercises employing freely available survey data. Throughout the course, we will use the Mplus software.

Elmar Schlueter is senior researcher at the Social Science Research Center Berlin, Germany. He completed his PhD as Fellow of the DFG Research Training School “Group-focused Enmity”, at the Universities of Bielefeld, Giessen, and Marburg, where he also teaches courses on research methods.