Author Archives: Simon Weingärtner

Workshop at Helmut-Schmidt-University on Good Practices in Peer-Review (30 and 31 January 2020)

Institution: Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg

Lecturer:  Prof. Dr. Abbie Griffin (University of Utah), Prof. Dr. Gloria Barczak (Northeastern University Boston), Former Editors of  the Journal of Product Innovation Management (JPIM)

Thursday, Jan 30, 01:00 pm – 05:00 pm
Friday, Jan. 31, 09:00 am – 01:00 pm

Place: Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Holstenhofweg 85, 22043 Hamburg. Building H 1, Room 1174

Language of instruction: English

Registration: If you like to participate, please E-Mail to

Contents: How to handle reviews and what makes a good review for an A-Journal in the social sciences

Uni Bremen: Doctoral Workshop – Digitalization in Logistics on February 10 – 11, 2020

We are happy to invite PhD students and doctoral candidates to our Doctoral Workshop “Digitalization in Logistics” in Bremen. The workshop is organized by the Bremen Research Cluster for Dynamics in Logistics (LogDynamics) and will be held on February 10 – 11, 2020 at the University of Bremen. It is a satellite event in cooperation with the 7th International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics (LDIC 2020). The goal of the Doctoral Workshop is to forge a seed of young researchers from different disciplines, who share the interest in mechanisms for coordination of logistics processes as well as in the cooperation and competitiveness in supply chains.

The courses of the workshop include among others the following topics:

  • Global Supply Chains and logistics management
  • Good logistics research & design science research
  • Digitalization and its impacts on transportation and mobility
  • Logistics optimization problems

The students will utilize this knowledge within their own projects to:

  • classify their research project in the topic landscape of the workshops
  • sharpen the understanding of the working principles and realize the interdependencies between different levels and components of the systems
  • work on concrete industrial case studies to explore evaluation possibilities

All researchers who work on projects or theses at the interface of logistics, computer science, industrial engineering or related fields are welcome to send their application. Successful participants will receive a certificate at the end of program.

Please submit your application, including CV and a short description of your project or thesis by January 5, 2020, via e-mail at

For a detailed program and other important dates, please see the flyer or visit the website

Uni Hamburg: PhD Course Advanced Modelling and Optimization

Course Instructor: Prof. Fliedner/Prof. Haase

Course Value: 2 SWS or 5 LP

Teaching language: English

Registration: via Email to

Course Objectives:

This course builds up on the fundamentals of linear and combinatorial optimization and equips students with a set of advanced modeling tools to solve optimization models from different fields of application. Students learn to formulate optimization models as   mixed- integer linear programs, how to solve them with standard software and how to construct heuristic solution algorithms. Successful participants will be able to deal with the  complexity of real-world decision problems via aggregation, relaxation, and decomposition techniques. This course is aimed at Ph.D. students in information systems, business administration, and computer science. Participants are expected to have a solid understanding of the basics of modeling and optimization and will be provided with an advanced understanding of algebraic optimization models and solution  methods

Student evaluation:

Successful completion of work assignments

Uni Hamburg: PhD Course Survey Research

Dates & Time:
Kick-Off: November 18, 2019; 6 pm
Seminar: February 10 – 12, 2020; full time (tba)
Exam: February 17, 2020; 9 am

Universität Hamburg, Moorweidenstr. 18, room 0005.1 (for 18 Nov 2019, 10 – 12 Feb 2020); room for exam tba

Prof. Dr. Karen Gedenk

Teaching Language:

Credit Points: 
2 SWS/5 LP

until November 11, 2019. Please send an e-mail to Elke Thoma ( which  informs about:

  • your name
  • your email address
  • the supervisor of your doctoral thesis and topic
  • your background in statistics and empirical research.


This course is designed to lay the foundations of good survey-based research in different areas of Business Administration. Through a critical review of existing literature, presen- tations and discussions, students become acquainted with common problems in survey- based research and advanced methods for solving them. Students get an overview of dif- ferent methods in the survey research “tool box”. This helps them identify appropriate methods for their own research and evaluate research done by others.


Students should have a solid foundation in statistics and be familiar with the basics of multivariate data analysis.

Student Evaluation:

To pass the course, participants are required to make a successful presentation. In addi- tion, they need to read one paper on each topic, participate in class discussions, and pass the exam.

Contents & Working Requirements:

Exemplary topics are preference measurement, measurement models for complex con- structs, structural equation models, moderation and mediation, multicollinearity, heter- ogeneity, endogeneity, common method bias. A list of topics and readings will be pro- vided at the kick-off meeting.

Participants prepare and hold a presentation – either alone or in a group (depending on the number of participants). In their presentation, participants explain, compare and evaluate methods relevant for their specific problem. All presentations should contain a practical example based either on an own dataset or on published research. Participants also take an exam at the end of the course.


Prof. Dr. Karen Gedenk (

For all organiziational issues please contact Elke Thoma  (


Uni Hamburg: PhD Course Behavioral & Experimental Economics

Dates: The course takes place on four days. Sessions are scheduled in both the winter term and the summer term, such that participants have sufficient time to develop and run their experiments:

November 22nd, 2019; November 27th, 2019; March 27th, 2020.

The last session will take place either in May or June 2020, and will be scheduled in the second meeting.

Time 10am—4pm
Place Universität Hamburg (more details follow)
Instructor Prof. Dr. Markus Nöth and Prof. Dr. Guido Voigt (both UHH)
Teaching language English
Credit Points 2 SWS/5 LP

(first come, first-served)


The main goal of this course is to introduce the design and implementation of both laboratory and field experiments in various fields of Economics and Business Administration. PhD students who have some experience with or who consider to set up an experiment are welcome to par- ticipate in this course.

First, we will identify different research questions for a laboratory or a field experiment. We start with discussing critical theory assumptions. We then show how research hypotheses can be inferred from behavioral models and how these hypotheses may be tested in lab or field studies.

Second, participants will present and discuss an experimental paper (either provided by us or self-selected) that is instructive for their own research field.

Third, participants will develop an experimental design and conduct a pilot experiment that is run in class. We introduce basic statistics along with a discussion how they relate to the exper- imental design. Alternatively, for participants who do not plan to conduct their own experi- ments, a second paper will be reviewed.

Participants have the option to take a research ethics training (https://about.citipro- that becomes increasingly important to conduct research projects with colleagues from the Unites States and in the European Union. All students will learn the basic requirements of a human subjects committee.

Some topics:

  • Identify a suitable research question for an experiment
  • Ethical and scientific standards: historical and scientific reasons, consent requirements, hu- man subjects committee, special requirements (children, elderly people, inmates, …), data collection and evaluation
  • Individual and group experiments in the laboratory
  • Surveys and internet experiments
  • Field experiments in cooperation with a company


Basic background in microeconomics, game theory and statistics.

Student evaluation:

  • Presentation and critical discussion of one or two experimental papers,
  • Optional but encouraged: experiment design presentation (extended summary on eco- nomic question, relevant literature, hypotheses, design: presentation with 10 slides or max. five pages extended abstract); running a pilot experiment


Schedule (tentative) 

Day Topics Suggested Readings
1st Session Introduction to the field

Game theoretic models, critical as- sumptions, Behavioral Models and Research Hypothesis

Laboratory Experiments

Katok (2018)
2nd Session Presentation and discussion of as- signed papers.

Statistics & Design Choices IRB, Field-Experiments

Hyndman, K. and Embrey, M. (2018)
3rd Session Presentation of research (Problem De- scription, Research Hypothesis, Exper- imental design)

Visit of WiSo-Experimentallabor (z- Tree, Eye-Tracking, etc.)

4th Session Presentation of pilot studies (Note: Pilot studies need to be scheduled in- dependently by participants)

Suggested readings before the course:

Katok, E. (2018) Designing and Conducting Laboratory Experiments, pages: 1-33 in Donohue, K.; Katok, E.; Leider, S. (Hg.). The handbook of behavioral operations. John Wiley & Sons, 2018. (online available)

Hyndman, K. and Embrey, M. (2018) Econometrics for Experiments, pages: 35-88 in Donohue, K.; Katok, E.; Leider, S. (Hg.). The handbook of behavioral operations. John Wiley & Sons, 2018. (online available)


Other useful resources:

Baum, C. F. (2006) An introduction to modern econometrics using Stata. Stata press Camerer, C (2003) Behavioral Game Theory, Princeton University Press.

Holt, C. (2019), Markets, Games, and Strategic Behavior: A First Course in Experimental Economics, 2nd edition, Princeton Universtity Press

Kagel, J. and A. Roth (1995) Handbook of Experimental Economics, Princeton University Press.

Sheskin, D. J. (2011) Handbook of parametric and nonparametric statistical procedures. 5. ed. CRC Press.

Other material (e.g., papers to be presented etc.) will be distributed once we know who participates.


Deutsches Jugendinstitut e. V.: Zwei Stellen als Wissenschaftliche/r Referent/in in der Abteilung Familie und Familienpolitik

Das Deutsche Jugendinstitut e. V. (DJI) ist eines der größten sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschungsinstitute Europas mit aktuell fast 400 Beschäftigten in München und an den Standorten Halle (Saale) und Leipzig. Seit über 50 Jahren erforscht es die Lebenslagen von Kindern, Jugendlichen und Familien, berät Bund, Länder sowie Kommunen und liefert wichtige wissenschaftliche Impulse für die Fachpraxis.

Für die Abteilung Familie und Familienpolitik suchen wir Sie als

Wissenschaftliche Referentin/
Wissenschaftlichen Referenten (m/w/d)

in der Fachgruppe F1 Lebenslagen und Lebensführung von Familien (83/2019)

Ihre Kernaufgaben:

  • Entwicklung und Bearbeitung ökonomischer Forschungsfragen zu den Lebenslagen von Familien und sozialer Ungleichheit unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Themen Erwerbsbeteiligung, Armut und Digitalisierung
  • Aufbereitung des ökonomischen Diskurses zu den o. g. Themen
  • Mitwirkung an der Konzeption und Durchführung von Projekten der Fachgruppe
  • Publikation und Dissemination von Forschungsergebnissen in Wissenschaft, Politik und Fachpraxis

Ihr Profil und Ihre Kompetenzen:

  • Abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium in Volkswirtschaftslehre, Wirtschaftswissenschaften oder Statistik/Ökonometrie
  • Abgeschlossene Promotion im Bereich der Familien-, Bildungs- oder Arbeitsmarktökonomik
  • Mehrjährige Berufserfahrung an einer Universität oder in einem Forschungsinstitut
  • Gute Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen in Methoden der quantitativen Sozialforschung sowie der einschlägigen deutschen und europäischen Mikrodatensätze
  • Forschungsinteresse und Publikationserfahrung in den o. g. Forschungsfeldern
  • Aufgeschlossenheit gegenüber der interdisziplinären Forschungszusammenarbeit, Kommunikations- und Teamfähigkeit
  • Sichere Beherrschung der deutschen und englischen Sprache in Wort und Schrift
  • Idealerweise Erfahrungen in der Projektakquise

Unser Angebot:

  • Beschäftigungsbeginn nächstmöglicher Zeitpunkt
  • Unbefristetes Beschäftigungsverhältnis
  • Beschäftigungsumfang 39 Stunden/Woche
  • Tätigkeitsort München
  • Bezahlung entsprechend TVöD Bund bis Entgeltgruppe 14

Das DJI fördert die Gleichstellung aller Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter und begrüßt deshalb Bewerbungen unabhängig von ethnischer, kultureller oder sozialer Herkunft, Alter, Religion, Weltanschauung, Behinderung oder sexueller Identität der Bewerberinnen und Bewerber.

Schwerbehinderte und gleichgestellte Bewerberinnen und Bewerber werden bei gleicher Eignung und Qualifikation bevorzugt berücksichtigt.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung

  • bis zum 03.11.2019
  • unter Angabe der Kennziffer 83/2019
  • vorzugsweise per E-Mail als PDF-Datei
  • inklusive aller Anlagen (max. 10 MB) an

Für Rückfragen und fachliche Auskünfte wenden Sie sich bitte an: Dr. Christina Boll, E-Mail:, Telefon: 089 / 62306-255.

Weiterbildungsangebot: „Auswertung qualitativer Daten mit MAXQDA – Schwerpunkt Visual Tools“ an der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität Hamburg

Nachdem sein MAXQDA-Einführungskurs im vergangenen Jahr bei den Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern auf überaus positive Resonanz gestoßen ist, bietet Herr Dr. Stefan Rädiker im Rahmen der Weiterbildungsangebote der Fakultät WiSo auch in diesem Jahr wieder einen Workshop an der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität an. Diesmal geht es um das Thema: „Auswertung qualitativer Daten mit MAXQDA: Schwerpunkt Visual Tools“. Der Workshop richtet sich an Personen, die mit MAXQDA bereits erste Erfahrungen gesammelt haben (und ist NICHT als Einstieg in die Software gedacht).

Dr. Rädiker ist Diplom-Pädagoge und Trainer. Er hat mehrere Jahre als Chief Technology Officer bei der VERBI GmbH in Berlin, dem Hersteller von MAXQDA, die Funktionen des Programms weiterentwickelt und dabei auch zahlreiche Konzepte für Software- und Methoden-Workshops erarbeitet. Seit 2017 ist er mit seinem Angebot selbstständig tätig.

Die Veranstaltung findet am Freitag, den 25. Oktober 2019 von 09:00 bis 16:00 Uhr im PC-Labor der Fakultät WISO im Hauptgebäude H1 (R. 2161) statt. Es sind selbstverständlich nicht nur Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden willkommen, sondern Interessierte aller erdenklichen Herkünfte.

Für Mitglieder der HSU erfolgt der direkte Kursbeitritt ab sofort unter diesem Link: Wer nicht Angehöriger der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität ist, melde sich bitte bei Simon Weingärtner ( per E-Mail an. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Teilnehmerzahl begrenzt ist. Sollten Sie einen Platz erhalten haben aber kurzfristig nicht teilnehmen können, melden Sie sich bitte in ILIAS bzw. per E-Mail wieder ab, damit ggf. Kolleg*innen auf der Warteliste nachrücken können.

Der Workshop richtet sich an Personen, die bereits mit MAXQDA erste Erfahrungen gesammelt haben(und ist nicht als Einstieg in die Software gedacht). Nach einer kurzen Auffrischung der Basics von MAXQDA (Daten importieren, Codieren, Memos schreiben) widmed sich der Kurs vorrangig den Visualisierungstools, die unabhängig von der gewählten Forschungsmethodik in vielen Auswertungsprozessen gewinnbringend eingesetzt werden können. In einer Mischung aus Demonstration und Übungsphasen stehen zudem die Möglichkeit, Daten zusammenzufassen, auf dem Programm:

  • Code-Matrix-Browser: Die Verteilung von Themen etc. auf Fälle überprüfen
  • Code-Relations-Browser und Codelandkarte: Gemeinsames Vorkommen von Aspekten untersuchen
  • Dokumentportrait und Codeline: Abfolge von Codierungen sichtbar machen
  • MAXMaps: Konzeptmaps erstellen und Ergebnisse visualisieren
  • Wordtree: visuelle Auswertung von Worthäufigkeiten und Wortkombinationen
  • Summary-Grid und Summary-Tabellen: Codierte Textstellen zusammenfassen

ACHTUNG: Zur optimalen Vorbereitung des Workshops werden alle Teilnehmenden gebeten, vorab online ein paar Fragen zu ihren aktuellen Forschungsprojekten (in kurzen Stichpunkten!) zu beantworten. Weiterhin wird Herr Dr. Rädiker einen Übungszettel zu MAXQDA bereitstellen, den die Teilnehmenden in ca. 30-45 Minuten mithilfe von kostenlosen MAXQDA-Tutorials ( bearbeiten können, so dass alle zumindest die Oberfläche schon einmal gesehen haben. Zugang zum Fragebogen und zum Übungszettel erhalten Sie zwei bis drei Wochen vor Workshop-Beginn über den Ilias-Kurs, bzw. als Auswärtige/r per E-Mail.

Die PCs in R. 2161 sind mit der aktuellsten Version des Programms ausgestattet. Wer keine eigene Lizenz besitzt und den eigenen Laptop nutzen möchte, kann zur Bearbeitung die kostenlose Demoversion verwenden ( Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Lizenz nur 14 Tage gültig ist.

MREV – Call for Papers: Good Work: Eroding and New Standards in a Changing World

Guest Editors:
Sven Hauff, Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg
Daniela Rastetter, University of Hamburg

Special Issue
The changing context of work – e.g. though globalisation, intensification of competition, deregulation, growth in employment flexibility, technological changes, digitalization – increasingly triggers debates about the quality of working life and concerns about the well-being of employees. Observations of precarious forms of employment or increasing demands and intensification of work thereby often elicit nostalgic memories of the apparently ‘good old days’ where work was characterized by full-time employment, an adequate income, a permanent contract, and social insurance. However, these ‘old’ standards of ‘good work’ did not apply to all employees and even in the ‘good old days’, work was often characterized by strict hierarchy and low influence, where employees’ interests were largely neglected. Here, modern forms of employment could lead to improvements by providing, for example, more autonomy, involvement, flexible working hours, a better work life balance, and inclusion.

The question of how to evaluate the changes in the world of work is not easy and there are manifold perspectives how to define the standards of ‘good work’. One perspective could be to identify the work and employment conditions that are actually increasing or threatening employee well-being. A particular challenge here is to consider the different dimensions of employee well-being, which includes aspects like physical and mental health, satisfaction, engagement or fairness. Another perspective could be to confront the new developments to the aspirations and values of employees. The latter are also changing since new generations enter the labour market, since women increasingly participate in the labour force, or because migration movements lead to an increasing diversity. Finally, one could contrast the changes with the current regulations in labour and social law concerning employee protection rights, working time and wage standards, social security, and representation of employees’ interests.

In this Special Issue we want to bring together research that addresses the issue of eroding and new standards of ‘good work’ and we encourage researchers to share their thoughts with us. Contributions should address one or more of the following questions:

  • Which standards of good work erode or fade, evolve or change?
  • What are the driving forces behind these changing standards?
  • What influence do digitalisation and globalisation have on the standards of good work?
  • What standards of work are emerging in new forms of organisation such as crowd work platforms?
  • How do individual standards of good work – such as working hours, wages, health and safety, co-determination, trade union representation, or equal opportunities – develop?
  • How can new forms of HRM or business strategies like diversity management support standards of good work?
  • What effects do this change in the standards of good work have on workers and their ability to work and perform?
  • Are standards of good work developing in new fields, for example on the question of religious practice, spirituality and the search for meaning in the workplace?
  • What are the effects for companies and businesses? Which strategies do companies and businesses choose when dealing with new standards, or which strategies lead to new standards?

Full papers for this special issue of management revue – Socio-Economic Studies must be submitted by December 30, 2019. All contributions will be subject to double-blind review. Papers invited to a “revise and resubmit” are due June 31, 2020. The publication is scheduled for issue 2/2021. Please submit your papers electronically via the online submission system at using “SI Standards of Good Work” as article section.

Submission Guidelines
Manuscript length should not exceed 8,000 words (excluding references) and the norm should be 30 pages in double-spaced type with margins of about 3 cm (1 inch) on each side of the page. Further, please follow the guidelines on the journal’s website (

Hoping to hear from you!
Sven Hauff
Daniela Rastetter

GIGA Winter Term Programme 2019: 10 October – 2 December

GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies
Neuer Jungfernstieg 21
20354 Hamburg

The following seminars are open to doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers at the GIGA and its partner institutions. Please note that other external participants are asked to pay a small course fee.

10 – 11 October Research Design and Strategy Edalina Rodrigues Sanches, Universidade de Lisboa
14 – 15 October Qualitative approaches to data collection and analysis Alexandra Hartman, UCL
21 – 22 October Experimental Methods in the Social Sciences Joanna Gereke, MZES

Nan Zhang, Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods

5 – 6 November Data Analysis with R Rodrigo Rodrigues-Silveira, Salamanca University
12 November Concept formation and measurement Saskia Ruth-Lovell, GIGA
25 November Global approach to CAS Series I Patrick Köllner, GIGA
2 December Global approach to CAS Series II André Bank, GIGA

Information on Registration
Participants need to register online by filling in the registration form that is available on the website of the respective event. Please note that your registration will be confirmed by email only after the deadline (there is no automatic registration confirmation).

Questions regarding the course programme or registration should be addressed to Paula Denker. 

Registration deadline: Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Weiterbildungsangebot für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs: “Publizieren und Begutachten in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften” an der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität Hamburg

Institution: Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg

Lecturer: PD Dr. Dominik Kreß, Vertretungsprofessur für Beschaffung und Produktion an der HSU

Dates: 16.10. (Achtung: Terminänderung!), 29.10., 12.11., 26.11., 10.12.2019, 11:30-13:00 Uhr

Location: Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Holstenhofweg 85, 22043 Hamburg, M01, Raum 0001 (Mensagebäude)

Language of instruction: Deutsch

Registration: Per Email bis 30.09.2019 an

Contents: Die Veranstaltung richtet sich an Nachwuchswissenschaftler aus den  Wirtschaftswissenschaften, die am Beginn ihres Promotionsprojektes stehen. Wir durchleuchten in einem gemeinsamen Gespräch und anhand konkreter Beispiele alle Phasen des Publikationsprozesses in Fachzeitschriften.

  1. Zeitschriften
    a. Rankings, Impact Factor, etc.
    b. Wahl der „richtigen“ Zeitschrift
    c. Dauer des Publikationsprozesses
    d. „Guide for authors“
  2. Das Paper
    a. Was macht ein „gutes“ Paper aus?
    b. Welche Zeitschrift ist die richtige?
  3. Der Einreichungsprozess
  4. Peer-Review
    a. Was ist das?
    b. Gutachten schreiben
    c. Auf Gutachten antworten
    d. Was tun, wenn mein Paper abgelehnt wurde?
  5. Was passiert, nachdem mein Paper angenommen wurde?
    a. Page Proofs
    b. Copyright (auch: Verwendung in Monographien?)
    c. Article Sharing: accepted manuscript, embargo periods
  6. VG Wort

1. Ruhl, K., N. Mart, J. Töbel (Hrsg.). Publizieren während der Promotion. VS Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2010.
2. Matthias Stark, J. Peer Review für wissenschaftliche Fachjournale. Springer, Wiesbaden, 2018.