Author Archives: Simon Jebsen

Data Visualization

Institution: see Organisers & Supporters

Programme of study: International Research Workshop

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Daniel Schnitzlein (Leibniz University Hannover & Innside Statistics)

Date: see Workshop Programme

Max. number of participants: 20

Credit Points: 5 CP for participating in the whole IRWS

Language of instruction: English

Contents: Results of scientific research are often (and increasingly) complex and hard to understand for a non-scientific audience. However, at the same time, the transfer of results from academic research to an outside-academia recipient, for example, politics, private foundations or private firms providing research funding, but also the interested public, gets more and more important. Probably the most important skill in this context is the ability to create good visualization of your main (quantitative data-based) results.

Today, data are everyday companions in almost all scientific and professional fields. The graphical representation of data is both an elementary step in the analysis process and an important component in communicating the results. The course Data Visualization trains this ability and leads you away from the standard diagrams of common office/statistics packages to clear and concise representations with the help of many practice-oriented examples. The course consists of 50% lectures and 50% hands-on sessions.

Requirement of students: Basic knowledge of empirical (quantitative) social and economic research is beneficial but not strictly necessary. The methods trained in this course are applicable to all visualization tasks independent of the applied software package. Visualization examples will be based mainly on R. Code examples will be provided within the lecture. A selection of examples will also be available in Excel and Python.

You have to register for the International Research Workshop to participate in this course.

Questionnaire Design

Institution: see Organisers & Supporters

Programme of study: International Research Workshop

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Daniel Schnitzlein (Leibniz University Hannover & Innside Statistics)

Date: see Workshop Programme

Max. number of participants: 20

Credit Points: 5 CP for participating in the whole IRWS

Language of instruction: English

Contents: The course provides an overview of the theoretical basics and empirical evidence of questionnaire design. The cognitive process of survey responding, challenges of designing effective survey questions including aspects of proper question wording and optimal response formats, as well as pretest techniques for evaluating survey questions will be discussed. A practical part will accompany the lecture.

You have to register for the International Research Workshop to participate in this course.

A differentiated Europe and its implications

The core objective of this course is to address differentiation as a central concern in European studies, across academic disciplines from political science, public policy and public administration, to law, sociology and history. All modern political systems are differentiated; the EU is distinctly so. Precisely how and what the implications are for the EU and its member states remain contested. The course aims to conceptualize differentiation, discuss causes and effects of differentiation, and show how differentiation manifests itself internally in the EU and in the EU’s relations with non-members.

21-24 June 2022

University of Oslo, zoom

Course Language:

– John Erik Fossum, Professor of Political Science, ARENA and EU3D Scientific Coordinator
– Jarle Trondal, Professor of Political Science, ARENA and University of Agder

Other contributors:
– Dirk Leuffen, Professor of political science and international politics at the Department of Politics and Public Administration, at the University of Konstanz, and work-package co-leader in EU3D
– Benjamin Leruth, Assistant Professor in European Politics and Society, University of Groningen
– Vivien A. Schmidt, Jean Monnet Professor of European Integration, Professor of International Relations in the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies and Professor of Political Science at Boston University
– Sieglinde Gstöhl, Director of the Department of EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies and full-time Professor, College of Europe in Bruges

Find more information here:
or email us:

Registration Deadline: May 15, 2022

The 17th edition of the Advanced Course on Innovation, Growth and International Production. Models and Data Analysis

The 17th edition of the “Advanced Course on Innovation, Growth, International Production. Models and Data Analysis” will take place at the Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome on 23-27 May 2022.

The Course consists of theoretical lectures, paper presentations and a 4-days long STATA training. The program includes a broad range of frontier research topics covering the following thematic areas: Economics of Innovation, Growth, Evolutionary Economics, Labor Economics, Inequalities.

The deadline for applications is 2 May 2022. Applicants will receive the notification of acceptance by no later than 9 May 2022.

For further information please visit the website:

Erich-Schneider-Seminar: When do we observe a gender gap in competition entry? (Miriam Beblo) 6 Dec 2021

The Erich Schneider seminar is the central research seminar of the Ph.D. program “Quantitative Economics” at Kiel University. Bi-weekly, we welcome renowned researchers from all fields of economics to present and discuss their work.

We invite all interested persons to tune in for the upcoming event:

On Monday, December 6, 4:15-5:30 pm, Miriam Beblo (University of Hamburg) will give a presentation titled

“When do we observe a gender gap in competition entry? A meta-analysis of the experimental literature”

Zoom link:

How to prepare a competitive Horizon Europe proposal

The aim of the workshop is to provide guidance for those wishing to develop proposals to Horizon Europe on good practices on how to prepare a competitive bid. A particular emphasis will be on how to address pathways to impact. We will also look at how to manage the preparation process so that it comes to fruition on time.

Real case examples will be used with the aim to make it as hands-on as possible.

The language of the presentations will be English.

For more information please visit our website.

The organiser:

Tutech Innovation GmbH was founded in 1992 as the technology transfer institute for the Hamburg University of Technology. We are offering services regarding participation in EU-funded programs especially for publicly funded universities and SMEs. TUTECH ACADEMY workshops on technology transfer and innovation and research management equip participants from research and business with the right skill sets to do new work in their fields. Tutech Innovation GmbH has considerable experience in coaching researchers from a wide variety of backgrounds, disciplines and experience as well as nurturing those doing PhDs, participating in graduate schools or in the early stages of career development.

Leuphana University: PhD opportunity – Research Assistant in Management Accounting (m/f/d) (salary group EG 13 TV-L)

Leuphana University of Lüneburg stands for innovation in education and scholarship based on the values of a humanistic, sustainable, and entrepreneurial university. The collaborative search for knowledge and viable solutions in the areas of education, culture, sustainability as well as management, and entrepreneurship defines the university model with its award-winning College, Graduate School, and Professional School. Methodological diversity and interdisciplinary cooperation characterize our academic understanding.

Faculty of Business and Economics, Institute of Management, Accounting, and Finance, is offering a part-time post (50%) as

Research Assistant in Management Accounting (m/f/d)
(salary group EG 13 TV-L)

starting as soon as possible, fixed-term for three years.

About the organization:
Leuphana University offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs to approximately 9,000 students. Its campus is located in a residential neighborhood of the town of Lüneburg, approximately 60 kilometers from the city center of Hamburg. The position is assigned to the Professorship in Managerial Accounting (Prof. Dr. Rainer Lueg).

Your tasks:
You are conducting research in the broad area of Strategic/Sustainable Performance Management (e.g., Value-based Management; Corporate Sustainability; or any related organizational planning and control practices) using archival and field data. You support a productive research environment by collaborating with colleagues, and by developing new talent.

The opportunity to obtain a Ph.D. (“Dr. rer. pol.”) will be provided.
You attract and manage to fund research projects.
Your teaching load is 2 teaching hours per week.

Your qualifications:

  • You have completed (or nearly completed) an academic degree (Master level) in business, economics, or social sciences (e.g. sociology).
  • You possess advanced proficiency in English (as defined by level C1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
  • You demonstrate the aptitude to publish in journals rated at least “3” in the Academic Journal Guide of the Chartered Association of Business Schools. For this, you must offer a firm apprehension of relevant social sciences theories, contemporary quantitative research methods, and the pertinent software applications. You are willing to commit to the research area of the professorship.

We offer:

  • Flexible and family-friendly working hours
  • Internal and external CPD courses
  • University sports and health promotion measures for employees
  • Employer-funded pension
  • For additional questions, please contact Prof. Dr. Rainer Lueg (

Leuphana University of Lüneburg is an equal opportunity employer committed to fostering heterogeneity among its staff. Disabled applicants with equal qualifications will be given priority consideration. We are looking forward to receiving your application.

Your application should contain the following materials:

  • A cover letter including your intermediate-term plan for research and/or teaching
  • Job market paper (maybe your MSc or BSc thesis, or a seminar paper)
  • CV (with relevant documentation, esp. courses in methodology and theory)
  • List of publications/working papers
  • The names, affiliations, and e-mail addresses of up to three references (optional)

Please send your application by 9 Dec 2021 (extended deadline) preferably electronically (as a pdf file) or by mail to:

Leuphana University of Lüneburg
Prof. Dr. Rainer Lueg
Subject: PhD Managerial Accounting
Universitätsallee 1
21335 Lüneburg

CUNEF Universidad (Madrid, Spain): Tenure-track Faculty Position in Management (Assistant Professor)

CUNEF Universidad is seeking an outstanding candidate to fill a tenure-track faculty position in Management at the Assistant Professor level. The position will start in September 2022.

Successful candidates will be expected to teach at both undergraduate and post-graduate levels and publish their research in leading academic journals in the field of Management. Applicants should have completed a PhD in the field of Management, or be scheduled to do so, before being appointed.

Located in Madrid, CUNEF was established in 1973 by the Spanish Banking Association with the objective to educate future financial and business leaders for an inclusive global society, and to promote intellectual rigour and critical thinking.

CUNEF Universidad offers a dynamic, international, and research-oriented environment, and provides excellent research facilities, including data, access to research collaborations with the business sector, and funding for research-related activities. The remuneration package is highly competitive.

More information about CUNEF Universidad is available at:

To apply for this post, please send your applications, including a cover letter, curriculum vitae, job market paper, and three reference letters to Kremena Slavova by September, 30th 2021.

Online interviews with shortlisted candidates will be held in October 2021.

Call for Applications: Herbstforum-Promotionswerkstatt 2021 des WSI

Das WSI – Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliches Institut der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung veranstaltet am 09.-10. November 2021 eine Promotionswerkstatt zum Thema “Gesellschaftliche Polarisierungen und die Suche nach Solidarität“.

Nach all den Monaten voller Online-Formate und verschobener oder ausgefallener Nachwuchskonferenzen wollen wir Promovierenden einen Raum bieten, sich auszutauschen: Die Veranstaltung zielt darauf, einen Diskussionsraum für Forschungsvorhaben zu eröffnen, Einblicke in den Wissenschaftsbetrieb zu geben und am nächsten Tag gemeinsam das „WSI-Herbstforum 2021: Solidarität in der Krise“ zu besuchen. Neben einer Keynote durch Prof. Dr. Bettina Kohlrausch, Wissenschaftliche Direktorin des WSI, der Vorstellung von Promotionsarbeiten und einem Promotionsprojekt-Speednetworking steht deshalb auch ein kurzer Workshop auf dem Programm, wie man sich gut durch das Dickicht an Fallstricken wissenschaftlicher Konferenzen schlägt.

Wann? 09. November 2021 ab 14 Uhr – 10. November 2021 ca. 17 Uhr
Wo? Berlin
Wie? Vorrangig in Präsenz, sofern es die Pandemielage erlaubt

Interessierte Promovierende bewerben sich bis zum 15. September 2021 mit einem kurzen Abstract an

Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Call:

Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich gerne an Magdalena Polloczek ( / 0211-77 78 333)

15th International Research Workshop – Methods for PhD – 5-10 September 2021: Registration Open Now!

PARALLEL MORNING SESSION 1 (6 – 8 September 2021)

  • Data Analysis with Stata
    Tobias Gramlich, Hesse State Statistical Office
  • Qualitative Research Methods
    Dr. Fabian Hattke, University of Hamburg
  • Grounded Theory
    Dr. Gilberto Rescher, University of Hamburg
  • Writing your Literature Review
    Dr. Sylvia Rohlfer, CUNEF University

PARALLEL AFTERNOON SESSION 2 (6 – 8 September 2021)

  • Data Analysis with R
    Dr. Marco Lehmann, UKE Hamburg
  • Case Study Research
    Dr. Kamil Marcinkiewicz, University of Oldenbourg
  • Questionnaire Design
    Dr. Daniel Schnitzlein, Leibniz University Hannover
  • Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)
    Dr. Jonas Buche, Leibniz University Hannover

PARALLEL SESSION 3 (9 September 2021)

  • Data Visualization
    Dr. Daniel Schnitzlein Leibniz University Hannover
  • Multi-level Modelling with R
    Dr. Daniel Lüdecke, UKE Hamburg
  • Academic English Writing
    Dr. Jonathan Mole, Europa-Universität Flensburg
  • Analysing Panel Data with Stata
    Dr. Timo Friedel Mitze, University of Southern Denmark

Dr. Wenzel Matiaske, Helmut-Schmidt-University
Dr. Simon Fietze, University of Southern Denmark
Dr. Heiko Stüber, Institute for Employment Research

499 Euro (with accommodation and meals)
It is possible to get a certificate on 5 credit points (according to the European Credit Transfer System).

The workshop will take place at the Akademie Sankelmark, Akademieweg 6 in Oeversee (near Flensburg), Germany. The health, safety, and well-being of our lectures, the staff at the Akademie and the participants are our top priorities. All necessary measures are taken to ensure everyone stays healthy. Further, we will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and switch to an online workshop when necessary.

For any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the workshop committee (

Please register for the workshop here or on the workshop website.

Helmut-Schmidt-University/University of the FAF Hamburg, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
Institute for Employment Research (IAB), The Research Institute of the Federal Employment Agency in Nuremberg
Akademie Sankelmark im Deutschen Grenzverein e.V.

Europa-Universität Flensburg
University of Hamburg, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
University of Hamburg, School of Business
Leuphana University Lüneburg, Faculty of Economics