Author Archives: Simon Jebsen

SDU: PhD position in Business Administration/Global Business Economics

The Department of Border Region Studies (IFG) at the University of Southern Denmark, Faculty of Business & Social Sciences, invites applications for a PhD position in Business Administration/Global Business Economics. The position is vacant from 1. February 2013 or soon after. The position is located in Sønderborg.

Job description

This position is one of six full-time academic positions that form the newly established Danfoss Center of Global Business (DCGB) at the Department of Border Region Studies.
The Center is co-financed by a donation from the Bitten & Mads Clausen Fund and funds from the University of Southern Denmark.

The vision of the DCGB is to build a high profile, high quality research and teaching pole in the field ofglobal business (business administration and marketing). Formal and informal relations to similar international research centers are currently being established. The Center’s research focuses on the growing complexity and interdependence of global business tasks and decisions – involving customers, suppliers, government agencies and other actors in different markets and cultures.

Since the center focuses on global business and marketing issues that are related to international business-to-business markets (in contrast to consumer markets), you are expected to be interested in a thesis topic in this area. More specifically, one or several of the following areas should be of interest to you:

  • New ways to configure value chain activities and new types of international business models in a knowledge-based economy/ novel approaches to B2B marketing.
  • Innovation and customer relations/ innovation drivers in B2B markets.
  • Managing global distribution channels and sales forces in B2B markets.
  • Behavioral/ experimental economics applied to B2B markets.

The department is located in Sønderborg and rooted in the unique history of the Southern Danish border region. It has lively relationships with the business community and the cultural institutions of the region. The department constitutes of an international and interdisciplinary unit with scholars organised around three research groups focusing on (a) regional economics, (b) people & society in border regions and (c) global business relationships (GBR). The DCGB is hosted within the Department of Border Region Studies and is most closely related to the GBR research group. See also this website.

The Department offers teaching at all levels within Business administration, Business Relationship Management, European Studies and Regional Economics. There are approximately 800 students from about 50 countries enrolled at the department. Teaching is conducted in English. The department offers one of the most modern office and research facilities in Denmark. For information about Campus Sønderborg, please click here.

Once the PhD project is initiated, you would be enrolled in the relevant PhD programme at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU). As part of the PhD study, an individual education programme within the relevant discipline of the candidate has to be completed. You would be expected to complete a six-month stay at a research institution abroad and/or at a project partner, and over the period of the programme, to acquire experience of teaching or dissemination activities. You would also be expected to participate in the various activities at the department and – apart from your stay abroad – to be regularly present at the department.

Further information can be obtained from Professor Bodo Steiner, phone: +45 6550 1221,, or e-mail

Application, salary, etc.

Your employment as a Salaried PhD Research Fellow is governed by the agreement of October 1, 2008 on Graduate Employees in government appendix 5 – protocol on PhD Research Fellows. The scholarship runs for three years.

An application must include:

  • Detailed CV
  • A certified copy of your master’s degree certificate including all examination results
  • Application form (please see below)
  • A project description (max 5 pages)
  • An abstract for the above project description of no more than 250 words
  • List of publications
  • MSc Thesis
  • At least two references

When applying for a PhD scholarship, please fill in the application form available on our web page. On the webpage of the PhD-school, you can find the guidelines for preparing your project proposal within the PhD programme in Business Administration.

Certificates for national exams based on a national grade system should be associated by a document that translates the national grade system into the European Credit Transfer System. For further information please click here.

All non-Danish documents must be translated into English.

Applications will be assessed by a committee. When the evaluation committee has submitted its report, the applicant will receive the part of the evaluation that concerns him/her. Applications that are incomplete with regard to the above requirements will not be assessed by the committee. The University encourages all interested persons to apply, regardless of age, gender, religious affiliation or ethnic background. As part of the overall assessment of the applicant’s qualifications, an interview may be applied. Applications must be submitted electronically using the link below. Uploaded files must be in Adobe PDF (unlocked) or Word format. Read the guideline for applicants. Each field can only contain a single file of max 10 Mb.

Application deadline: 06/12/2013

Further information:

Call for Papers: Labour Time – Life Time (SI Management Revue)

Ever since the beginning of industrialization the fight for the reduction of working hours was considered the way out of the “kingdom of necessity”. It was only in the 1980s, in the course of a decentralized organization in worldwide networks, that the paradigm changed to more flexible forms of working time management. This is no longer an issue of the collective actors alone but also of the individuals who have to cope with the increasing time flexibility in a socio-structurally differentiated way. From trust-based working hours to on-call duty, from the core workforce with a 35-hour week to temporary work: the contemporary organization of working time took since long already various forms. In addition, the ongoing economic crisis leads in many European countries to forced over-employment and under-employment at the same time.

At the same time the topics are changing under which the problems of the “flexible character” in balancing different aspects of life are discussed in (human resource) management, psychology and sociology. Role conflicts, the balance of work, free time and family or burnout as a possible consequence are keywords which show that work and work time cannot be separated from life time.

In the special issue and the corresponding seminar (IUC Dubrovnik, 23 – 27 April 2014), we would like to discuss our topic in an adequately broad and interdisciplinary way. We are particularly interested in questions such as:

  • Disparities of working time and desired working hours in the course of time
  • Quantitative and qualitative working-time regimes
  • Time-related stress and wealth in time
  • Balancing life domain work conflict
  • Models of labour time re-distribution
  • Externalities of problematic working time arrangements, e.g. influences on family life, happiness, fertility etc.

This is not an exhaustive list.


Potential contributors to the seminar at the IUC Dubrovnik are encouraged to contact the guest editors directly with an abstract of 1-2 pages before January, 31st 2014. A limited amount of travel grants for scholars from German universities are available.

Full papers for a special issue of management revue ( must be with the editors by July 31st 2014. All contributions will be subject to a double-blind review. Papers invited to a “revise and resubmit” are due October 31st 2014. Please submit your papers electronically to Wenzel Matiaske at using as subject “IUC Dubrovnik: Working Time”.

Hoping to hear from you!

Wenzel Matiaske
Simon Fietze
Gerd Grözinger
Doris Holtmann

Band 7: Conjoint-Analyse

band7-conjointTim Kaltenborn, Harald Fiedler, Ralf Lanwehr & Torsten Melles:


Mit der Conjoint-Analyse werden Fragestellungen nach wichtigen Merkmalen sowie dem Potential von Neu- und Weiterentwicklungen von (Produkt-)Konzepten und der Preisbereitschaft beim Kunden beantwortet. Der Vorteil der CA als dekompositionelles Verfahren gegenüber anderen, direkten Methoden der Relevanzmessung ist, dass Gesamtbeurteilungen von ausgewählten Objekten erfragt werden, die anschließend in Einzelurteile bezüglich der Merkmale und Ausprägungen dieser Objekte zerlegt/dekomponiert werden.
Das Buch ist eine anwenderorientierte Einführung in die CA. Es beschreibt die wichtigsten Verfahrensvarianten, führt mit Praxisbeispielen in die typischen Anwendungen ein und entwickelt ein Verständnis für die häufigsten Fallstricke. Die Praxisdurchführung der CA wird zusätzlich an drei Computerprogrammen (SSI Web von Sawtooth Software, CAM von NORDLIGHT research, Conjoint in R) erläutert.



Schlüsselwörter: Multivariate Statistik, Datenanalyse, Präferenzmodelle, Sozialwissenschaftliche Methodik, Marktsegmentierung, Schätzverfahren, Urteilsbildung

Tim Kaltenborn ist Leiter der Abteilung Hochschulbeziehungen und Studierendenforschung bei UNIVERSUM Communications und Dozent für Marktforschung an verschiedenen Hochschulen. Seine Forschung liegt überwiegend im Bereich Kunden- und Trendbefragungen, Präferenzstrukturen und Conjoint-Analysen .

Harald Fiedler ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der BiTS Iserlohn. Seine Interessensschwerpunkte sind adaptive Verfahren auf Grundlage der Item Response Theorie, MCMC-Verfahren und die Behandlung fehlender Werte (missing data) mit Hilfe Multipler Imputation

Torsten Melles ist geschäftsführender Gesellschafter von NORDLIGHT research. Er ist Diplom-Psychologe und hat sich im Rahmen seines Studiums und der Dissertation mit methodischen Fragestellungen der Conjoint-Analyse beschäftigt, und verfügt über langjährige Erfahrung in der Durchführung von Marktforschungsstudien, insbesondere im Bereich „Produkttests und Werbewirkung“.

Ralf Lanwehr ist Forschungsdekan und Professor für Wirtschaftspsychologie an der Business and Information Technology School (BiTS) Iserlohn. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte sind Organisationspsychologie und Methodenlehre.


Fudan University: Associate Professor/Full Professor in Strategy, Human Resources, Organizational Behavior


School of Management at Fudan University, one of the top universities in China, invites applications for Associate Professor/Full Professor, starting from August 2014 or earlier. The appointment will initially be made on a three-year contract, with the possibility of renewal or on tenure for outstanding candidates. We offer competitive salary, research and housing supports.

Tenure track and tenured positions are open in Strategy, Human Resources, Organizational Behavior and so on.


  • For Associate Professor or Professor level: applicants should have a Ph.D. degree in the relevant field from a prestigious business school, have published articles in top international journals and be able to teach undergraduate, graduate and MBA courses in both Chinese and English. The appointee is also expected to submit high-quality grant proposals.
  • For Assistant Professor level: applicants should have a Ph.D. degree in the relevant field from a prestigious business school and be able to demonstrate strong potential for research and teaching. Having published articles in top international journals or having articles accepted by top international journals will be a plus.

Interested candidates should submit a CV and recent research papers. In addition, three reference letters should be sent directly to Ms. Zhou Yan, Faculty Development Office, School of Management, Fudan University.


Faculty Development Office,
School of Management,
670 Guo Shun Road,
Shanghai 200433
Off:  86-21-25011470
Fax: 86-21-65654523

University of Massachusetts Lowell: Tenure-Track Assistant, Associate or Full professor in Management/Organizational Behavior

The Robert J. Manning School of Business (MSB) at the University of Massachusetts Lowell is seeking a tenure-track Assistant, Associate or Full professor in Management/Organizational Behavior to engage in teaching, research and service. The primary fields of specialization should be Six Sigma Quality Management, Project Management, Negotiations, Leadership, and some combination of International Management, Research Methods, Rewards and Compensation and Change Management.

Located 30 miles northwest of Boston, UMass Lowell has over 17,000 students and is one of the largest public universities in Massachusetts. The MSB has over 2,500 undergraduate and graduate students and is accredited by the AACSB International. Classes are taught on-campus, online and, increasingly, abroad.

The MSB is building faculty capacity to further enhance its research productivity and build program offerings at all degree levels. The successful applicant will have the opportunity to participate in (1) the growth and delivery of new academic programs such as our new Ph.D. program with specializations in leadership, technology management, international business, finance and MIS, (2) the growth of our Master of Business Administration, Master of Science in Innovation and Technological Entrepreneurship, and undergraduate Management programs, and (3) ongoing initiatives undertaken in research, instruction and outreach. Faculty members regularly earn teaching load reductions for the publication of high quality research. Ample opportunities are available to become involved in research and instructional activities and develop productive partnerships with other units of the University, and with colleagues from other institutions and countries.

Job Requirements

Minimum Required Qualifications

  • Completed doctorate in Management/Organizational Behavior from an AACSB-International accredited business school (all degrees must have been completed by the September 2014 date of appointment).
  • Evidence of ongoing scholarly publication in the fields of specialization indicated above.
  • Teaching experience at the graduate or undergraduate levels.

Preferred Qualifications

  • Industrial, corporate or new venture experience.
  • A record of teaching effectiveness at the graduate and/or undergraduate levels.
  • Experience supervising and advising doctoral students.
  • Commitment to develop and sustain an externally funded research program.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to speak and write English clearly.
  • Ability to work effectively with students, faculty, industry and diverse populations.
  • Experience in teaching online or web-enhanced courses preferably using the Blackboard Learn course platform.

Applicants should apply online at: The application should include: (1) a current curriculum vitae; (2) a letter detailing research interests and accomplishments; teaching interests, experience and philosophy; and professional background; (3) samples of recent publications; (4) evidence of teaching effectiveness (e.g., student course evaluations, department Chair reviews, teaching awards, student testimonials, etc.), and (5) names and contact information for three references (including position title, employing organization, mailing and e-mail addresses) (do not send recommendation letters).

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Salary is competitive and commensurate with experience. The position is contingent upon funding. Please contact the University of Massachusetts Lowell Human Resources Department at 978-934-3560 for information regarding benefits and related employment matters or if you have any questions about the position. The University of Massachusetts is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Title IX, H/V, ADA 1990 Employer and Executive Order 11246, 41 CFR60-741 4, 41 CFR60-250 4, 41CFR60-1 40 and 41 CFR60-1,4 are hereby incorporated.

University of North Carolina: Faculty Positions in the Organizational Behavior Area

The Kenan-Flagler Business School at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is seeking to fill one or more tenure-track, or tenured faculty positions in the Organizational Behavior area starting July 1, 2014. Successful candidates will have strong research skills and be expected to publish in top-tier academic journals. 

Positions require a Doctorate granted, or nearly completed, in the academic field identified, or in a related field. Hired candidates with a Doctorate can anticipate an initial appointment of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor. Hired candidates with a Doctorate nearly completed can anticipate an initial appointment of Instructor. 

The successful candidate will be both a productive researcher, and a creative and effective teacher capable of contributing to the School’s Undergraduate, MBA, Ph.D., and Executive Development Programs. 

Applicants may view the job posting and follow the application process to be considered at: Complete submissions should include the following: curriculum vitae, sample research papers, and example(s) of teaching effectiveness (e.g., teaching evaluations, comments from students). Four letters of recommendation are needed and can be either submitted from the letter writer by electronic copy on official letterhead or by hard copy in the mail. Electronic copies on official letterhead can be emailed to Original materials should be addressed to Dr. David Hofmann, and mailed to: Kenan-Flagler Business School, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, CB 3490, McColl Building, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3490, Attn: Organizational Behavior. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply.

Universität Hamburg: Doktoranden-Workshop „Two-Sided Market Design“

Dozent: Dr. Simon Loertscher (University of Melbourne,

Zeit: Di. 05.11. bis Fr. 08.11.2013

Ort: Universität Hamburg, Von-Melle-Park 5, Raum 2053

Leistungspunkte: 3 Leistungspunkte bei erfolgreicher Teilnahme

Unterrichtssprache: englisch

Anmeldefrist: 14. August bis 30. September 2013  (per Mail bei der Graduate School-Geschäftsstelle, siehe Anmeldeformular)


Di., 05.11.13: 16-18:30
Mi., 06.11.13: 8:30-10 / 14-15:30 / 16-17:30
Do., 07.11.13: 8:30-10 / 14-15:30 / 16-17:30
Fr., 08.11.13: 8:30-10 / 14-16:30

Weitere Informationen/Further Information

Call for Papers “International Journal of Organizations”: Special Issue: Gender, lifelong learning and social class

Guest Editors:
Sue Betts[1] (,
Kate Burrell ( Linking London, Birkbeck, University of London
Teresa Torres-Coronas ( Business Department, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain

Learning through information transfer, collaboration and social capital building has always been essential for humans. In today’s world, the continuing-education demands of a changing workforce and the accelerated pace of technological change have increased demands for continuing education and lifelong learning, a concept that has been defined as “all learning activity undertaken throughout life, with the aim of improving knowledge, skills and competences within a personal, civic, social and/or employment related perspective” (European Commission, 2001, p. 9). The recession that has hit Europe over the last years has seen a return to an economy marked by increasing levels of unemployment and social inequality. In some countries unemployment rates and early school dropout are particularly high among women with no educational qualifications and low income people. This is the context in which national, regional and institutional policies towards lifelong learning must be implemented as a crucial factor for both long-term employability (European Commission, 2006) and social inclusion.

GLAS (Social class, gender, participation and lifelong learning) is a multinational European project which is comparing, developing and disseminating best practice, as to methods to facilitate social inclusion and progression of working class individuals and, in particular, mature women. GLAS concentrates in five core themes: accreditation of prior and experiential learning, work based learning, social mobility by widening participation in higher education, community and civic engagement and continuous professional development.

As effective policies for lifelong learning need to be informed and inspired by evidence generated by research the special issue editors encourage contributions to explore lifelong learning policies and strategies through multi-disciplinary perspectives, case studies and theoretical analyses. Quantitative and qualitative empirical papers are welcome.

For this special edition (June 2014) we invite submissions of papers on Gender, lifelong learning and social class including the following topics:

  • Lifelong learning: a class     and gender perspective
  • Recent developments in     the field of lifelong learning
  • Developing a lifelong learning     society
  • The use of accreditation     of prior (and experiential) learning
  • Work-based learning
  • Lifelong learning and social     mobility
  • The social value of lifelong     learning
  • Lifelong learning strategies     and widening participation into higher education
  • Public-private     partnership for lifelong learning initiatives
  • Partnership models and     terms of engagement for work based learning
  • Benefits for learners,     companies and education providers
  • Development,     implementation and impact of lifelong learning policy (institutional     and/or national)
  • Continuing professional     development
  • Continuing professional     development policy and strategies
  • Employee     entitlement and the role of the trade unions and “union learning representatives”
  • Current continuing     professional development provision to support recognition/accreditation of     prior learning and experience, work based learning and lifelong learning.
  • Flexible and creative     learning environments for lifelong learning

Information about online submission of manuscript and formatting requirements, can be found at:

Articles submitted to the Editorial Committee must not have been previously published and may not be simultaneously under consideration at other academic journals. Papers must be submitted in English or Spanish.

Submission details

Full paper submission. September 30, 2013 Reviews returned to authors. November 4, 2013 Final version of articles.  December 31, 2013 This Special Issue will be published in June 2014

For further information contact:


European Commission (2001, November).  Making a European area of lifelong learning a reality. Retrieved from

European Commission (2006, October). Employment in Europe 2006 report. Retrieved from

[1] Linking London is the lead coordinator of the EU project Social Class, Gender, Participation and Lifelong Learning (GLAS)- a lifelong learning initiative across Europe (web page at: Universitat Rovira i Virgili is one of the GLAS project partners.

1st SASE Regional Meeting in Mexico: Democracy and Economic Crisis in Ibero-America, Dec. 4-6, 2013

Join us for the 1st SASE Regional Meeting in Mexico.

We are inviting proposals for paper presentations. Registration to attend is now open!
Finally, a reminder about the SASE Annual Meeting to take place in downtown Chicago, July 10-12, 2014, which will be co-hosted by Northwestern University and the University of Chicago.


Submit papers to:
Deadline for all submissions: September 20, 2013
Abstract Submission Guidelines
SASE Membership/Conference Registration Payments

Recent studies  and analyses have shown that economic growth in Latin America during the  past decade has been accompanied by an improvement in income  distribution and poverty reduction. The region has also gained ground in  politics (toward democracy), and its governments have implemented  strategies for (global) economic change. However, socio-economic  deprivation in several categories and the persistence of social  inequality, now more intense in large and intermediate cities, challenge  structural economic change and democratic discourse itself.

It  is essential to tackle these inequalities, which threaten not only the  economy but the democracies themselves, by reprocessing social policy  instruments. One challenge faced by democracy is the creation of social  instruments to make the people participants and architects of their  societies’ decisions; such a goal requires equal opportunities, fair  income distribution, and strong and credible institutions.

Equal  opportunities come with a strong state capable of developing a social  policy – by investing in education, healthcare, and housing, and by  developing a labor policy that ensures industrial relations with quality  employment and large workforce participation. At the same time, these  policies contribute to a more equitable income distribution and to an  increased training and knowledge, which enables individuals to  participate more actively in policy making, democracy, and governance.

Taking this  as our starting point, what kind of state is needed for such a  reconfiguration? What are the implications for democracy and social  policy? What kind of state capacity requires an alternative development  model? What is the potential and what are the limits to civil society’s  role in ensuring democracy and correcting poverty and income  distribution inequality?

Sincerely, SASE President Bruce Carruthers

Organizing Committe:
Leonardo Lomeli, President, UNAM (
M. Ruesga, Coordinator, UAM ( Ciro Murayama, UNAM ( Vanessa Jannet Grande, UNAM ( Maribel Heredero, UAM ( Julimar da SIlva, UAM ( Ruiz Duran, UNAM (

SASE Executive Director Martha Zuber

University of Maryland: OB/HR Position Announceme​nt

The Management and Organization (M&O) department at the Robert H. Smith School of Business has one opening for a tenure track faculty member beginning in Fall 2014. Successful applicants will be expected to teach courses in organizational behavior (OB) and/or human resource (HR) management, conduct research, and perform service. Candidates at all ranks will be considered with more focus on junior candidates. Applicants must possess or be nearing completion of a doctorate in OB, HR, or in closely related disciplines such as industrial-organizational or social psychology. They should have demonstrated capability for high-impact research and excellent teaching.

The Robert H. Smith School of Business ( is an internationally recognized leader in management education and research. One of 12 colleges and schools at the University of Maryland, College Park, the Smith School offers undergraduate, full-time and part-time MBA, executive MBA, executive MS, PhD and executive education programs, as well as outreach services to the corporate community. It is recognized as one of the world’s leading business schools.

Research excellence serves as the foundation of the M&O department ( Our faculty has interests and responsibilities covering the following areas: OB, HR, strategy, globalization, and entrepreneurship. A recent analysis of publications in the most prestigious strategy, OB, and HR journals indicated that M&O ranked among the top five departments over the past eight years. M&O faculty provide leadership to management and related fields; several M&O faculty are Fellows and hold leadership positions in the Academy of Management (including a past Dean of Fellows, two Past Presidents, and current President-Elect of the Academy of Management), the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and other professional organizations; several hold editorships and editorial board appointments on prestigious academic journals. M&O has a vibrant PhD program, which is getting stronger each year. M&O faculty also believes in teaching excellence. Over the last several years, M&O faculty have earned some of the highest teaching ratings in the school. It is our belief that excellence in research and teaching relates to a culture of collaboration and intellectual synergy.

Given the Smith School’s location in the Washington DC Metropolitan Area, faculty and staff at Smith enjoy not only a strong institutional environment but also the pleasures of living in a vibrant and leading global city which is very cosmopolitan, rich in world-class museums and the performing arts, architecturally delightful, full of greenery with the beautiful Potomac River flowing right through the city, within one to two hours of driving distance from not only beaches but also ski slopes, and home to some of the country’s best public and private schools.

Applicants who submit materials by September 25, 2013 will be given full consideration, although review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.  Applicants should send: (1) a current curriculum vita, (2) a personal statement or letter summarizing their research, (3) evidence of teaching excellence, and (4) three letters of recommendation (applicants for associate and full professor positions need only include a list naming the referees at this time). Please apply at (refer to position #119343 in the faculty listing). Please direct any questions to Ms. Erica Scarpulla (, who is administratively assisting Professor Subra Tangirala (, Chair, OB/HR Faculty Search Committee.

The University of Maryland, College Park, actively subscribes to a policy of equal employment opportunity, and will not discriminate against any employee or applicant because of race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry or national origin, marital status, genetic information, political affiliation, and gender identity or expression. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply