Author Archives: Simon Jebsen

Graduate School UHH: Science in R: Utilizing R for Scientific Research

Institution: Graduate School at Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences – University of Hamburg

Lecturer: Dr. Daniel R. Hawes

Thursday, 13.10.15 – Thursday, 26.01.16
Weekly 10:00 – 12:00

Place: University of Hamburg, Von Melle Park 9

Registration: You can register for the course until 30.09.2015 (13:00) via Geventis.

Course description:
R is a statistical computing environment. Mastering the R language means becoming proficient in state-of-the art software used to organize, understand, and explain data. R is a freely available open-source program, and is increasingly used in academia as well as industry: Indeed, mid through 2015, R stands as the world’s 6th most used programming language (not just statistics!) [ see: ].

R is powerful, flexible, and rapidly advancing. This progress results in large parts from the activity of a dynamic and active community of developers, statisticians, and scientists who work with data. As a byproduct, social science PhD students who become proficient in R will not only find their elementary scientific computing needs met within a single programming language, but will simultaneously benefit from generously available online support regarding many questions that arise while learning to code and to generally “work with data”.

The goal for this seminar is to equip graduate students with a bird’s-eye view of the global R environment. This means that students will learn the larger landscape of tools that exist in R and be introduced to how these tools can be utilized to efficiently streamline data-aspects of scientific research.

No prior knowledge of R is required. Several homework sets will be provided from which students can develop familiarity with basic R syntax, and a brief introduction to R and RStudio will be covered at the beginning of the course. The course is not a statistics course, and lessons will emphasize the development of a general overview regarding powerful data handling tools available in R and how to utilize these in research.

Of central importance to the course will be the treatment of relatively new R packages for handling data (e.g. dplyr & magrittr), packages to create nifty graphics (ggplot2 & ggvis), as well as various tools that assist in proper documentation and convenient presentation of analysis (e.g. tidyr, knitr, & shiny).

The course is conceived as a graduate seminar for credit. Students from the Social Sciences, Psychology, and Economics are primarily addressed, moreover, intended participants should be actively engaged in ongoing research. Students will be given the opportunity to present on particular features of R, relevant to their field.

Further information

Graduate School UHH: Applied Macroeconometrics

Institution: Graduate School at Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences – University of Hamburg

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Fritsche

Thursday, 14.01.16, 14:00-18:00
Friday, 15.01.16, 10:00-18:00
Thursday, 21.01.16, 14:00-18:00
Friday, 22.01.16, 10:00-18:00

Place: University of Hamburg, Von Melle Park 9

Registration: You can register for the course until 30.11.2015 (13:00) via Geventis.

Course description:

1. Basics: Difference Equations, Solutions, Lag Operators
2. Stationary Time-Series Models: ARMA (p,q), ACF/PACF, Box-Jenkins
3. Identification Problems in Macroeconometrics
4. Models with Trend: Dickey-Fuller-Test, Structural Change, Panel Unit Root tests
5. Cointegration and Error-Correction Models
6. Some Non-linear Time-Series Models

Students will be enabled to apply macroeconometric techniques to a variety of cases. Students are encouraged to bring their own problems and data sets to analyze them in the course. Students will be enabled to use the software RATS.

The course is a mixture of lectures, practical exercises and programming RATS code and own empirical work.

Basic References:

@1: Enders (2010), ch. 1; Kirchgässner, Wolters (2007), ch. 1.
@2: Enders (2010), ch. 2; Kirchgässner, Wolters (2007), ch. 2.
@3: Favero (2001), ch. 3, ch. 4, ch. 6; Kirchgässner, Wolters (2007), ch. 4; Enders (2010)3, ch. 5.
@4: Enders (2010), ch. 4; Kirchgässner, Wolters (2007), ch. 5.
@5: Enders (2010), ch. 6; Kirchgässner, Wolters (2007), ch. 6.
@6: Enders (2010), ch. 7.


Walter Enders (2010): Applied Econometric Time Series, 3rd edition, Wiley.
Carlo A. Favero (2001): Applied Macroeconometrics, Oxford University Press.
Gebhard Kirchgässner, Jürgen Wolters (2007): Introduction to Modern Time Series Analysis, Springer.


Students will work on empirical projects (either own projects or tasks defined in the course). A written documentation of the empirical project will be graded.

Further information

Graduate School UHH: MAXQDA Complete: Transkription, Datenaufbereitung und computergestützte Auswertung

Institution: Graduate School at Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences – University of Hamburg

Lecturer: Thorsten Dresing hat in Marburg Pädagogik und Soziologie studiert und an der Philips-Universität Marburg zum Thema „Entwicklung und Evaluation eines hybriden Onlineseminars zur Textanalyse“ promoviert. Hauptberuflich ist er geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der dr. dresing & pehl GmbH – und entwickelt die Transkriptions- und QDA-Software f4 und f4analyse. Freiberuflich ist er seit 14 Jahren Dozent für qualitative Sozialforschung mit dem Fokus auf f4, MAXQDA und qualitativer Inhaltsanalyse.

Do., 19.11.15, 09:00 – 15:30 Uhr
Fr., 20.11.15, 09:00 – 15:00 Uhr

Place: University of Hamburg, Von Melle Park 9

Registration: Anmeldungen sind ab sofort bis zum 15.10.2015 (13:00 Uhr) über Geventis möglich.

Course description:
In diesem Kurs erhalten Sie eine vertiefte Einführung in die Transkription von Interviews, die Aufbereitung anderer Datenarten für und den Umgang mit dem qualitativen Datenanalyseprogramm MAXQDA. Der Fokus des Kurses liegt, neben dem Codieren und Arbeiten mit Memos, auf der Umsetzung von mixed methods Ansätzen im Rahmen wissenschaftlicher Forschungsprojekte. Dieser Kurs vermittelt, welche Funktionen MAXQDA offeriert und wie sich diese im Forschungsprozess für unterschiedlich methodische Vorgehensweise sinnvoll und pragmatisch einsetzen lassen. Es werden Fragen beantwortet wie:

  • Wie verschrifte ich meine Interviews regelgeleitet und synchronisiere die
    Aufnahmen mit den Transkripten?
  • Wie entwickle ich ein Kategoriensystem induktiv oder deduktiv, ordne Textstellen
    passend zu und differenziere das Codesystem aus?
  • Wie nutze ich Memos als Forschungswerkzeug sinnvoll für Interpretationsansätze,
    Case Summarys, Ankerbeispiele, Definitionen und Theorieideen?
  • Wie kann ich meine Analysedurchgänge mit dem Text-Retrieval und Suchwerkzeug
    gestalten und ggf. interessante Passagen automatisch codieren?
  • Wann helfen Variablen bei der qualitativen Datenanalyse und wie lassen sich
    selektive Aussagen von bestimmten Personengruppen herausfiltern, um sie bspw. zu
  • Wie visualisiere ich meine Daten für die Auswertungsphase und den
  • Wie gestalte ich die Arbeit im Team?

Zielgruppe: Dieser Workshop richtet sich an Studierende, Promovierende und ProjektmitarbeiterInnen aus den sozialwissenschaftlichen Disziplinen sowie an alle, die sich für die Auswertung qualitativer Daten interessieren. Vorkenntnisse zu MAXQDA werden nicht vorausgesetzt.

Weitere Informationen

VHB-ProDok: Behavioral Decision Making in Business Research (24.-27.09.2015)

Part of business research is moving away from the assumption of homo economicus and rational decision making. Consequently, decision making of consumers, investors, managers, entrepreneurs etc. is now often modelled differently than it has been only few years ago. Whereas applying approaches of normative decision theory has been the standard and still is in some fields, many researchers are now taking into account replicable and systematic features of actual behavior that are underlying the models of behavioral decision and game theory.

After this course, participants will understand this shift in paradigm, know the basic approaches of behavioral decision and game theory, will be able to understand research papers in those fields, and will be able to develop research ideas in their fields of interest, based on behavioral approaches.

Date of Event: 24. – 27. September 2015

Harnack-Haus, Berlin
Ihne-Str. 16-20
14195 Berlin

Speaker: Christian D. Schade (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

Registration: Please send your registration by Email to doktorandenprogramm(at)vhbonline(dot)org.

Further information

VHB-ProDok: Mediation and Moderation Analysis: Exploring Intervening and Interaction Effects in Empirical Research (15-18.09.2015)

This course covers two important concepts in empirical social science research: Mediation/intervening effects (the “how” and “why” of cause and effect relations) and moderation/interaction effects (the “when” of cause and effect relations). Both concepts as well as combinations of them (“conditional processes”) will be applied in the context of linear/nonlinear regression models and structural equation models with latent variables.

Date of Event: 15. – 18. September 2015

Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Schumpeter School of Business and Economics
Room: K.11.07
Gaußstr. 20
42119 Wuppertal

Speaker: Dirk Temme (Bergische Universität Wuppertal)

Registration: Please send your registration by Email to doktorandenprogramm(at)vhbonline(dot)org.

Further information

Call for Papers: Managing Change in Industry Clusters: Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, Smart Specialisation & Regional Development

Journal of Change Management (JCM)

Author Invite – Special Issue: Managing Change in Industry Clusters: Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, Smart Specialisation & Regional Development

Special Issue Guest Editors:

Professor Kerry Brown (Curtin University)
Professor John Burgess (Curtin University)
A/Professor Susanne Gretzinger (University of Southern Denmark)
Professor Susanne Royer (Europa Universität Flensburg)

The aims and scope of JCM:

JCM is committed to becoming the leading journal in its field by establishing itself as a community for all scholars with an interest in the complex and multidisciplinary field of change and its management. JCM is a multidisciplinary and international forum for critical, mainstream and alternative contributions – focusing as much on motivation, ethics, culture and behavior as on structure and process. JCM is a platform for open and challenging dialogue and a thorough critique of established as well as alternative practices.

About the Special Issue:

Changes in markets, networks and clusters lead to change within companies and this induces the need for (re-)thinking current concepts and/or developing new concepts about the way organisations adapt and change. We are particularly interested in explorations and research in this change context, with specific interest in the field of cluster management directed towards the establishment of entrepreneurial ecosystems, smart specialization strategies and regional development. This special issue aims to link these topics better into the fields of public policies, organisational and sectoral strategies and change management and, to develop new knowledge in the discussion field with focus on a resource-oriented perspective on clusters. The editors would like to encourage scholars from a wide range of disciplinary and/or multidisciplinary approaches to submit papers in the following topic areas related to managing change in clustered organisations and across industry clusters in regions:

  • Smart Specialisation Strategies supporting the management of change in clusters
  • Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and clustering strategies
  • The role of Public Policy in change management for industry clustering
  • Firm resources, strategy and change in industry clustering
  • Cluster management and change facilitation
  • Cluster mapping and evaluation leading to change

Submission Dates and Deadlines:

Paper Submission: 1st October 2015
Decisions from Editors: 1st February2016
Revise and Resubmit Submission: 1st April 2016 (open call opportunity if needed)
Second Round Reviews: 1st June 2016
Final Paper Submissions: 1st August 2016
Special Issue Publication: March 2017

Whilst the special issue is invite-only, all papers will go through a robust review and editorial process and therefore publication cannot be guaranteed. In addition to addressing relevant content for the special issue, submissions should adhere to the Scope and Aims of the Journal of Change Management. Papers should be prepared in line with the JCM Author Guidelines and should adhere to the JCM Style and Submission Guidelines.

All manuscripts should be submitted to Professor John Burgess ( and should be marked as being submitted for the Special Issue on “Managing Change in Industry Clusters: Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, Smart Specialisation & Regional Development.”

For queries related to this special issue, please contact any of the following guest editors: Kerry Brown (, John Burgess (, Susanne Gretzinger (, Susanne Royer (

Grounded Theory

Institution: see Organisers & Supporters

Programme of study: International Research Workshop

Lecturer: Dr. Christina Hoon (Leibniz-University Hannover)

Date: Monday, 28/09/15 (09:00 – 18:00) – Tuesday, 29/09/15 (09:00 – 12:00)

Max. number of participants: 20

Credit Points: 5 CP for participating in the whole IRWS

Language of instruction: English


The key purpose of this workshop is to increase participants’ understanding about the key concepts, strategies, and steps in grounded theory research. This workshop intends to deepen theoretical and practical understanding of the constant comparative method, open, axial and selective coding. Further, the participants will learn the key elements of theoretical sampling, theoretical saturation, and theoretical sensitivity. In addition, common challenges and pitfalls in grounded theory research will be discussed. To assist participants to craft valuable and effective research papers, exemplars from current research projects will be assessed and critically reviewed.


  • Charmaz, K. (2006). Constructing grounded theory: A practical guide through qualitative analysis. London, UK: Sage.
  • Gioia, D. A., Corley, K. G., & Hamilton, A. (2013). Seeking qualitative rigor in inductive research: Notes on the Gioia methodology. Organizational Research Methods, 16, 15-31.
  • Strauss, A., & Corbin, J. (1998). Basics of qualitative research: Grounded theory procedures and techniques (2nd Ed). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

You have to register for the 9th International Research Workshop to participate in this course.

Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Modelling and Its Applications to Policy Impact Analysis

Institution: see Organisers & Supporters

Programme of study: International Research Workshop

Lecturer: Hans Kremers (Independent Researcher)

Date: Thursday, 01/10/15 (09:30 – 18:00)

Max. number of participants: 20

Credit Points: 5 CP for participating in the whole IRWS

Language of instruction: English


Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) modelling has become a popular tool for policy impact analysis at many government, policy oriented, and academic institutions such as the EU, economic university departments, or policy assessment institutes such as the ZEW in Mannheim, CPB in The Netherlands. It even looks ’trendy’ to have your own CGE model. During the negotiations between the Greek government and the IWF, EU, and EZB, negotiatiors often call for quantitative assessments of the proposals, which might well be based on an application of the EU’s computable general equilibrium models. CGE models, like many other quantitative economic models are often unjustly considered to be the main culprit of economists supposed to be unaware of a financial crisis in the global finance system before 2008. In this short course, I want to provide more background information on what these models are and how they are applied to policy impact analysis. The course attendants should get some idea on what these models are good for and about their limitations. I refer to existing courses on CGE modelling regularly given by institutes such as GTAP (, ECOMOD (, by the Gempack community at the Center of Policy Studies (CoPS) of Victoria University in Melbourne (, and by the GAMS community ( among many others. Furthermore, I refer to Shoven and Whalley (1992) and Ginsburgh and Keyzer (1997) as underlying standard literature.

We consider three significant developments in economics during the 20th century that have lead to the rise of CGE modelling within policy impact analysis. CGE models are calibrated on a social accounting matrix, comparable to a much extended input output table. This hence refers to long time developments in input-output modelling pioneered by the Russian economist Wassily Leontief, see Leontief (1936). Parallel to these developments, a mathematical theory of general equilibrium has been developed by well-known economists like Arrow, Debreu, Hahn, using insights from mathematical programming, often related to so-called fixed point proofs and related algorithms to prove the existence and uniqueness of an equilibrium. I refer to the PhD thesis of Gerard Debreu which builds up the general equilibrium model in all its mathematical detail, Debreu (1959), or to Arrow and Hahn (1971). The latter idea points us to the third development in economics, namely in developments of mathematical programming algorithms to compute an economic equilibrium in a general equilibrium model. The work of Herbert Scarf, Scarf and Hansen (1973), was seminal here, and formed the basis from which John Shoven and John Whalley built their CGE models. The introduction of computing equipment provided the means to be able to solve large models efficiently. The morning part of the course in CGE modelling is dedicated to a more detailed description of these three developments in economics and how they cooperate in what we nowadays call CGE modelling. We also describe how we perform a CGE analysis to assess the impact of a policy.

The afternoon is dedicated to introduce several existing CGE models and their applications of CGE modelling. We do so by presenting an existing study on the application of each model. Originally, following the Uruguay trade rounds, CGE models were applied to assess the impact of trade and tax policies until the Kyoto Protocol was signed to support a global effort to curb carbon emissions, which was expected to have significant effects on international trade flows. I again refer to Shoven and Whalley in Shoven and Whalley (1984) and Shoven and Whalley (1992) for applications on trade and taxes. Hence, the application of CGE models was extended to the assessment of climate policies. The GTAP model and underlying Social Accounting Matrix at Purdue University originated as a pure trade CGE model and database following the Uruguay trade rounds, but has, over time been extended to include climate related issues such as economy related carbon emissions, energy substitution, land use. The research, models and data can be found on their website, To further improve its application on this area, a demand arose to link, among others, CGE models with models from other, climate related areas such as meteorology, into so-called integrated assessment models. The increased attention of policy makers to the climate as well as signals that our current dependency on fossil fuel energy and issues of energy supply security endanger the economy also raised an interest in applying CGE models. Applying a CGE model to assess the impact of climate policies required an extension of the model. Again, a lot on this can be found in the extensive research database at GTAP. There exists an energy substitution variant of the GTAP model, referred to as GTAP-E (see Burniaux and Truong (2002)), which is often applied and extended to such issues as energy substitution, emission permits and carbon taxes, land use.

We also look at applications of CGE modelling to assess the impact of transport policies on the economy following the rise in transport problems such as congestion with the growth of many economies. An example of such transport issues is the inclusion of road pricing to stop congestion around big cities. There is a single country CGE model for Austria that looks at road pricing from a tax point of view. The model is referred to in Steininger and Friedl (2004). In Kalinowska, Kremers, and Truong (2008), we apply this model to the German case.

We will look at the application of a CGE model to a developing economy like Mongolia, where two large mines have been discovered, with a large impact on the local underdeveloped post-communist economy and neighbouring China and Russia. This regional single country CGE model is known as the Mon-CGE model and has been applied to the Mongolian economy to assess the impact of introducing an Energy Master-Plan within a project by the Asian Development Bank (ADB). For a description of the Mon-CGE model, as well as an application of the model to the Mongolian economy, I refer to Corong et al. (2011). Enkhbayar et al. (2010) also provide an interesting application of a regional CGE model to the Mongolian economy, within project based research.

Last but not least, we are currently looking at the construction and application of a regional CGE model to Sønderborg and the Southern Denmark regions within project zero ( This project intends to offer a platform for initiatives in the Sønderborg region to introduce emission reduction measures such as renewable energy technologies into the local and regional economy of Sønderborg.

Attendants of this course are expected to have some background in economics, in particular micro economic theory, although I do not intend to go very deep into economic theory. I would like to ask interested PhDs to send an email to with a description of their background and what would interest them (models, applications, political issues etc.) in this course.


Arrow, K., and F. Hahn (1972), General Competitive Analysis, San Francisco, Holden-day.

Burniaux, J.M., and T.P. Truong (2002), “GTAP-E: An Energy-Environmental Version of the GTAP Model”, GTAP Technical Paper No. 16, GTAP, Purdue.

Corong, E., B. Decaluwé, and V. Robichaud (2011), “Assessing the Impact of Increased Foreign Direct Investment in Mongolia: A Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Approach”, Mimeo, Asian Development Bank.

Debreu, G. (1954), Theory of Value, New-York, Wiley.

Enkhbayar, S., D. Roland-Holst, T. Oi, and G. Sugiyarto (2010), “Mongolia’s Investment Priorities from a National Development Perspective”, Mimeo, Asian Development Bank.

Ginsburgh, V., and M. Keyzer (1997), The structure of applied general equilibrium models, Cambridge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press.

Kalinowska, Kremers, and Truong (2004), “Fitting passenger travel into a CGE model”, mimeo, DIW Berlin.

Leontief, W. (1936), “Quantitative input and output relations in the economic system of the United States”, Review of Economics and Statistics.

Scarf, H., and T. Hansen (1973), The Computation of Economic Equilibria, New Haven, Yale University Press.

Shoven, J.B., and J. Whalley (1984), “Applied general equilibrium models of taxation and international trade”, Journal of Economic Literature 22, 1007-1051.

Shoven, J.B., and J. Whalley (1992), Applying General Equilibrium, New York, Cambridge University Press.

Steininger, K. and B. Friedl (2004, June), “Economic and distributional impacts of nationwide car road pricing: a CGE analysis for Austria”, Paper submitted to the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Budapest.

You have to register for the 9th International Research Workshop to participate in this course.

Management Revue – Socio-Economic Studies – Vol. 26, Issue 2 (Special Issue ‘Innovation Networks’)

2nd Issue 2015
Management Revue – Socio-Economic Studies, Volume 26

Special Issue ‘Innovation Networks’
edited by Susanne Gretzinger, Simon Fietze & Wenzel Matiaske


Susanne Gretzinger, Simon Fietze & Wenzel Matiaske
Innovation Networks – Editorial
download as PDF

Anna Kunttu & Lasse Torkkeli
Service innovation and internationalization in SMEs: Implications for growth and performance
download as abstract PDF

Stine Jessen Haakonsson & Vandana Ujjual
Internationalisation of R&D: New insights into multinational enterprises’ R&D strategies in emerging markets
download as abstract PDF

Stan De Spiegelaere, Guy Van Gyes, Hans De Witte & Geert Van Hootegem
Job design, work engagement and innovative work behavior: A multi-level study on Karasek’s learning hypothesis
download as PDF

Andre Veenendaal & Tanya Bondarouk
Perceptions of HRM and their effect on dimensions of innovative work behaviour: Evidence from a manufacturing firm
download as abstract PDF

Andrea Hanebuth
Success factors of virtual research teams – Does distance still matter?
download abstract as PDF

Forthcoming Issues

Labour Time – Life Time
edited by Wenzel Matiaske, Simon Fietze, Gerd Grözinger, and Doris Holtmann

Financial Participation
edited by Wenzel Matiaske, Andrew Pendleton, and Eric Poutsma

Qualitative Interviews

Institution: see Organisers & Supporters

Programme of study: International Research Workshop

Lecturer: Betina Hollstein (University of Bremen) & Laura Behrmann (University of Bremen)

Date: Monday, 28/09/15 (09:00 – 18:00) – Tuesday, 29/09/15 (09:00  – 12:00)

Max. number of participants: 20

Credit Points: 5 CP for participating in the whole IRWS

Language of instruction: English


Qualitative interviews are often used in empirical social research. Sometimes they are part of the preparatory stage of a study. Sometimes qualitative interviews (e.g. expert interviews) are a major data source. The course will focus on theory and practice of qualitative interviews, i.e. methodological foundations and practical considerations when conducting qualitative interviews.

The course starts out with a brief overview on the specific characteristics of qualitative data and methods. We will discuss problems and challenges associated with qualitative interviewing and different ways to deal with these challenges. We will address different types of qualitative interviews (expert interviews, guided interviews, narrative interview), by highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each approach and discussing the crucial steps when preparing and conducting qualitative interviews. Finally, we will discuss how to get access to the field, ways of data management and different strategies for data analysis.

Basic knowledge on methods of empirical social research is required. No previous knowledge on qualitative methods necessary.


  • Flick, Uwe & Ernst von Kardoff, Ines Steinke (2004): A Companion to Qualitative Research. SAGE Publications. (Esp. p. 3-11; 203-208, 209–213)
  • Robert S. Weiss (1994): Learning From Strangers: The Art and Method of Qualitative Interview Studies. Free Press.

You have to register for the 9th International Research Workshop to participate in this course.