VHB pro dok: Advanced Topics in Strategic Management Research (11.-14-06.2018)


This course is a doctoral level seminar on the major theoretical approaches in the field of strategic management. The main objective of the course is to familiarize doctoral students with the basic assumptions, concepts and theories underlying the field. In essence, we want to help doctoral students to become independent scholars who are knowledgeable on the major theories in the field of strategy. We typically start with reading the seminal work on the topic, followed by examining several recent empirical applications of the theory. The course is comprehensive, encompassing the following domains: Overview of the field of Strategic Management, Industrial Organization Approaches to Strategy, Resource-based View Approaches to Strategy, Transaction Cost Economics and Vertical Integration, Real Options and Sequential Decision Making, Principal-Agent Theory and Corporate Governance, Top Executives and the Upper-Echelons Perspective, the Governance Performance Relationship.

Date of Event: 11. – 14. Juni 2018


FU Berlin
FB Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften
Fabeckstraße 23-25
Holzlaube 1. OG, Raum 1.2001


Prof. Michael J. Leiblein, PhD (Fisher College of Business, Ohio State University)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Mellewigt (FU Berlin)


To get an overview of the amount of the participation fee and to register for the course, please use this link: http://vhbonline.org/veranstaltungen/prodok/anmeldung/

You can also send an email to prodok(at)vhbonline(dot)org.

Registration Deadline: 13. Mai 2018