Universität Hamburg-Workshop: Philosophy of Science (1. Session: 07.09. – 09.09.15 /2. Session: 12.10. – 13.10.15)

Institution: University of Hamburg

Lecturer: Prof. Timothy M. Devinney (Leeds University Business School)

Date: September 07-09 & October 12-13, 2015

Place: University of Hamburg

Language of instruction: English

Registration: For further information on the registration process, please see this link.

Contents: Many variables of interest to social, political and behavioral scientists are non-contin

This course is concerned with the nature of social science inquiry. It is intended for students in  the  business  and  management  disciplines  and  those  early  in  their  masters and  doctoral research program. The course will take the form of a seminar. Students will be pre-assigned readings and will lead the discussion. The course is broken into four sections:

  1. an introductory overview to the philosophy of science,
  2. a review of epistemology (the nature and scope of knowledge),
  3. a review of ontology (the what can be said to exist), and
  4. specific applications to the major disciplinary areas.

For further information, please see this link.