Archiv der Kategorie: Call for Papers

Call for Papers: Unternehmensmitbestimmung und die Bedingungen erfolgreicher Aufsichtsratstätigkeit

Im Zuge der Finanzkrise und zahlreicher Aufsehen erregender Unternehmensinsolvenzen ist die Tätigkeit von Aufsichtsräten vermehrt in das Blickfeld der Öffentlichkeit gerückt. Zunehmend stellt sich die Frage nach den Bedingungen erfolgreicher Aufsichtsratstätigkeit. Im Rahmen eines Workshops zum Thema

„Unternehmensmitbestimmung und die Bedingungen erfolgreicher Aufsichtsratstätigkeit“
am 13. und 14. September 2012 an der Universität Tübingen

sollen unterschiedliche Fragen aus dem weiten Kontext der Aufsichtsratstätigkeit unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Unternehmensmitbestimmung diskutiert werden. Erwünscht sind aktuelle wissenschaftliche Beiträge, welche sich theoretisch und/oder empirisch mit den Bedingungen erfolgreicher Aufsichtsratstätigkeit befassen. Interessenten werden gebeten, bis zum 31.05.2012 ein Extended Abstract (2-4 Seiten) zu senden.

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Call for Papers: HRM and (Social) Innovation

Call for Papers for the HRM Study Group of the ILERA

„HRM and (Social) Innovation“
at the 16th World Congress of the International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA),
Philadelphia, USA, 2 July – 5 July 2012

The HRM Study Group of the ILERA would like to explore the link between innovation (management) and human resource management and thus invites abstracts and papers on the above topic. Papers may utilise a range of methodologies to explore and to analyse the link between HRM and innovation.

The deadline for submissions is March 1, 2012.

Further Information

Call for Papers: Current Issues in International HRM

The German Journal of Research in Human Resource Management (ZfP) invites contributions for a special issue on

‘Current Issues in International HRM:
Alternative Forms of Assignments, Careers and Talent Management in a Global Context’.

These topics have gained tremendous importance due to the increasing globalization of the world economy and the war for
internationally qualified talent. This not only applies to multinational enterprises but also for small and medium sized enterprises as senior managers are challenged to attract and retain global talent. The objective of this Special Issue is to draw together scholars who are working at the forefront of this research domain. In order to be considered for publication in this Special Issue, an abstract of two pages should be sent to the editors by 15 July, 2012. The deadline for the full papers is 31 December, 2012.

Further Information

Call for Papers: New Journal Evidence-based HRM

Call for papers for

Evidence-based HRM: A Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship (EBHRM),

a journal to be launched in 2013. The journal promotes empirical scholarship in the Human Resources (HR) arena and aims to provide an international forum and important reference for the encouragement and dissemination of applied research. EBHRM publishes original research papers, empirical case studies and reviews of the body of empirical research endeavours. The journal also includes research notes and conference news.

Further Information

Call for Papers: Managing Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility

The Journal Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management invites contributions for a special issue on

“Managing Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility – From Strategies to Implementation”,

which addresses a variety of issues. Theoretical and empirical papers are welcomed which address one of the following issues: CSER – strategy, planning, and implementation; CSER in different management areas, or CSER and management in different countries – the international management dimension. Contributors with ideas for papers are welcome to communicate with the editors before submission by e-mail. Deadline for submissions is June 30th 2012.

Further Information

Call for Papers: GIRA-Jahrestagung 2012

„Offener“ Call for Papers für die

GIRA-Jahrestagung 2012
in Essen, 18./19. Oktober 2012.

Für ihre Jahrestagung 2012 lädt die German Industrial Relations Association (GIRA) dazu ein, Beiträge einzureichen, die sich auf das gesamte Themenspektrum der Industriellen Beziehungen sowie der Personalwirtschaft beziehen können. Die Vorschläge sollen aus einem Arbeitstitel und einem Abstract von maximal drei Seiten bestehen. Sie müssen bis zum 30.04.11 bei der GIRA-Geschäftsstelle eingereicht werden.

Weitere Informationen

Call for Papers: Special Issue and Workshop on Financial Participation

Call for papers for a special issue in Management Revue and a corresponding workshop on

“Financial Participation in Europe”.

Financial participation – e.g. profit sharing, employee share ownership or stock options and worker’s self-management – has been a feature of employee participation for many years. In the special issue and the corresponding seminar (IUC Du-brovnik, 26 – 30 March 2012),  financial participation will be discussed in an adequately broad and interdisciplinary way. Potential contributors to the workshop at the IUC Dubrovnik are encouraged to contact the guest editors directly with an abstract of 1-2 pages before January 31st 2012. Full papers for a special issue of management revue must be with the editors by May 31st 2012.

Further Information

Call for Papers: Special Issue and Seminar on Firm Clusters

Call for papers for a special issue in Management Revue and a corresponding seminar on

“Firm Clusters: Challenges for Management and Public Policy”.

Until now it is not known exactly what makes a cluster a cluster, what distinguishes a cluster from a network or what theoretical framework can explain how to develop and how to manage a cluster. In the special issue and the corresponding seminar, firm clusters will be discussed in an adequately broad and interdisciplinary way. The seminar will be held in June of 2012 at the University of Southern Denmark /Campus Sønderborg. The deadline for the submission of the paper / ab-stract is the 30th of March 2012.

Further Information

Call for Papers: SASE 2012

We are pleased to announce the opening of the call for papers for the

24th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE); June 28-30, 2012, Cambridge, USA

The 2012 conference aims to address issues raised by broad and pressing questions concerning global shifts. Within the well-established remit of SASE, participants are invited to submit theoretical and empirical contributions, at multiple levels of analysis from the local to the global, drawing from multi-disciplinary socio-economic frameworks.

Deadline for all submissions, including applications for travel grants and student stipends is January 15th, 2012.

Further Information

Call for papers: SIG „Knowledge and Learning“ at the EURAM Conference

Call for papers for the Special Interest Group (SIG)

„Knowledge and Learning
at the 12th European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference
June, 6-8 2012 Rotterdam

The scope of knowledge and organizational learning research has developed significantly in the last 20 years. A preoccupation with ways to use knowledge-based advantages is evident in the resource-based view, core competences and knowledge-based perspectives on organization, amongst others. Knowledge, as both an asset and activity, and learning, as a process, are considered to be of strategic importance to organizations and essential to develop and sustain competitive advantage and innovation. In this, the standing track for the EURAM knowledge and learning SIG welcomes papers that engage with established and emerging trends in knowledge and learning research. Papers are expected to bring new perspectives and contributions to extend the understanding of knowledge and learning in organizations. The SIG will award the best knowledge and learning paper of the annual EURAM Conference.

The deadline for submissions is January 17, 2012.

Further Information – Call for Papers (PDF)