Archiv der Kategorie: Call for Papers

Call for Papers: Atypische Beschäftigungsverhältnisse

Call for Papers

Atypische Beschäftigungsverhältnisse
Herausgeber: Berndt Keller & Werner Nienhüser
Schwerpunktheft der Industriellen Beziehungen

Das Normalarbeitsverhältnis verliert an Bedeutung zugunsten atypischer Beschäftigungsverhältnisse, die inzwischen mehr als ein Drittel des Arbeitsmarktes ausmachen. Der Sammelbegriff verdeckt die unterschiedlichen Ausprägungen (u. a. Teilzeit, geringfügige Beschäftigung/Mini- und Midijobs, befristete Beschäftigung, Leih- und Zeitarbeit, neue (Solo-)Selbstständigkeit sowie ihre spezifischen Folgeprobleme in kurz-, mittel- und langfristiger Perspektive. Das Schwerpunktheft soll sowohl aktuelle, empirisch und theoretisch orientierte Beiträge zu einzelnen Formen liefern als auch entsprechende Querschnittsthemen behandeln, die in der öffentlichen und wissenschaftlichen Diskussion weitgehend unberücksichtigt bleiben. Abstracts im Umfang von max. 5000 Wörtern können bis zum 21.12.2012 eingereicht werden.

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Call for Papers: Work, Employment and Society Conference

Call for Papers for the

BSA Work, Employment and Society Conference 2013
„States of Work: and the interpretations of work, employment, society and the state“
3-5 September 2013; University of Warwick, UK

The conference has an international focus and comes at a critical time for the study of work. Over the few last years, unprecedented state intervention in the economy and subsequent radical reform plans for the public sector and the welfare state have raised new questions on the ways work is socially regulated: the WES 2013 conference will bring together sociologists of work from across the globe to assess the evidence and consider the theoretical implications of changing relations between work, society and the state. Deadline for abstract submission is April 19, 2013.

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Call for Papers: EGOS Sub-theme on Routines and Path Dependence

Call for Papers for the

29th EGOS Colloquium,
Subtheme 39: “Bridging Time: Exploring the Dynamics of Routines and Path Dependence

From 4th to 6th July 2013, the 29th EGOS Colloquium will be held in Montréal, Canada with the general theme Bridging Continents, Cultures and Worldviews ( Georg Schreyögg and Jörg Sydow, both Freie Universität Berlin, and Martha S. Feldman, University of California, will convene the sub-theme Bridging Time: Exploring the Dynamics of Routines and Path Dependence. Researchers who study the temporalization of routines and the relations between patterns of persistence and patterns of change are invited to apply for the sub-theme. A special focus will be on exploring the temporal patterning and tensions between the logic of change in and through routines and the self-reinforcing dynamics of stabilization in and between organizations. Please note that there is a Call for Papers for a Special Issue of Organization Science on „Routine Dynamics: Exploring Sources of Stability and Change in Organization“, co-edited by Martha S. Feldman. Submission deadline Septemberg 1st, 2013.

Call for Papers: VHB Jahrestagung

Call for Papers zur

75. Wissenschaftlichen Jahrestagung des VHB

Vom 23. bis 25. Mai 2013 findet an der Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg die Jahrestagung des VHB zum Thema „Die Zukunft der Betriebswirtschaftslehre als wissenschaftliche Disziplin“ statt. Ziel der Pfingsttagung ist es, den Forschungsstand der Betriebswirtschaftslehre aus der Perspektive ihrer verschiedenen Teildisziplinen wissenschaftlich zu analysieren, um hierauf aufbauend begründete Zukunftsperspektiven zu entwickeln. Einreichungsschluss für alle Tagungsbeiträge ist der 30. November 2012.

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Call for Papers: WK Hochschulmanagement

Call for Papers

Jahrestagung der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Hochschulmanagement
vom 21. bis 23. Februar 2013
an der Universität Duisburg-Essen

Seit 1998 werden von der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Hochschulmanagement des Verbandes der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft jährliche Tagungen zur Thematik des Hochschulmanagements veranstaltet. Ziel ist die Diskussion zwischen Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern innerhalb und außerhalb von Hochschulen, die sich mit der Weiterentwicklung von Managementansätzen im Kontext von Hochschule beschäftigen. Abstracts im Umfang von max. 1000 Wörtern können bis zum 03.12.2012 eingereicht werden.

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Call for Papers: EGOS Sub-theme on Perceptions of Organizations

Call for Papers for the

29th EGOS Colloquium,
Subtheme 32: “Bridging Perceptions of Organizations: Identities, Images and Reputations”,
Montréal, July 4–6, 2013.

The purpose of this sub-theme is to bring together a group of researchers interested in finding new explanations for behavior in and around organizations by investigating internal and external perceptions. Papers using qualitative or quantitative research approaches, but also conceptually oriented works are invited. The submission deadline for short papers (3,000 words total) ends Monday, January 14, 2013.

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Call for Papers: HRM in the Digital Age

Call for Papers

EURAM 2013 General Track on „HRM in the Digital Age“

to be published in a Special Issue of

“Employee Relations – The International Journal”

The far reaching societal, cultural and economical changes based on the ongoing usage of digital media and tools meanwhile are used to characterize the current period as the “digital age”. This affects HRM in several ways. The track welcomes papers which deal with these multiple aspects above and their impact on HRM as well as other aspects related to HRM and the digital age. This track will aim to discuss and integrate all three of the issues discussed above in order to establish the state of the art in this field.

Further Information

Call for Papers: Research Seminar „Diversity in Europe“

Call for papers:

Research Seminar „Diversity in Europe“
IUC Dubrovnik; 8 April – 12 April 2013

The aim of the research seminar is to create a better understanding of the social and economic potentials of diversity and of its application in a legal, economic and social perspective and thereby create sensitivity for the topic and its potentials. We will debate crucial elements of the concept and analyze the state of anti-discrimination law and politics and its economic impact in the EU-member states and discuss the transferability of the European approach to third countries. Deadline for abstract submission is Januray 31, 2013.

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Call for Papers: Paradoxes and tensions in HRM

Call for papers for a workshop on:

Paradoxes and tensions in HRM:
Exploring the field and moving ahead
February 14-15 2013; University of Innsbruck/Austria

Currently, we observe a rising interest of HRM scholars in understanding the nature of tensions in the management of workforce. While the terms duality, paradox, ambiguity and tension are widely used in contemporary HRM research, the underlying concepts and theoretical assumptions are rarely explored systematically. In this workshop we seek to explore recent developments in studying tensions in HRM and theoretical perspectives that help to increase our understanding of tensions, their origin and dynamics in HRM, and how they can be dealt with. Deadline for abstract submission is November 15, 2013.

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Call for Papers: Cross-National Perspectives on Ownership and Governance in Family Firms

Call for papers for a special issue of Corporate Governance: an International Review on

Cross-National Perspectives on Ownership
and Governance in Family Firms.

Ownership and governance in family firms have attracted broad scholarly attention, not just in management, but also in economics, finance, accounting, psychology and sociology. However, many of the critical antecedents, precise mechanisms and key implications of family governance and ownership still remain ambiguous. For the special issue,  scholars are encourage to apply a wide variety of rigorous methodological approaches in order to shed further light on several family business research areas. Both theoretical and empirical work will be considered. The deadline for complete manuscript submissions is September 1, 2013.

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