Archiv der Kategorie: Call for Papers

Call for Papers: Realizing competitiveness and sustainability through human factors and human resource management

Call for papers –EURAM 2014 (Track 06_06):

Realizing competitiveness and sustainability through human factors and human resource management

Organizational strategies that rely on technology to gain competitive advantage are dependent upon successfully integrating humans into the solution. Moreover, long-term success requires organizational stewardship of human, natural and environmental resources. Human Factors (HF) and Human Resource Management (HRM) professionals have begun pioneering work on harmonizing human, social, ecological, and economic resources to realize competitive and sustainable success. Papers with new theoretical perspectives on and/or empirical insights into HF/HRM and Sustainable Development are welcome. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Sustainable Human Resource Management: Concepts and Strategies
  • Theoretical and empirical Impacts on Sustainable Human Resourc Management
  • Theoretical Perspectives on Human Factors and Sustainable Development
  • Sustainability and Human Factors in Global Value Creation
  • Human Factors and Design for Sustainability
  • Sustainability and Risk Management from a Human Factors Perspective

Final date for full papers is January 16th, 2014.

Further Information

Call for Papers: Labour Time – Life Time (SI Management Revue)

Ever since the beginning of industrialization the fight for the reduction of working hours was considered the way out of the „kingdom of necessity“. It was only in the 1980s, in the course of a decentralized organization in worldwide networks, that the paradigm changed to more flexible forms of working time management. This is no longer an issue of the collective actors alone but also of the individuals who have to cope with the increasing time flexibility in a socio-structurally differentiated way. From trust-based working hours to on-call duty, from the core workforce with a 35-hour week to temporary work: the contemporary organization of working time took since long already various forms. In addition, the ongoing economic crisis leads in many European countries to forced over-employment and under-employment at the same time.

At the same time the topics are changing under which the problems of the „flexible character“ in balancing different aspects of life are discussed in (human resource) management, psychology and sociology. Role conflicts, the balance of work, free time and family or burnout as a possible consequence are keywords which show that work and work time cannot be separated from life time.

In the special issue and the corresponding seminar (IUC Dubrovnik, 23 – 27 April 2014), we would like to discuss our topic in an adequately broad and interdisciplinary way. We are particularly interested in questions such as:

  • Disparities of working time and desired working hours in the course of time
  • Quantitative and qualitative working-time regimes
  • Time-related stress and wealth in time
  • Balancing life domain work conflict
  • Models of labour time re-distribution
  • Externalities of problematic working time arrangements, e.g. influences on family life, happiness, fertility etc.

This is not an exhaustive list.


Potential contributors to the seminar at the IUC Dubrovnik are encouraged to contact the guest editors directly with an abstract of 1-2 pages before January, 31st 2014. A limited amount of travel grants for scholars from German universities are available.

Full papers for a special issue of management revue ( must be with the editors by July 31st 2014. All contributions will be subject to a double-blind review. Papers invited to a „revise and resubmit“ are due October 31st 2014. Please submit your papers electronically to Wenzel Matiaske at using as subject „IUC Dubrovnik: Working Time“.

Hoping to hear from you!

Wenzel Matiaske
Simon Fietze
Gerd Grözinger
Doris Holtmann

Call for Papers: Experimental Research on Governance, Risk, Compliance, and Taxation

Call for papers – DBW-Themenheft:

Experimental Research on Governance, Risk, Compliance, and Taxation

Die Zielsetzung des Themenhefts besteht darin, die Entwicklung in der experimentellen Forschung in den Bereichen Governance, Risk, and Compliance und Steuerwirkungen durch qualitativ hochwertige Beiträge weiter voranzubringen.
Die Arbeiten sollten methodisch dem Bereich der experimentellen Forschung zuzuordnen sein. Dabei kann es sich sowohl um Laborstudien als auch um Feldstudien handeln. Der methodische Ansatz kann ökonomisch oder psychologisch fundiert sein. Auch allgemeine Methodenbeiträge zur Anwendung der experimentellen Methode zum Forschungsgegenstand des Themenheftes sind willkommen. Mit den Beiträgen gelingt es idealerweise aufzuzeigen, welche experimentellen Ansätze sich für die Forschung zu diesen Themengebieten eignen, welchen Standards diese Forschung folgen sollte, inwiefern bislang offene Fragen beantwortet werden und somit welche neuen Erkenntnisse gewonnen werden können.

Die Beiträge müssen bis zum 31.05.2014 eingelangt sein.

Weitere Informationen

Call for Papers: HRM in Professional Service Firms

Call for papers – Special Issue on the Topic:

Human Resources Management in Professional Service Firms

to be published in Zeitschrift für Personalforschung
(German Journal of Research in Human Resource Management)

In recent years, knowledge has been recognized as the main resource for the creation of competitive advantage of organizations and businesses have therefore become much more knowledge-intensive. ,Professional service firms’ (PSFs) such as accounting, law firms, business or technical consulting, architecture firms, advertising agencies, and investment banks offering services mainly based on knowledge have emerged as focal point within these developments.

Despite these developments and the distinct characteristics of HRM in professional service firms it has been discussed in research only to a limited extend.

In order to be considered for publication in this Special Issue, an abstract of two pages should be sent to the editors by February 28th, 2014. The deadline for the full papers is June 30th, 2014.

Further Information

Call for Papers: Outcomes in Academia

Call for Papers

Outcomes in Academia:
Leistungsmessung und –steuerung in der Hochschule

Workshop vom 6.-7. März 2014 an der Universität Tübingen

Da die Qualität eines Hochschulsystems maßgeblich von den sie tragenden Akteuren, den dort Lehrenden und Forschenden, determiniert wird, ist es wichtig, diese zu guter Forschung und Lehre zu motivieren und sie mit denentsprechenden Ressourcen auszustatten. Doch wie kann dies erreicht werden und wie ist die Leistung von Hochschullehrern überhaupt zu definieren und zu messen?

Einsendefrist für „Extended Abstracts“ ist der 1.12.2013

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Call for Papers: Studies of Organisational Management & Sustainability

The Editorial Board of Studies of Organisational Management & Sustainability (SOMS) invites you to submit a paper to its second issue which is due to be launched in December 2013. SOMS is an international, double-blind-peer-reviewed, open access, on-line academic journal. It publishes two issues per year and does not charge any publication fee. Its mission is to promote the diffusion of research in the areas of management sciences and sustainability. Submissions will be accepted no later than: 30th Sept. 2013.

Further Information

Call for Papers: Führungskompetenz

Die Herausgeber der Zeitschrift PERSONALquarterly laden dazu ein, Beiträge zum Themenschwerpunkt


einzureichen. Führungskompetenz ist eine wichtige Schlüsselkompetenz für alle Organisationen und zugleich ein herausgehobener Erfolgsfaktor. Drei Themenfelder stehen besonders im Vordergrund: (1) Führungskompetenz als Persönlichkeitsfaktor; (2) Institutional Leadership; (3) Transformational Leadership. Das Themenheft lädt dazu ein, möglichst konzeptionell fundierte und empirisch interessante Beiträge einzureichen.

Einsendeschluss für Manuskripte ist der 30.09.2013.

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Call for Papers: IHRM Conference 2014

Call for Papers

13th International Human Resource Management Conference
„Uncertainty in a flattening world: challenges for IHRM“
24-27th June, 2014
Cracow University of Economics, Poland

The 13th IHRM conference will provide a platform for the exchanging of views on the state of IHRM research and the likely future direction of the field. Submissions are welcome in all aspects of IHRM.

Final date for abstract submission: 29th November 2013.

Further Information

Call for Papers: Diversity Management

Call for Papers für ein BFuP-Sonderheft zum Thema

„Diversity Management“

Nicht erst seit der Diskussion, ob und wie eine Frauenquote einzuführen ist, steht „diversity management“ zunehmend im Interesse der Öffentlichkeit und hat an Bedeutung gewonnen. Hierbei ist der Begriff wesentlich weiter gefasst als die reine Betrachtung der Geschlechterverteilung in Führungs- und Aufsichtsorganen: Er beinhaltet die Heterogenität, Vielfalt oder Verschiedenartigkeit des betrieblichen Personals im allgemeinen. Das BFuP-Sonderheft 6/2014 widmet sich den vielfältigen betriebswirtschaftlichen Herausforderungen, die mit diesen Entwicklungen einhergehen.

Einreichfrist ist der 15.03.2014.

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Call for Papers: New Firms and the Quality of Work

Call for Papers for a scientific workshop on

New Firms and the Quality of Work –
Working Conditions in the New Economy

February 20-21, 2014
Institute for Applied Economic Research (IAW) Tübingen, Germany

The workshop aims at shedding light on the interrelations between newly established firms, new industries and new forms of work. It intends to link previously unconnected areas of research by bringing together scholars from different fields who can contribute to advancing our knowledge at these interfaces. Researchers who wish to present their contributions at the workshop are invited to send a full paper or an extended abstract no later than October 31, 2013.

Further Information