Call for Papers: Special Issue of the PMJ (Projekt Management Journal)

Project Management Journal® invites authors to submit papers for a Special Edition of the journal:
Projects and Networks

The goal of the special issue is to assemble papers that focus on projects either from a network perspective or as a form
of network governance to significantly advance our knowledge in these areas. To this end, all papers should be based on
theoretically informed and empirically rigorous research using qualitative or quantitative designs and methods. Questions
that might be addressed in the papers include:

  • If we conceptualize the project as a network of role-holding actors, what are the features of these
    networks and how are they managed?
  • Self-organizing interpersonal networks—how do they arise in and across Projects?
  • What are suitable methodologies for gathering network data in large and/or complex project
  • How do interorganizational and interpersonal relationships interact in temporary organizations?
  • How do network behavior and actor attributes interact in and across projects?
  • How do project networks, usually considered a very flexible form of temporary organizing, become inert,
    even path-dependent?
  • What are the specifics of partner selection and retention in project networks?
  • How does institutional context influence the organizing of project Networks?
  • How do project networks coordinate their project work and what are the mechanisms that coordinate
    project design and project implementation?
  • What impacts do project networks as an organizational form have on the development of industries or

This list of questions is not exhaustive. We welcome submissions that address questions beyond what we have listed as long
as they contribute to a richer understanding of the projects as networks within the scope of this special issue.

Deadline: 31.10.2016

Further Information