Call for Papers: European Works Councils at Twenty: Assessing their Work, Impact and Prospects

Call for Papers

European Works Councils at Twenty:
Assessing their Work, Impact and Prospects
29th Cardiff Employment Research Unit Conference

29/30.10.2015; Cardiff Business School, Cardiff, UK

The European Commission adopted the European Works Councils (EWCs) Directive in 1994, establishing, for the first time, a transnational right to employee participation. The Directive, under article 13, provided the opportunity to voluntarily negotiate an EWC by 1996, or otherwise be bound by the norms set out in the Directive. Since then over 1000 EWCs have been established in multinational companies operating in Europe. The conference and special issue take the 20th anniversary of EWCs as an opportunity to evaluate the working, impact and future prospects of EWCs and EWC research.

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 10.10.2015

Please find further information on the special issue and conference on the following website: