Call for Papers: Vignette Experiments in Business Administration and Economics

Call for Papers

Vignette Experiments in Business Administration and Economics

29.6.2015; Workshop at the University of Applied Sciences in Coblence

Organizing team: Jennifer Kunz, Stefan Linder

Vignette experiments are an established method for gathering empirical evidence in many of the social sciences, especially in sociology. With the exception of consumer research, vignette experiments are still used rather infrequently in business administration and economics.
However, their application has become more commonplace over the past couple of years. The workshop intends to support this development by providing a forum for exchanging ideas, refinements to the method, and best practices among researchers in business administration and economics. We thus invite established scholars as well as young faculty and Ph.D. students – irrespectively of whether they have already worked with vignette experiments or intend to do so to in the future – to attend the workshop.

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 1.5.2015

Further Information