Call for Contributions: Clusters in the Context of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, Smart Specialisation Strategies & Regional Development

Call for Contributions

Clusters in the Context of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, Smart Specialisation Strategies & Regional Development
Workshop, 15.-17.9.2014, Flensburg & Sønderborg

Clusters are still a hot topic for scholars from different disciplines. More recently, specific interest in the field was directed towards the establishment of entrepreneurial ecosystems, smart specialization strategies and regional development. Linking these topics into Public Policies and firm strategies in clusters is the central theme of this workshop. The organisers of the workshop will organise an edited book or a special issue of a journal on the topic of the workshop theme. Participants at the workshop will have the possibility to submit their papers for refereeing for inclusion in the publication.

We are particularly interested in developing new knowledge in the area of firm clusters with regard to a resource-oriented perspective on clusters bringing together a wide range of multidisciplinary and cross sectoral approaches. We invite papers from researchers and practitioners in the following topic areas:

  • Smart specialisation strategies & clusters
  • Entrepreneurial ecosystems in clusters
  • Small business incubation in clusters
  • Cross-border clusters
  • The role of public policy in clusters
  • Firm resources, strategy and clustering
  • Cluster management and facilitation
  • Cluster mapping and evaluation
  • Best and worst practice cluster cases
  • Innovation networks

Deadline for submission of abstracts is June 1st, 2014.

Further Information