Vacancy at the Hasselt University (Belgium) – post-doctoral researcher

The Faculty of Business Economics of Hasselt University seeks a

post-doctoral researcher gender (m/f)


  • carrying out a project on the functioning  of boards of directors of listed Belgian companies from the perspective of male and female board members through qualitative methods. The project is part of the research activites of the consortium of the Policy Research Centre on Equality Policies of which Hasselt University is a member (more information about the Policy Research Centre on Equality Policies is available at;
  • fundamental research on gender in organisations in line with the competences and the profile of the candidate and within the framework of the research line ‘work and organisations’ of SEIN. Examples of past and current investigation topics are: work-life balance, pregnancy related discrimination, gendered careers, innovative diversity management practices, the relationship between diversity and processes and structures of control in organisations, diversity and alternative forms of organising, the relationship between diversity and inequality);
  • contributing to raising external research funding for fundamental and policy relevant research;
  • education-related tasks (e.g. tutoring master theses in Business Sciences on gender- related topics, occasional internal and external guest lectures) for max. 10% of the job.

Deadline for applying November, 18th, 2013.

Further Information