"Green Human Resource Management"

Call for Papers Special Issue on the Topic:

„Green Human Resource Management“

to be published in: Zeitschrift für Personalforschung

(German Journal of Research in Human Resource Management)

During the past two decades, a worldwide consensus has begun to emerge around the need for proactive environmental management. In response, scholars from management functions as diverse as accounting, marketing and supply-chain management have been analyzing how managerial practices in these areas can contribute to environmental management goals. In contrast, with some exceptions, such as a very early 1996 edited book by Wehrmeyer (Greening People: Human Resources and Environmental Management), there is a scarcity of research linking the field of human resource management (HRM) and environmental management. This is surprising, as any organizational responses to environmental concerns must involve decisions and behavior by an organization’s employees.

Fortunately, the potential role of HRM practices is beginning to be recognized. For example, at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, which had as its theme “Green Management Matters”, papers were presented that linked HR functions such as performance management and recruitment to environmental management. Studies designed to improve our understanding of environmentally-friendly employee attitudes and behaviors also have begun to appear. A 2008 review from the University of Sheffield (Renwick et al, ‘Green HRM: A Review, Process Model and Research Agenda’) as well as a Green HRM AOM Connect Group established in 2009 suggest that the term “Green HRM” could become the umbrella term for this research

Due Date for Abstracts: May 31st, 2010

Due Date for Submissions: September 30th, 2010.

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