ESCP Europe: Porfessor in Human Resources Management

The Paris campus of ESCP EUROPE (79, avenue de la République – 75011 Paris) seeks a professor in Human Resources Management for the period starting in September 2010.


  • Design and implement human resources management courses in the institution’s MIM (Master In Management / Grande Ecole), MS (Mastères Spécialisés), MBA and executive education programs
  • Develop a recognized research activity nationally and internationally
  • Participate in the management of the institution’s HR programs
  • Play an active role in ESCP Europe’s institutional activities
  • Be an active member of the institution’s community (participation in competitive exam juries, follow up of dissertations, and other such duties)

Profile sought:  beginners or experienced professors


  1. Hold a doctorate or PhD in human resources management
  2. Be bilingual in French and English, and be able to teach in the two languages
  3. Have published articles in peer reviewed French journals
  4. Have published at least one article in a peer reviewed Anglo-Saxon journal
  5. Display strong international implication, with a good academic network
  6. Prove first teaching experience (beginners)
  7. Demonstrate familiarity with the world of organizations
  8. Display excellent person-to-person contact and team work abilities

The following elements will constitute a plus:

  1. A comparative approach to research which could take advantage of ESCP Europe’s multisite structure
  2. A good knowledge of the strategic human resources management field
  3. Mastery of quantitative methods used in HRM
  4. Mastery of a third language, such as Italian, German or Spanish

Further information on the job posting