Enlarging the focus on the role of competencies, abilities, and personality in management research

Rüdiger Kabst, Rodrigo Isidor, Holger Steinmetz & Christian Schwens
University of Giessen, Germany

Special Issue 

 „Enlarging the focus on the role of competencies, abilities, and personality in management research“

Past research on the role of competencies, abilities, and personality in management research (e.g., predictive value of personality on job related issues, HRM practices handling individual abilities/competencies; organizational practices in different contextual situations) has generated considerable knowledge. However, with an increase in globalization leading to higher complexity of organizations as well as to altered demands on employees, there is a necessity to expand prior knowledge on the role of competencies, abilities, and personality across various contextual features (e.g., organizations, industries, markets, cultures). In addition, disciplines may differ with regard to theoretical assumptions, approaches, and methodologies.

We invite theoretical and/or empirical submissions to the special issue focusing on:

  • Overview/criticism of past research in the areas of competencies, abilities, and personality
  • Areas concerning the role of competencies, abilities, and personality not yet (sufficiently) investigated
  • Cross-cultural issues around the role of competencies, abilities, and personality
  • Integrations of multi-disciplinary views on competencies, abilities, and personality 
  • The contextualization of competencies, abilities, and personality
  • The use of methodological approaches from a variety of high standard approaches (Structural equation modeling, meta-analyses, panel-studies, qualitative studies)

All contributions will be subject to a double-blind review procedure. Inappropriate submissions may be returned without formal review. Manuscripts should by prepared in accordance with the format guidelines http://www.management-revue.org/. 

Timelines and Submission procedure 

15 May 2009 – Abstracts 
31 July 2009 – Full Paper  

To be sent electronically to: 

Holger Steinmetz
Christian Schwens