The Role of European Border Universities – The Scope of European Studies

29 – 30 September 2008, University of Flensburg

Europe is growing together most notably at its borders. The proceeding Europeanisation of formerly national policies provides border regions with increasing opportunities to step from national periphery into the European centre. At the same time, border regions serve as testing laboratories for the future of European integration.

Thematically, the conference encompasses the whole spectre of the so-called “knowledge triangle” Education-Research-Innovation with regard to cross-border cooperation of European higher education institutions.

Border universities are also especially good places for the many new „European Studies“ programs. Therefore, an additional focus is on the exchange about the core curriculum and the future developments of the Study of Europe. The conference is to take place in the city of

Flensburg, Germany. Flensburg is a harbour city just off the shore of the Baltic Sea and just beside the border of Denmark. Through history, the city once belonged to Denmark. Today, the University of Flensburg cares a great deal in strong cooperation work in science and research with the neighbouring Danish University of Southern Denmark. And even more, the University of Flensburg and the Syddansk Universitet share together courses and offer diplomas Bachelor of Arts, as well as Master of Arts, in the major “European Studies”.

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