Tag Archives: SNA

Call for Papers: Innovation Networks – Special Issue Management Revue

Call for Papers

Susanne Gretzinger, University of Southern Denmark, Sønderborg
Simon Fietze, Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg (Germany)
Wenzel Matiaske, Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg (Germany)

Special Issue: Innovation Networks

Economic operations and thus innovations are embedded in social relations and structures.

Therefore, the organizational units that create innovation are not individual businesses, but usually networks. From a resource point of view, networks hold a variety of advantages for their members, such as access to material and immaterial resources, information and knowledge.

Powell et al. (1996), for example, conclude in their study on innovation behavior in pharmaceutical companies that companies that are not able to initiate networks or form a cooperation have strategic disadvantages on the market. In this context, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are considered to be dependent on the social capital of networks, because of the limited resources they have under direct control due to their size.

In the European context national economies are depending very much on SMEs. Depending on definition the companies of the European economies are consisting between 70 and 95 % of small or medium-sized companies. While huge companies are hosting all the resources, which are in need to set up innovation capabilities themselves, SME are depending much more on cooperation compared to huge companies. Furthermore SMEs do have to take higher risks into accountwhen cooperating with other partners. Huge companies do have much better possibilities just to buy in complementary resources while SMEs have to develop trustful relationship to prevent losing their competitive edge or from dropping into the trap of the dark side of social capital.

The importance of innovation for national economies has motivated policy makers to promote innovation capabilities of their economies and therewith the circumstances of SMEs. To promote economically relevant information to SMEs, the public sector provides specific advisory services. From strategic management’s point of view, the involvement of cooperation partners and intermediaries is on the one hand necessary but on the other hand accompanied by the risk of losing specific knowledge to the business environment.

In this special issue, we would like to discuss innovation networks of businesses – in particular SMEs – from a social network analysis (SNA) perspective. Theoretical and conceptual contributions as well as empirical work linking innovation networks of businesses and SNA are of interest.


Full papers for this special edition of ‘management revue’ must be with the editors by October 31st, 2013. All submissions will be subject to a double blind review process. Papers invited for a ‘revise and resubmit’ are due on January 31st, 2014. It is anticipated that the special edition will appear as Issue No. 2 in 2014. Please submit your papers electronically via the journal submission system at https://hermes.hsu-hh.de/mrev/ using ‘Innovation Networks’ as article section

Looking forward to hearing from you

Susanne Gretzinger
Simon Fietze
Wenzel Matiaske

Call for Papers as PDF

7. Trie­rer Sum­mer School on So­ci­al Net­work Ana­ly­sis

Die Anmeldephase für die 7. Trierer Summer School on Social Network Analysis hat begonnen.

Die Trierer Summer School on Social Network Analysis (23.-28. September 2013) bietet im Rahmen eines einwöchigen Intensivangebots eine umfassende Einführung in die theoretischen Konzepte, Methoden und Anwendungen der Sozialen Netzwerkanalyse. Die Veranstaltung richtet sich an NachwuchswissenschaftlerInnen und Studierende aller geistes-, kultur- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Fächer, die sich mit der Analyse sozialer Strukturen beschäftigen und Einblick in die Methoden der Sozialen Netzwerkanalyse (SNA) nehmen möchten.

Das Angebot auf einem Blick:

  • eine Woche intensive Einführung in die SNA durch Experten
  • individuelle Forschungsberatung durch die Dozenten
  • Einführung in gängige Software zur SNA (Pajek, Gephi, R)
  • Gastvortrag: Miriam J. Lubbers (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) „The dynamics of personal networks of immigrants over an eight-year period“
  • Workshop „Mixed Methods“/„Visual Network Research“ (Net-Map, VennMaker)
  • Workshop „Data Mining und angewandte Netzwerkanalyse“
  • Workshop „Prozessgenerierte Daten und historische Netzwerkanalyse“
  • angenehme Lernatmosphäre mit vielen Gelegenheiten für “social networking”
  • abendliches Rahmenprogramm (gemeinsames Abendessen/Stadtrundgang)

Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Summer School Homepage.

Sunbelt XXXIII: Call for Papers – Session SNA-QCA

Call for Papers for a session on “SNA meets QCA”

at the XXXIII. Sunbelt Conference, May 21 – 26, 2013 in Hamburg, Germany

Session organizers:
Anja Iseke, University of Paderborn, Germany
Jörg Raab, Tilburg University, the Netherlands

Like social network analysis (SNA), qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) has gained popularity as a research strategy and a family of methods since Charles Ragin (1989, 2000, 2008) introduced QCA to the social sciences. Following a set-theoretic approach, QCA views cases as configurations of outcomes and conditions based on Boolean algebra. In contrast to studying net effects of independent variables as in regression analysis, QCA methods seek to identify necessary and/or sufficient combinations of conditions that lead to an outcome. QCA is well atuned to multiple conjunctural causation, which implies that first, a combination of conditions (rather than a single condition) produces an outcome (conjunctural causation), second, there may be more than one combination of conditions which account for an outcome (equifinality), and third, a (combination) of condition leading to the presence of an outcome might be quite different from a combinations of conditions leading to the absence of the outcome (causal asymmetry).

So far, only few studies have combined SNA and QCA. For example, social networks have been studied as a condition (e.g., Stevenson & Greenberg, 2000) or as an outcome (Magetti, 2009). QCA has also been used to create typologies of networks (e.g., Yamasaki & Spreitzer, 2006) and Raab, Provan and Lemaire (forthcoming) discuss the combination for inter-organizational networks. Those studies provide ample evidence that QCA is a powerful approach for studying social networks. Configurational network theories may deepen our understanding of social networks antecedents, processes and outcomes, and QCA provide the methodological tools to test these theories. In addition, QCA is very suitable in combining qualitative and quantitative data to explain outcomes on the node, dyad or network level of analysis.

We invite abstracts for 20 minute oral presentations on social network studies that follow a configurational approach and/or apply set-theoretic methods, such as crisp-set QCA, multi-value QCA , fuzzy-set QCA from all social science disciplines.

Some of the questions to address include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Which combinations of conditions lead to specific outcomes? (e.g., what are necessary and sufficient conditions for occupying a central position in a network, what network characteristics are necessary and sufficient for high or low network effectiveness?)
  • Are certain network attributes (alone or in combination with other conditions) sufficient to explain a specific outcome (e.g., under which conditions are weak ties sufficient for receiving advice?)
  • Do actors occupying different network positions require different conditions to achieve a certain outcome? (e.g., do central or peripheral actors require different strategies or resources to perform well?

Submission will be closing on December 31 at 11:59:59 EST. Please limit your abstract to 250 words.

Proceed to abstract submission: http://www.abstractserver.com/sunbelt2013/absmgm/

When submitting your abstract, please select “SNA meets QCA” as session title in the drop down box on the submission site. To be extra sure please put a note in the “additional notes” box on the abstract submission form that states Anja Iseke as the session organizer.

For further information on the venue and conference registration see http://hamburg-sunbelt2013.org

Fischer, M. 2011. Social Network Analysis and Qualitative Comparative Analysis: Their Mutual Benefit for the Explanation of Policy Network Structures. Methodological Innovations Online, 6(2): 27–51.

Maggetti, M. 2009. The role of independent regulatory agencies in policy-making: a comparative analysis. Journal of European Public Policy, 16(3): 450–470.

Raab, J., Provan, K. and Lemaire, R. The Configurational Approach in Organizational Networks Research, in:”Configurational Theory and Methods in Organizational Research”, Research in the Sociology of Organizations, edited by P. Fiss, A. Marx and B. Cambre, forthcoming.

Ragin, C. C. 1989. The Comparative Method: Moving Beyond Qualitative and Quantitative Strategies (1st ed.). Berkeley: University of California Press.

Ragin, C. C. 2000. Fuzzy-Set Social Science. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Ragin, C. C. 2008. Redesigning social inquiry: Fuzzy sets and beyond. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Stevenson, W. B., & Greenberg, D. 2000. Agency and Social Networks: Strategies of Action in a Social Structure of Position, Opposition, and Opportunity. Administrative Science Quarterly, 45(4): 651–678.

Yamasaki, S., & Spreitzer, A. 2006. Beyond Methodological Tenets. In H. Grimm & B. Rihoux (Eds.), Innovative Comparative Methods for Policy Analysis: 95–120. New York: Springer.

6. Trie­rer Sum­mer School on So­ci­al Net­work Ana­ly­sis (10.-15.09.2012)

10.-15. Sep­tem­ber 2012

Die Trie­rer Sum­mer School on So­ci­al Net­work Ana­ly­sis bie­tet im Rah­men eines ein­wö­chi­gen In­ten­siv­an­ge­bots eine um­fas­sen­de Ein­füh­rung in die theo­re­ti­schen Kon­zep­te, Me­tho­den und An­wen­dun­gen der So­zia­len Netz­werkana­ly­se. Die Ver­an­stal­tung rich­tet sich an Nach­wuchs­wis­sen­schaft­le­rIn­nen und Stu­die­ren­de aller geis­tes-, kul­tur- und so­zi­al­wis­sen­schaft­li­chen Fä­cher, die sich mit der Ana­ly­se so­zia­ler Struk­tu­ren be­schäf­ti­gen und Ein­blick in die Me­tho­den der So­zia­len Netz­werkana­ly­se (SNA) neh­men möch­ten.

Die An­mel­de­pha­se läuft vom 16. April bis 27. Juli 2012.


Wei­ter­füh­ren­de In­for­ma­tio­nen:

Das An­ge­bot auf einem Blick:

  • Preis: 230 Euro
  • eine Woche in­ten­si­ve Ein­füh­rung in die SNA durch Ex­per­ten
  • in­di­vi­du­el­le For­schungs­be­ra­tung durch die Do­zen­ten
  • ein­füh­ren­de Li­te­ra­tur im On­line-Ap­pa­rat sowie Lern­ma­te­ria­li­en
  • Ein­füh­rung in gän­gi­ge Soft­ware zur SNA (Pajek, Gephi)
  • Work­shop zu quan­ti­ta­ti­ven und qua­li­ta­ti­ven Me­tho­den (Net-Map, Venn­Ma­ker)
  • An­rech­nung der Sum­mer School nach ECTS mit 3 credit points
  • Ver­pfle­gung mit Snacks und Ge­trän­ken wäh­rend der Ver­an­stal­tung
  • an­ge­neh­me Ler­n­at­mo­sphä­re mit vie­len Ge­le­gen­hei­ten für “so­ci­al net­wor­king”
  • abend­li­ches Rah­men­pro­gramm (ge­mein­sa­mes Abend­es­sen/Stadt­rund­gang)