Tag Archives: ECTS

Last Call for Papers – DAAAM 2012

Last Call for Papers – 23rd DAAAM 2012
Deadline for sending of papers for last call: 2012-09-10
All relevant information: www.daaam.com / www.daaam.info

The 23rd DAAAM Symposium will be held at the University of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia during the period 24-27th October 2012.

The calls for papers are announced for:

1) DAAAM International Scientific Book
DAAAM International Scientific Book is very successful project. If you want to present your research project and newest results as a chapter of DAAAM International Scientific Book 2012 – you are welcome. Find more information about DAAAM Scientific Book here.

2) Young Researchers´ and Scientists´ Conference
We are supporting the development of the next generation of researchers and scientists for that reason we are organizing the 6th European DAAAM International Young Researchers´ and Scientists´ Conference which will be held in parallel with the 23rd DAAAM International Symposium “Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation”

3) The 23rd DAAAM International Symposium
The 23rd DAAAM International Symposium “Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation”

4) Publishing of paper in the Annals of DAAAM for 2012

5) DAAAM International Journal of Simulation Modelling
Call for Manuscripts http://www.ijsimm.com/

Festo Prize: Young researchers and scientists are welcome to take place in the competitions for Festo Prize. Since five years concern Festo gives significant financial supports for 25-35 best young authors for attending symposium and presenting of their research results.

New: 1st DAAAM International Doctoral School will be organized during DAAAM week 2012-10-21/28. The main target of the School is to support development of doctoral students to doctors of technical sciences. Advanced topics will cover wide range from: How to be doctor of technical sciences, over case studies till personal consultations and discussions with leading international scientists and researches. Professors from more than 15 conuntries will be teachers at the school. The numbers of students and doctor fathers / teachers are limited. Successful participants will get diploma from University of Zadar including 4 ECTS points. University of Zadar will suport doctoral students with accommodation and melas. Interested persons will get more detailed information. If you are interested in this activity as student or teacher please tell us international_school@daaam.com

With best regards President
B Katalinic

6. Trie­rer Sum­mer School on So­ci­al Net­work Ana­ly­sis (10.-15.09.2012)

10.-15. Sep­tem­ber 2012

Die Trie­rer Sum­mer School on So­ci­al Net­work Ana­ly­sis bie­tet im Rah­men eines ein­wö­chi­gen In­ten­siv­an­ge­bots eine um­fas­sen­de Ein­füh­rung in die theo­re­ti­schen Kon­zep­te, Me­tho­den und An­wen­dun­gen der So­zia­len Netz­werkana­ly­se. Die Ver­an­stal­tung rich­tet sich an Nach­wuchs­wis­sen­schaft­le­rIn­nen und Stu­die­ren­de aller geis­tes-, kul­tur- und so­zi­al­wis­sen­schaft­li­chen Fä­cher, die sich mit der Ana­ly­se so­zia­ler Struk­tu­ren be­schäf­ti­gen und Ein­blick in die Me­tho­den der So­zia­len Netz­werkana­ly­se (SNA) neh­men möch­ten.

Die An­mel­de­pha­se läuft vom 16. April bis 27. Juli 2012.


Wei­ter­füh­ren­de In­for­ma­tio­nen:

Das An­ge­bot auf einem Blick:

  • Preis: 230 Euro
  • eine Woche in­ten­si­ve Ein­füh­rung in die SNA durch Ex­per­ten
  • in­di­vi­du­el­le For­schungs­be­ra­tung durch die Do­zen­ten
  • ein­füh­ren­de Li­te­ra­tur im On­line-Ap­pa­rat sowie Lern­ma­te­ria­li­en
  • Ein­füh­rung in gän­gi­ge Soft­ware zur SNA (Pajek, Gephi)
  • Work­shop zu quan­ti­ta­ti­ven und qua­li­ta­ti­ven Me­tho­den (Net-Map, Venn­Ma­ker)
  • An­rech­nung der Sum­mer School nach ECTS mit 3 credit points
  • Ver­pfle­gung mit Snacks und Ge­trän­ken wäh­rend der Ver­an­stal­tung
  • an­ge­neh­me Ler­n­at­mo­sphä­re mit vie­len Ge­le­gen­hei­ten für “so­ci­al net­wor­king”
  • abend­li­ches Rah­men­pro­gramm (ge­mein­sa­mes Abend­es­sen/Stadt­rund­gang)