Tag Archives: CP

Network Analysis

Institution: see Organisers & Acknowledgements

Program of study: International Research Workshop

Lecturer: Mark Trappmann (Institute for Employment Research) and Anja Iseke (University of Paderborn)
NB! There will be offered two parallel courses with the same contents!

Date: 07.10.2009, 09:00 a.m. – 17:30 p.m.

Room: n.s.

Max. number of participants: 50 (25 per course)

Semester periods per week: n.s.

Credit Points: 3 CP for participating in the whole IRWS 2009

Language of instruction: English and German

This course will familiarize students with basic concepts in social network analysis. Topics include handling network data, introduction to network analysis software (UCINET and Netdraw), centrality and prestige in networks, subgroup analysis, and roles and positions. This is an applied course that will require students to test and analyze social networks of employees in a high-tech organization and friendship networks among freshmen.

You have to register for the 3rd International Research Workshop to participate in this course.

Case Studies

Institution: see Organisers & Acknowledgements

Program of study: International Research Workshop

Lecturer: N.N.

05.10.2009, 14:00 p.m. – 17:30 p.m.
06.10.2009, 14:00 p.m. – 17:30 p.m.
08.10.2009, 14:00 p.m. – 17:30 p.m.

Room: n.s.

Max. number of participants: n.s.

Semester periods per week: n.s.

Credit Points: 3 CP for participating in the whole IRWS 2009

Language of instruction: n.s.

Contents: n.s.

You have to register for the 3rd International Research Workshop to participate in this course.

Analysing Panel Data

Institution: see Organisers & Acknowledgements

Program of study: International Research Workshop

Lecturer: Torben Dall-Schmidt & Peter Sandholdt Jensen (tbc)

08.10.2009, 14:00 p.m. – 17:30 p.m.

Room: n.s.

Max. number of participants: n.s.

Semester periods per week: n.s.

Credit Points: 3 CP for participating in the whole IRWS 2009

Language of instruction: n.s.

Contents: n.s.

You have to register for the 3rd International Research Workshop to participate in this course.

Introduction to the SOEP

Institution: see Organisers & Acknowledgements

Program of study: International Research Workshop

Lecturer: Elke Holst (SOEP at DIW) and Andrea Schäfer (University of Bremen)

05.10.2009, 14:00 p.m. – 17:30 p.m.
06.10.2009, 14:00 p.m. – 17:30 p.m.

Room: n.s.

Max. number of participants: n.s.

Semester periods per week: n.s.

Credit Points: 3 CP for participating in the whole IRWS 2009

Language of instruction: English

The Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) is a longitudinal study of private households in Germany. The panel provides information on all  household members and was started in 1984. In 2007, there were nearly 11,000 households, and more than 20,000 persons sampled. Some of the many topics include household composition, occupational biographies, employment, earnings, health, well being, integration, values, lifestyles, and personality. The course gives an overview of the data structure and the research designs facilitated by longitudinal household studies that go beyond conventional surveys (intergenerational analysis, life course research, sibling estimates, etc.). In hands-on sessions using Stata, the course provides an applied introduction into the data retrieval, the construction of longitudinal data files, and illustrates some exemplary analyses.

You have to register for the 3rd International Research Workshop to participate in this course.

Introduction to Qualitative Interview Methods

Institution: see Organisers & Acknowledgements

Program of study: International Research Workshop

Lecturer: Ralph Kattenbach (University of Hamburg)

05.10.2009, 09:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
06.10.2009, 09:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Room: n.s.

Max. number of participants: 20

Semester periods per week: English (German)

Credit Points: 3 CP for participating in the whole IRWS 2009

Language of instruction: n.s.


Qualitative research methods have gained more and more importance and acceptance in social sciences. Especially expert interviews, group discussions and observations are applicable for behaviour oriented research questions on individual-, group-, and organisational level. The workshop will be aligned to the individual needs with regard to their own qualitative projects or interests. Sampling, theoretical background, interview techniques, transcription and data-preparations for analyses are main topics to be concerned within the two sessions.

You have to register for the 3rd International Research Workshop to participate in this course.

Data Analysis with R

Institution: see Organisers & Acknowledgements

Program of study: International Research Workshop

Lecturer: Detlef Steuer (HSU Hamburg)

05.10.2009, 09:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
06.10.2009, 09:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
08.10.2009, 09:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
09.10.2009, 09:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Room: n.s.

Max. number of participants: 15

Semester periods per week: n.s.

Credit Points: 3 CP for participating in the whole IRWS 2009

Language of instruction: English


Starting with a basic level introduction to R and its concepts the course will cover typical problems arising in research using statistical tools. Focus will be on the tool R itself, not on the underlying statistics. Nevertheless procedures for descriptive statistics, regression, and time series analysis methods will be given in the examples. Following a ‘natural’ workflow for statisticians the course will cover reading (and cleaning) data, generating graphs and reports, defining functions for repetitive work and keeping research reproducible.

You have to register for the 3rd International Research Workshop to participate in this course.