Tag Archives: conference

Call for Papers: International Academy of Business and Economics (IABE)

International Academy of Business and Economics (IABE)
Summer Conference at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
Barcelona, Spain June 3-5, 2011

Dear colleagues,
Happy New Year 2011!

You are cordially invited to attend to the IABE – Summer Conference which will take place during June 3-5, 2011 at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona (Spain). The main theme of the conference is: “Development in Research & Education”. Its scope is to review research advances in both business and economics, seeking to demonstrate new concepts, methods, models and theories.
The IABE-2012 Barcelona conference aims, among other topics, to discuss whether international business can be an important part of the solution to the socio-economic problems raised by the 2007-2008 global financial crisis, in order to build a stronger and more resilient global economy, and to pave the way for an era of renewed prosperity.

The conference especially invites both theoretical and empirical contributions to shed further light on these issues. In addition to contributions focusing on the main theme of the conference, papers and panel proposals are invited on a wide range of economics and international business topics.

The IABE Summer Conference has earned a reputation as a prominent Rendez-vous, a meeting point for academicians, PhD students and business leaders worldwide. We hold academic conferences for business and economics faculty each year in June in Europe and in October in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Why Barcelona 2011? In fact, Barcelona is recognised as a Global City due to its importance in finance, commerce, media, entertainment, arts, international trade, education and tourism. Barcelona is the second largest city in Spain after Madrid. For those who have travelled a lot it is easy to see why Spain is one of the most popular countries to live or visit. After France, Spain is the second most popular holiday destination in Europe.

“I feel at home in Barcelona”, (Albert Einstein, on a visit to Barcelona, 1923).
“I know many cities in the world, but Barcelona fascinated me from the first moment: it has energy, a special magic. I’d like to live there”, (Keith Haring, 1958).
“I think Barcelona is an interesting, sophisticated, cosmopolitan and highly civilized city”,
(Woody Allen, 2005, during the celebration of 25th Anniversary of Prince of Asturias Awards, 2005)

To submit a paper please, visit the IABE-website: http://www.iabe.eu for more information.

We look forward to seeing you in Barcelona!

Dean/Dr. Cheick Wague , Conference Chair, Southern Stockholm University, Sweden
Your Barcelona City Guide

Academy of Business Research Spring 2011 International Conference

Academy of Business Research
Spring 2011 International Conference

New Orleans, Louisiana March 16-18
Iberville Suites Hotel Located in the French Quarter

The deadline for the Spring 2011 International Conference is February 1st, 2011. All completed abstracts must be emailed to info@academyofbusinessresearch.com. Abstracts must include all authors and contact information. Decisions on papers will be made no later than February 8th, 2011.

The Iberville Suites, New Orleans
The French Quarter like you’ve never seen it before.
Located in the heart of the historic French Quarter, The Iberville Suites provides the ultimate in comfort and luxury. Spacious French Quarter suites with distinct living and sleeping areas include all the finest amenities. Our location puts you where you want to be, just steps from all the fine dining, live music and entertainment in the Vieux Carré. We’ll take care of it all, from the valet parking upon your arrival, through every detail of your stay. Plus, you’ll enjoy a complimentary, continental breakfast each morning!

The Iberville Suites shares its building with The Ritz-Carlton New Orleans, and our guests take advantage of The Ritz-Carlton Spa, along with the acclaimed restaurants and bars, including M Bistro and The Davenport Lounge with resident jazz trumpeter Jeremy Davenport.

Academy of Business Research Publications
All articles are double blind, peer reviewed and listed in Cabells.

Academy of Business Journal
The Academy of Business Journal is an interdisciplinary journal with articles dealing with a spectrum of issues in business and economics. This is our most prestigious and competitive journal. Currently, the Academy of Business Journal has a 9% acceptance rate for submitted articles.

Academy of Business Research**
The Academy of Business Research is an interdisciplinary journal dealing with issues in business and education. Any Best Paper award at the conference will automatically qualify for acceptance into the Academy of Business Research.

Journal of Applied Financial Research
The Journal of Applied Financial Research is intended for parties that are interested in the practical applications of financial research. The intended readership consists of both researchers and practitioners. The emphasis of the journal is on applications, not the statistical methodology used to derive the applications. Thus, any empirical work should be clearly outlined so that a wide spectrum audience can follow the practical applications of the manuscript.

The mission of The Journal of Applied Financial Research is to support researchers and practitioners in the application of finance and economic development. The Journal of Applied Financial Research gives preference to papers specializing in the applications related to financial research. Regional studies and studies pertaining to small business are welcome. Currently, the Journal of Applied Financial Research has a 23% acceptance rate.

Benefits of Membership
All proceedings are abstract only and are peer reviewed publications. Academy of Business Research members receive a free journal with every conference. We provide forms and documentation for continuing professional education credits. We offer an optional awards dinner. All payments are available on our website. The conference provides an opportunity for academics and practitioners to collaborate and share the cutting edge of business and educational research.

****Student rates are only $50

We look forward to seeing you in New Orleans!!

Randall Valentine, PhD
Program Chair

Call for Papers: 10th ESA Conference in Geneva – 7th – 10th September 2011

10th ESA CONFERENCE, GENEVA, 7th – 10th September 2011



Call for papers
The consequences of the recent financial crash and the following economic crisis on organized labour, i.e. on industrial relations, employment and labour market institutions, is frequently seen as dramatic. However, industrial relations were always heavily exposed to financial and economic shocks and crises. For example, the shocks of the 1970s altered post-war labour relations radically, albeit with notable differences in pace and shape across countries. On the other hand, industrial relations and labour market institutions influenced the way in which this policy shift took place. The interrelationship between crises, turbulent times and industrial relations gives reason to discuss the implications of the crisis for the interaction of industrial relations with the economy and society. In line with the conference theme, RN 17 is interested in the following questions in context with the current crisis: will industrial relations undergo restructuring processes on a scale similar or even larger than the alterations of the past? To what extent will industrial relations and labour market institutions affect the policy responses and their effects?
In order to explore the theme of the conference as well as other current debates in the field of industrial relations, labour market institutions and employment, this call for papers intends to focus on the following areas:

  • Work and employment in (turbulent) times of the crisis
  • Labour markets: segmentation and social inequalities. The role of trade unions
  • Macro concertation in Europe in times of the crisis: welfare and collective bargaining
  • Restructuring and workplace labour relations: reorganisation processes and negotiations
  • The emergence of a European system of industrial relations: critical current debates
  • Perspectives for the European social model
  • New challenges to interest representation (RN17 and RC10)
  • The resurgence of conflicts: individual and collective forms of labour disputes

We expect to receive theoretical and empirical (both qualitative and quantitative) papers. Cross- national papers are especially welcome. Please submit your abstracts through the conference website (www.esa10thconference.com), using the online abstract submission form. The abstract submission platform opens on 10th January 2011 and the deadline for submissions is 25th February 2011. Papers for presentation will be selected by the RN coordinators on 6th April 2011. For further information and registration, please contact the conference secretariat (www.esa10thconference.com).

Stream number 7 is jointly organised by ISA RC10 and ESA RN17

Mirella Baglioni (ESA RN17 Coordinator) and Bernd Brandl (ESA RN17 Vice-coordinator)

A Borderless Europe?

International Conference SDU Sønderborg 2010, Sept. 30. – Oct. 2. 2010
Call for papers
On the threshold of a ‘borderless Europe’, research on every day life experiences with borders and border issues has become more relevant than ever. The mobility of everyday life reflected in increasing migration rates and cross-border commuting implies movements and activities crossing national, administrative, cultural and mental borders challenging dividing lines between European states, East and West, center and periphery, rich and poor within as well as conceptions of internal and external Europe.
Since the late 1990s, the European Union has had a new focus on the peripheries and borderlands of Europe. From considering them enclaves of stagnation and as more or less passive recipients of subsidies, the new profile in EU regional policies is that border regions are motors in the European integration process and encouraged to act as entrepreneurs of their own and the European developments. This shift marks new possibilities for cross-border and inter- regional cooperation.
However, even in today’s Europe, where we conceive the European state borders as more permeable than before, particularly within the ‘Schengenland’, the unambiguous absence of borders can prove hard to find. Historical conflicts, as well as politically discursive and mental barriers between the European populations seem to be more persistent than EU attempts to demolish border and integrate Europe. As for the European integration process, this point can be taken further, that integration is not a matter of overcoming the borders in Europe; rather it is a question of acknowledging the co-existence of many different versions of the European borders.
In contrast to considering borders to be mere physical dividing lines or easily dissolvable, this conference takes a cross-disciplinary perspective on borders and borderlands, discussing them as socially constructed, multiple practices and complex psychological patterns. Borders may thus represent boundaries as well as thresholds of passages, they can be symbolic or material, soft or hard, and they can appear permeable or extremely solid. This ambivalent character makes it crucial to investigate how the people of Europe practice and experience borders in everyday life.
This conference invites contributions that empirically as well as theoretically reflect on the challenges associated with living on, by, with and across the European borders. Contributions can have both contemporary and historical outlook. The conference committee welcomes contributions from all disciplines related to border issues (such as Ethnology, Anthropology, Sociology, European Studies, History, Political Science, Law, Economics, Geography, Business Studies, etc.)
The question of a ‘borderless Europe’ will be addressed from theoretical and empirical as well as practical perspectives:
1. How can we theoretically as well as methodologically conceive and conceptualise the complex character of European borders? 2. How are borders experienced in European every day life – not least among those living outside or at the external EU-borders? 3. Which kinds of challenges are connected to the governance of regions and cross-border cooperation? 4. How persistent are historical memory, discourse and imaginings in maintaining European borders?
5. What effect does EU’s regional policies have on cross-border mobility and the economic landscape of regional disparities in Europe? 6. How does new external EU-borders (Schengen) influence everyday life in border-regions?
The conference will be grouped into following themes:
Borders and regionalisation. Cross-border cooperation. Borders and mobility. Migration and commuting. Borders and Europeanisation/globalisation. Tracing links.
Abstracts should be between 300 – 500 words and send to the organising committee no later than April 15. 2010.
We intend to publish an anthology based on revised versions of selected conference papers. If you are interested in contributing to the anthology, please send full papers to the organising committee no later than September 1. 2010.

International Conference SDU Sønderborg 2010, Sept. 30. – Oct. 2. 2010

Call for papers

On the threshold of a ‘borderless Europe’, research on every day life experiences with borders and border issues has become more relevant than ever. The mobility of everyday life reflected in increasing migration rates and cross-border commuting implies movements and activities crossing national, administrative, cultural and mental borders challenging dividing lines between European states, East and West, center and periphery, rich and poor within as well as conceptions of internal and external Europe.

Since the late 1990s, the European Union has had a new focus on the peripheries and borderlands of Europe. From considering them enclaves of stagnation and as more or less passive recipients of subsidies, the new profile in EU regional policies is that border regions are motors in the European integration process and encouraged to act as entrepreneurs of their own and the European developments. This shift marks new possibilities for cross-border and inter- regional cooperation.

However, even in today’s Europe, where we conceive the European state borders as more permeable than before, particularly within the ‘Schengenland’, the unambiguous absence of borders can prove hard to find. Historical conflicts, as well as politically discursive and mental barriers between the European populations seem to be more persistent than EU attempts to demolish border and integrate Europe. As for the European integration process, this point can be taken further, that integration is not a matter of overcoming the borders in Europe; rather it is a question of acknowledging the co-existence of many different versions of the European borders.

In contrast to considering borders to be mere physical dividing lines or easily dissolvable, this conference takes a cross-disciplinary perspective on borders and borderlands, discussing them as socially constructed, multiple practices and complex psychological patterns. Borders may thus represent boundaries as well as thresholds of passages, they can be symbolic or material, soft or hard, and they can appear permeable or extremely solid. This ambivalent character makes it crucial to investigate how the people of Europe practice and experience borders in everyday life.

This conference invites contributions that empirically as well as theoretically reflect on the challenges associated with living on, by, with and across the European borders. Contributions can have both contemporary and historical outlook. The conference committee welcomes contributions from all disciplines related to border issues (such as Ethnology, Anthropology, Sociology, European Studies, History, Political Science, Law, Economics, Geography, Business Studies, etc.)

The question of a ‘borderless Europe’ will be addressed from theoretical and empirical as well as practical perspectives:

  1. How can we theoretically as well as methodologically conceive and conceptualise the complex character of European borders?
  2. How are borders experienced in European every day life – not least among those living outside or at the external EU-borders?
  3. Which kinds of challenges are connected to the governance of regions and cross-border cooperation?
  4. How persistent are historical memory, discourse and imaginings in maintaining European borders?
  5. What effect does EU’s regional policies have on cross-border mobility and the economic landscape of regional disparities in Europe?
  6. How does new external EU-borders (Schengen) influence everyday life in border-regions?

The conference will be grouped into following themes:

I. Borders and regionalisation. Cross-border cooperation.
II. Borders and mobility. Migration and commuting.
III. Borders and Europeanisation/globalisation. Tracing links.

Abstracts should be between 300 – 500 words and send to the organising committee no later than April 15. 2010.

We intend to publish an anthology based on revised versions of selected conference papers. If you are interested in contributing to the anthology, please send full papers to the organising committee no later than September 1. 2010.

Further information about the conference

Third Conference on Non-Cognitive Skills: Acquisition and Economic Consequences

October 22th -24th 2009 at the DIW Berlin, Berlin, Germany

For the third time the research network “Non-Cognitive Skills: Acquisition and Economic Conse quences” which is funded by the Leibniz Association within the “Pakt für Forschung und Innovation 2008” is pleased to announce a conference on “Non-Cognitive Skills”. The network consists of a co-operation of economic and psychological expertise of leading European research institutions, the research group of James Heckman at the Economic Research Center, Chicago and the Baden-Württemberg employer association Südwest metall including its educational institutions. In the conference we plan to discuss theories and research methods from different disciplines in order to study non-cognitive skills (such as motivation, persistence, self-regulation) in the modern economy. The discussions will shed also some light on the priorities of education policy.

If you would like to attend the conference, please submit an abstract of your topic (350 words in English) together with complete contact information before June 30th, 2009. We will inform you whether your proposal has been accepted before, August 15th2009. There will be no conference fee.

Keynote Lectures:

  • Jens Asendorpf, Institute for Psychology; Humboldt University Berlin (October 22, 2009)
  • Ernst Fehr, Institute for Empirical Research in Economics, University of Zurich (October 24, 2009)

Scientific Committee:

Friedhelm Pfeiffer, Jürgen Schupp, C. Katharina Spiess

Scientific Organisation:

Anja Achtziger, Joan Blanden, James J. Heckman, Manfred Laucht, Friedhelm Pfeiffer, Winfried Pohlmeier, C. Katharina Spiess

Research Network Noncognitive Skills:

  • Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim
  • Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), Mannheim
  • Centre for Quantitative Methods and Survey Research, Konstanz
  • Centre for the Economics of Education, London
  • Centre for Research on Intentions and Intentionality, Konstanz
  • Economics Research Center, Chicago
  • Socio-Economic Panel, Berlin
  • SÜDWESTMETALL, Stuttgart

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