Tag Archives: Christof Wolf

Second DwB Training Course (13.-15.02.2013)

Working with data from official statistics in Europe – particularly the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC)

Dates: 13–15 February 2013

Deadline for applications: 15 January 2013

Location: Romanian Social Data Archive at the Department of Sociology (University of Bucharest, Romania)

Documents: will be later downloadable here.


Data without Boundaries organizes in cooperation with Eurostat a series of three day training courses on integrated Eurostat datasets.

This second course is particularly focussed on the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) and will be hosted by the Romanian Social Data Archive at the Department of Sociology (University of Bucharest, Romania). Other partners involved in this course are GESIS (Mannheim, Germany), UK Data Archive (Essex), Réseau Quetelet (Paris), Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (Paris) and Eurostat (Luxembourg).

The course is aimed at post graduate and senior researchers from throughout Europe who are seeking to conduct research on the basis of the EU-SILC. Besides highlighting the legal and administrative aspects of data access the course demonstrates the possibilities of the EU-SILC in a hands-on computer sessions which explores the potential for both international as well as longitudinal analysis by using multivariate statistical methods and SPSS/Stata.

Interested parties should send a short application letter (max. 500 words) explaining their motivations to participate in this course to 2nd-dwb-training@gesis.org. Deadline for applications is 15 January 2013. For further information please contact Christof Wolf (firsname.lastname@gesis.org).

Participants have to cover their own expenses for travel and accomodation. Attendance of the course is free.

The call text can be downloaded here.

Content of the course
(outline downloadable here)

Day 1, Wednesday, February 13, 2013
13.00–13.30 Welcome and Overview of Data without Boundaries – Christof Wolf (GESIS)

Part I: Overview of Data from Official Statistics in Europe
13.30–14.30 Overview: Data from Official Statistics – Roxane Silberman (Réseau Quetelet)
14:30–15:00 Break

Part II: Accessing Confidential National Microdata
15.00–16.00 Regulations for Data Access – Reza Afkhami (UKDA), Michel Isnard (INSEE)

Day 2, Thursday, February 14, 2013

Part III: Introduction to the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU‐SILC)
09.00–10.30 Introduction to EU‐SILC – Boyan Genev (Eurostat)
10:30–11:00 Break
11.00–12.00 Introduction to SILC from a Research Perspective – Heike Wirth (GESIS)
12.00–13.30 Lunch
13.30–14.00 Documentation and Additional Resources – Alexander Mack (GESIS)

Part IV: Practical Training Session
14:15–14:45 Introduction to Training Dataset – Alexander Mack (GESIS)
14:45–15:15 Break
15.15–17.00 Practical Computing Session I – Heike Wirth/Alexander Mack

Day 3, Friday, February 15, 2013
9.00–12.00 Practical Computing Session II – Heike Wirth/Alexander Mack
12.00 End of course

2nd DwB Training Course – EU SILC (13-15 February 2013)

2nd DwB Training Course
Working with data from official statistics in Europe – EU-SILC
13-15 February 2013, Romania

Data without Boundaries (DwB) organizes in cooperation with Eurostat a series of three day training courses on integrated Eurostat datasets.

This second course is particularly focused on the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) and will be hosted by the Romanian Social Data Archive at the Department of Sociology (University of Bucharest, Romania). Other partners involved in this course are GESIS (Mannheim, Germany), UK Data Archive (Essex), Réseau Quetelet (Paris), Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (Paris) and Eurostat (Luxembourg).

The course is aimed at post graduate and senior researchers from throughout Europe who are seeking to conduct research on the basis of the EU-SILC. Besides highlighting the legal and administrative aspects of data access the course demonstrates the possibilities of the EU-SILC in a hands-on computer sessions which explores the potential for both international as well as longitudinal analysis by using multivariate statistical methods and SPSS/Stata.

Interested parties should send a short application letter (max. 500 words) explaining their motivations to participate in this course to 2nd-dwb-training@gesis.org. Deadline for applications is 15 January 2013. For further information please contact Christof Wolf.

Dates: 13-15 February 2013
Deadline for applications: 15 January 2013
Location: Romanian Social Data Archive at the Department of Sociology (University of Bucharest, Romania)

Contact: 2nd-dwb-training@gesis.org

More Information can be found here: