Tag Archives: CGG Lecture Series

CGG Lecture Series “Governing Innovation: Using Social Network Analysis” (13.06.2013)

CGG Lecture Series “Dynamiken sozialer Netzwerke”

Do. 13. Juni 2013, 18 Uhr
Hörsaal K, Hauptgebäude,
Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1

Julia Gluesing & Ken Riopelle,
Wayne State University, Detroit/Ill

Governing Innovation: Using Social Network Analysis

In today’s globalized economy, organizations are increasingly spanning geographical, cultural and organizational boundaries to accomplish work, supported by an integrated information technology infrastructure. For the global corporation, working well across boundaries, especially to innovate, is a necessity to stay ahead of the competition and survive. Yet in these global companies it is increasingly difficult to understand or to manage the extended communication networks through which innovation emerges and is brought to the marketplace.

The purpose of this lecture is to share the social network analysis approach and results of a five-year, National Science Foundation funded study that addresses a central business problem – how to accelerate the adoption of new ideas, processes and technologies when organizations depend on the speed of implementation to be competitive. The project team from Wayne State University and the University of Illinois at Chicago worked in partnership with information technology professionals from Ford Motor Company and Visteon. The team harnessed information in real time that already flows through a company’s information technology infrastructure to create seven metrics that are promising, accurate indicators of collaboration and team performance in an innovation network. The research results have wide applicability and benefit for governing distributed collaborative innovation using a social network analysis tools and techniques in organizations of all kinds.

Business anthropology has had a long tradition in network analysis and can have an increasingly important role to play in the future in fostering an understanding of micro organizational processes and contextual variation in both meanings and behaviors in global networked organizations. To understand global organizing, especially in the postindustrial or post-bureaucratic organizations that are enabled by information technology (IT), mixing research methods is a good way to accomplish both depth and breadth of understanding and to keep pace with emerging patterns and meanings. Quantitative and qualitative methods, automated IT-based data collection and indepth ethnography, are complementary and are important considerations in research design for studying networked organizations going forward. The IT-based analytics can tell us much about how networks are structured and how they evolve as well as about the central messages that flow through the communication networks. However, anthropology and the ethnographic tradition in network analysis can play a critical role in the future to help uncover new patterns of work, emergent roles, and different meanings for work and relationships within global networks.

CGG Lecture Series “Dynamiken sozialer Netzwerke”: Educational Decisions and the Role of Social Networks (08.05.2013)

CGG Lecture Series “Dynamiken sozialer Netzwerke”

Mi. 8. Mai 2013, 18 Uhr
Hörsaal J, Hauptgebäude,
Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1

Prof. Sue Heath, Ph.D.
University of Manchester

Educational Decisions and the Role of Social Networks

This paper will focus on a research project which sought to understand the educational decisionmaking of adults through exploring the positioning of these adults within their broader social networks rather than viewing educational decision making as an individualised process. To achieve this, we adopted a qualitative social network approach and conducted in-depth interviews not just with egos but with nominated members of their networks, achieving a sample of 107 individuals across 16 different networks. Through researching the socially embedded and co-constructed nature of educational narratives, our research highlighted the different forms of social capital which were utilised within particular social networks. It also illustrated how decisions about potential participation in formal and informal education were deeply rooted in shared intergenerational understandings of the value of different educational and occupational pathways. This approach not only highlighted the complexity of educational decision-making, but also the tensions, contradictions and moments of solidarity which occurred within networks.

Sue Heath is a Professor of Sociology and a co-director of the Morgan Centre for the Study of Relationships and Personal Life at the University of Manchester.

Further Information

CGG Lecture Series: ‘No man is an island’. Social networks and social capital (27.06.12)

CGG Lecture Series NETWORKED GOVERNANCE Steuerung von Netzwerken – Steuerung durch Netzwerke

Prof. Dr. Flap, Universität Utrecht
‘No man is an island’. Social networks and social capital

Mittwoch, 27.06.2012
um 18 Uhr im Hörsaal K
(Hauptgebäude der Universität Hamburg, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1)

Bitte beachten Sie: Der Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Sydow, Freie Universität Berlin, wird nicht am kommenden Freitag, 18.5., stattfinden, sondern am Freitag, 29.06., von 12-14 Uhr, im Hörsaal F, Von-Melle-Park 6.

CGG Lecture Series: Mapping and Investigating Covert Networks via Network Analysis and Text Mining (9.5. 18 Uhr)

CGG Lecture Series NETWORKED GOVERNANCE Steuerung von Netzwerken – Steuerung durch Netzwerke

Mi. 09. Mai 2012, 18 c.t.
Hörsaal K, Hauptgebäude, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1

Assistant Professor, University of Illinois

Mapping and Investigating Covert Networks via Network Analysis and Text Mining

Applying network analysis to co-offender data and other types of covert networks can help to select strategic leads for further investigation and overcoming limitations with profiling. A key challenge with this approach is data collection since classic methods such as surveys, questionnaires and observations are often inapplicable. Alternatively, relevant information about covert networks can be contained in unstructured, natural language text data, such as communication data, material from court hearings, reports from subject matter experts, and data from the (participatory) web. In this talk, I present my work on methods, technologies and applications for constructing covert network data from various accounts of behavioral trace data, mainly text data, and for considering the content of information and communication data for network analysis. I provide examples from my research on the Sudan, where critical interactions include conflicts and coalitions between ethnic groups and rivalries over natural resources. I will also talk about my work on email data analysis of a corporation indicted of white- collar crime. Finally, I will touch on data privacy and security issues related to studying covert networks.

Further Information

Weitere Vorträge der Lecture series:

27.06.2012, Mi, 18-20 Uhr, Hörsaal K, Hauptgebäude, ESA 1
Henk D. Flap (Utrecht)
“No man is an island”. Social networks and social capital

29.06.2012 (Achtung, Terminänderung!), Freitag, 11-13 Uhr, Raum wird noch bekannt gegeben!
Jörg Sydow (FU Berlin)
Interorganisationale Netzwerke – Eine dezentrale und flexible Organisationsform ökonomischer Aktivitäten?

04.07.2012, Mittwoch, 18-20 Uhr, Hörsaal K, Hauptgebäude, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1
David Lazer (Harvard University/Massachusetts)
Structure and agency in sharing knowledge in distributed systems

09.07.2012, Montag, 18-20 Uhr, Hörsaal K, Hauptgebäude, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1
Walter W. Powell (Stanford University/California)
Organizational and Institutional Genesis: Why do life science clusters form in some regions but not in others?

Einladung zur CGG Lecture Series mit Prof. Lutz Leisering am 02.02.

Die letzte CGG Lecture des Wintersemesters findet statt am Mittwoch dem 02.02. um 18 Uhr ct.. Es spricht Prof. Lutz Leisering, PhD, von der Universität Bielefeld zum Thema ‘Extending Social Security to the Excluded: Are Social Cash Transfers to the Poor an Appropriate Way of Fighting Poverty in Developing Countries?’. Der Vortrag wird im Hörsaal K des Hauptgebäudes ESA 1 stattfinden.

Das vollständige Programm und ggf. weitere Informationen finden Sie unter http://www.wiso.uni-hamburg.de/institute/cgg/lecture-series/