Tag Archives: call for papers

Call for Papers: Session on “Mechanisms of Change in Organizational Networks” XXXIII. Sunbelt Conference, May 21 – 26, 2013 in Hamburg, Germany

Call for Papers
Session on “Mechanisms of Change in Organizational Networks” XXXIII. Sunbelt Conference, May 21 – 26, 2013 in Hamburg, Germany

Session organizers:
Henning Hillmann, University of Mannheim, Germany (hillmann@uni-mannheim.de)
Valery Yakubovich, ESSEC Business School, France (yakubovich@essec.fr)

One of the most exciting areas in recent studies of organizational networks concerns the emergence of new organizational forms (e.g. the volume on Emergence of Organizations and Markets, by John Padgett and Woody Powell): where do markets and organizations come from? What social structural conditions and contexts are particularly favorable to facilitate innovation in organizations and elsewhere? Social science research tends to be attracted to newness. Yet, just as important are questions about the persistence of established organizational networks: why exactly are some organizational networks more likely to survive than others? What social mechanisms may account for their long-run survival and the spill-over effects they may have into other areas of organizational life? At the same time, we routinely observe organizational change. Does such change emerge endogenously, from within organizational networks? Or, is it more likely to be triggered by exogenous shocks? We believe that a promising approach to answering these questions seeks to identify the micro-foundations and causal mechanisms that give rise to various organizational macro-structures (e.g. Peter Hedstrom and Peter Bearman, eds., Handbook of Analytical Sociology).

We invite submissions that advance our understanding of the emergence, persistence and change of organizational networks. We particularly welcome contributions that try to solve interesting empirical puzzles and advance theory through mechanism-based explanations.

Submission will be closing on December 31 at 11:59:59 EST. Please limit your abstract to 250 words.
Proceed to abstract submission: http://www.abstractserver.com/sunbelt2013/absmgm/

When submitting your abstract, please select “Mechanisms of Change in Organizational Networks” as session title in the drop down box on the submission site. To be extra sure please put a note in the “additional notes” box on the abstract submission form that states Henning Hillmann as the session organizer.

For further information on the venue an1d conference registration see http://hamburg-sunbelt2013.org

Sunbelt XXXIII: Call for Papers – Session SNA-QCA

Call for Papers for a session on “SNA meets QCA”

at the XXXIII. Sunbelt Conference, May 21 – 26, 2013 in Hamburg, Germany

Session organizers:
Anja Iseke, University of Paderborn, Germany
Jörg Raab, Tilburg University, the Netherlands

Like social network analysis (SNA), qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) has gained popularity as a research strategy and a family of methods since Charles Ragin (1989, 2000, 2008) introduced QCA to the social sciences. Following a set-theoretic approach, QCA views cases as configurations of outcomes and conditions based on Boolean algebra. In contrast to studying net effects of independent variables as in regression analysis, QCA methods seek to identify necessary and/or sufficient combinations of conditions that lead to an outcome. QCA is well atuned to multiple conjunctural causation, which implies that first, a combination of conditions (rather than a single condition) produces an outcome (conjunctural causation), second, there may be more than one combination of conditions which account for an outcome (equifinality), and third, a (combination) of condition leading to the presence of an outcome might be quite different from a combinations of conditions leading to the absence of the outcome (causal asymmetry).

So far, only few studies have combined SNA and QCA. For example, social networks have been studied as a condition (e.g., Stevenson & Greenberg, 2000) or as an outcome (Magetti, 2009). QCA has also been used to create typologies of networks (e.g., Yamasaki & Spreitzer, 2006) and Raab, Provan and Lemaire (forthcoming) discuss the combination for inter-organizational networks. Those studies provide ample evidence that QCA is a powerful approach for studying social networks. Configurational network theories may deepen our understanding of social networks antecedents, processes and outcomes, and QCA provide the methodological tools to test these theories. In addition, QCA is very suitable in combining qualitative and quantitative data to explain outcomes on the node, dyad or network level of analysis.

We invite abstracts for 20 minute oral presentations on social network studies that follow a configurational approach and/or apply set-theoretic methods, such as crisp-set QCA, multi-value QCA , fuzzy-set QCA from all social science disciplines.

Some of the questions to address include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Which combinations of conditions lead to specific outcomes? (e.g., what are necessary and sufficient conditions for occupying a central position in a network, what network characteristics are necessary and sufficient for high or low network effectiveness?)
  • Are certain network attributes (alone or in combination with other conditions) sufficient to explain a specific outcome (e.g., under which conditions are weak ties sufficient for receiving advice?)
  • Do actors occupying different network positions require different conditions to achieve a certain outcome? (e.g., do central or peripheral actors require different strategies or resources to perform well?

Submission will be closing on December 31 at 11:59:59 EST. Please limit your abstract to 250 words.

Proceed to abstract submission: http://www.abstractserver.com/sunbelt2013/absmgm/

When submitting your abstract, please select “SNA meets QCA” as session title in the drop down box on the submission site. To be extra sure please put a note in the “additional notes” box on the abstract submission form that states Anja Iseke as the session organizer.

For further information on the venue and conference registration see http://hamburg-sunbelt2013.org

Fischer, M. 2011. Social Network Analysis and Qualitative Comparative Analysis: Their Mutual Benefit for the Explanation of Policy Network Structures. Methodological Innovations Online, 6(2): 27–51.

Maggetti, M. 2009. The role of independent regulatory agencies in policy-making: a comparative analysis. Journal of European Public Policy, 16(3): 450–470.

Raab, J., Provan, K. and Lemaire, R. The Configurational Approach in Organizational Networks Research, in:”Configurational Theory and Methods in Organizational Research”, Research in the Sociology of Organizations, edited by P. Fiss, A. Marx and B. Cambre, forthcoming.

Ragin, C. C. 1989. The Comparative Method: Moving Beyond Qualitative and Quantitative Strategies (1st ed.). Berkeley: University of California Press.

Ragin, C. C. 2000. Fuzzy-Set Social Science. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Ragin, C. C. 2008. Redesigning social inquiry: Fuzzy sets and beyond. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Stevenson, W. B., & Greenberg, D. 2000. Agency and Social Networks: Strategies of Action in a Social Structure of Position, Opposition, and Opportunity. Administrative Science Quarterly, 45(4): 651–678.

Yamasaki, S., & Spreitzer, A. 2006. Beyond Methodological Tenets. In H. Grimm & B. Rihoux (Eds.), Innovative Comparative Methods for Policy Analysis: 95–120. New York: Springer.

Call for Papers: Workshop ‘Kritische Organisationsforschung’

Call for Papers zum

3. Workshop des Forums ‚Kritische Organisationsforschung‘
Thema: ‚Critical Management Studies‘
30.-31. Mai 2013, Technische Universität Chemnitz

Mit den Critical Management Studies (CMS) hat sich in den letzten 15 Jahren ein Begriff und ein Label etabliert, unter welchem die in einem weiten Sinne kritische Reflexion vorherrschender Vorstellungen von Management und Organisation und den damit verknüpften Wissens- und Praxisformen einen neuen Aufschwung genommen hat. Der Workshop verfolgt das Ziel, die Diskussion der CMS im deutschsprachigen Raum zu befördern. Von Interesse sind dabei Beiträge, welche sich in programmatischer oder konzeptioneller Hinsicht mit den CMS auseinandersetzen sowie empirische Studien, welche auf die CMS Bezug oder deren Grundlinien folgen. Erweiterte Abstracts (1.500-2.000 Wörter) können bis zum 31. März 2013 eingereicht werden.

Weitere Informationen

Call for Papers: International Conference in Critical Management Studies

Call for Papers for the

8th International Conference in Critical Management Studies
Sub-Theme: “Cynical? Constructive? Comfortable? Critical? –
Rethinking the C in Critical Management Studies”

July 10-12, 2013, University of Manchester

The purpose of this sub-theme is to discuss the relationship between critique and constructive intervention as well as its consequences for our identities as critical researchers. Deadline for abstract submission is Januray 31, 2013.

Further Information

Call for papers – 6th RGS Doctoral Conference in Economics

The 6th RGS Doctoral Conference in Economics will take place on February 26-28, 2013 at the Ruhr University Bochum, Germany.

The aim of the Conference is to facilitate the exchange and discussion of research results on an international level by bringing together top PhD students and experienced researchers in a professional and social forum.

Both empirical and theoretical papers will be considered. The range of topics covers all research areas in Economics including

  • Microeconomics,
  • Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics,
  • Financial Markets,
  • International Economics,
  • Public Economics,
  • Health Economics,
  • Labour and Demographic Economics,
  • Population Economics,
  • Industrial Organization.

Papers should be submitted no later than December 10, 2012.

Further details can be obtained from the website of the RGS Econ at http://www.rgs-econ.de.

Conference Poster

Call for Papers – Migration: Global Development, New Frontiers

Invited Academic Speakers include: Richard Alba, Jagdish Bhagwati, François Bourguignon, Leah Boustan, David Card, Barry Chiswick, Claudia Diehl, Frederic Docquier, Ayse Guveli, Jens Hainmueller, Anthony Heath, Jennifer Hunt, Frank Kalter, Ethan Lewis, Mirca Madianou, Valentina Mazzucato, David McKenzie, Judi Mesman, Kaivan Munshi, Giovanni Peri, Lucinda Platt, Imran Rasul and Jeffrey Reitz.

Academic Podia on:

Transnational and Multicultural Lives
Ethnicity, Religion and Discrimination
First and Second Generation Migrants
Migration and Knowledge Spill-overs
Migration and Development
New Frontiers in Migration Data

Policy Podia on:

How should Governments Best Address World Trends in Migration?
Migration: the Key Challenge for the EU?

Invitation to submit: The NORFACE Research Programme on Migration and the Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration (CReAM) at UCL are jointly organising a large interdisciplinary conference on migration. The conference will be held from 10th – 13th April, 2013 at University College London. It will feature invited talks, contributed sessions and a number of academic podia on topics at the frontier of the migration research agenda, as well as two policy events, where high level practitioners, politicians and media representatives will discuss migration related issues.

We welcome scholars from economics, sociology, psychology, demography, anthropology, development studies, and other disciplines with an interest in migration issues, to submit innovative papers on any aspect related to migration. Papers and abstracts should be submitted electronically, using the on-line submission link below.

Submission Guidelines: Submissions for presentation should include an abstract (max. 250 words) and a full paper.

Submission Deadline: Submissions of full papers (pdf files) for contributed sessions are expected by 16th December, 2012.

To submit a paper, please click here

Acceptance decisions will be communicated to the submitters by 31st January, 2013.

Presentation Format: The selected papers will be grouped by category. There will be parallel sessions, with four presentations in each session. Each parallel session will be two hours long. Each presenter will be allocated 30 minutes, including time for discussion.

Other: Travel and accommodation expenses should be covered by the participants themselves. However, there will be a limited number of registration fee waivers for participants under exceptional circumstances.

To download the poster for the call for papers, please click here

Call for Papers: Atypische Beschäftigungsverhältnisse

Call for Papers

Atypische Beschäftigungsverhältnisse
Herausgeber: Berndt Keller & Werner Nienhüser
Schwerpunktheft der Industriellen Beziehungen

Das Normalarbeitsverhältnis verliert an Bedeutung zugunsten atypischer Beschäftigungsverhältnisse, die inzwischen mehr als ein Drittel des Arbeitsmarktes ausmachen. Der Sammelbegriff verdeckt die unterschiedlichen Ausprägungen (u. a. Teilzeit, geringfügige Beschäftigung/Mini- und Midijobs, befristete Beschäftigung, Leih- und Zeitarbeit, neue (Solo-)Selbstständigkeit sowie ihre spezifischen Folgeprobleme in kurz-, mittel- und langfristiger Perspektive. Das Schwerpunktheft soll sowohl aktuelle, empirisch und theoretisch orientierte Beiträge zu einzelnen Formen liefern als auch entsprechende Querschnittsthemen behandeln, die in der öffentlichen und wissenschaftlichen Diskussion weitgehend unberücksichtigt bleiben. Abstracts im Umfang von max. 5000 Wörtern können bis zum 21.12.2012 eingereicht werden.

Weitere Informationen

Call for Papers: Work, Employment and Society Conference

Call for Papers for the

BSA Work, Employment and Society Conference 2013
“States of Work: and the interpretations of work, employment, society and the state”
3-5 September 2013; University of Warwick, UK

The conference has an international focus and comes at a critical time for the study of work. Over the few last years, unprecedented state intervention in the economy and subsequent radical reform plans for the public sector and the welfare state have raised new questions on the ways work is socially regulated: the WES 2013 conference will bring together sociologists of work from across the globe to assess the evidence and consider the theoretical implications of changing relations between work, society and the state. Deadline for abstract submission is April 19, 2013.

Further Information

Call for Papers: EGOS Sub-theme on Routines and Path Dependence

Call for Papers for the

29th EGOS Colloquium,
Subtheme 39: “Bridging Time: Exploring the Dynamics of Routines and Path Dependence

From 4th to 6th July 2013, the 29th EGOS Colloquium will be held in Montréal, Canada with the general theme Bridging Continents, Cultures and Worldviews (www.egos2013.net). Georg Schreyögg and Jörg Sydow, both Freie Universität Berlin, and Martha S. Feldman, University of California, will convene the sub-theme Bridging Time: Exploring the Dynamics of Routines and Path Dependence. Researchers who study the temporalization of routines and the relations between patterns of persistence and patterns of change are invited to apply for the sub-theme. A special focus will be on exploring the temporal patterning and tensions between the logic of change in and through routines and the self-reinforcing dynamics of stabilization in and between organizations. Please note that there is a Call for Papers for a Special Issue of Organization Science on “Routine Dynamics: Exploring Sources of Stability and Change in Organization”, co-edited by Martha S. Feldman. Submission deadline Septemberg 1st, 2013.

Call for Papers: VHB-Jahrestagung 2013

Call for Papers zur

75. Wissenschaftlichen Jahrestagung des VHB

Vom 23. bis 25. Mai 2013 findet an der Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg die Jahrestagung des VHB zum Thema „Die Zukunft der Betriebswirtschaftslehre als wissenschaftliche Disziplin“ statt. Ziel der Pfingsttagung ist es, den Forschungsstand der Betriebswirtschaftslehre aus der Perspektive ihrer verschiedenen Teildisziplinen wissenschaftlich zu analysieren, um hierauf aufbauend begründete Zukunftsperspektiven zu entwickeln. Einreichungsschluss für alle Tagungsbeiträge ist der 30. November 2012.

Weitere Informationen