Tag Archives: Afghanistan

Conference: Afghanistan, The Cold War, and the End of the Soviet Union (14.-16.03.13)

Afghanistan, The Cold War, and the End of the Soviet Union
14-16 March 2013

The conference is open to the public. Registration is not necessary

Conference Program

Thursday, 14 March 2013: Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung

20.00: Opening
Rodric Braithwaite (London): This Time it will be Different: The Russians in Afghanistan, 1979-1989

Friday, 15 March 2013: : Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Thomas-Ellwein-Saal

9.45-10.15 Welcome

10.15-11.45 Rhetorics and Politics of the Cold War

Martin Deuerlein (Tübingen): The Bear Trap? Iran, Afghanistan and the Prelude to Invasion, 1978-1979
Roman Krawielicki (Tübingen): “Sovietnam”? Reagan Rhetoric and Politics in relation to the Soviet War in Afghanistan
Discussant: Claudia Weber (Hamburg)

11.45-12.30 Coffee Break

12.00-13.30 Everyday Lives I: Within the Soviet Army

Alena Maklak (Potsdam): “United Friendly Family”? Cohesion and Disintegration among Soviet Soldiers in Afghanistan
Serguei Oushakine (Princeton): Notes of War and Despair. Writing Military History with Songs
Discussant: Klaas Voß (Hamburg)

13.30-14.30 Lunch

14.30-16.00 Everyday Lives II: Resistance and Migration in Afghanistan

Robert Johnson (Oxford, UK): Counter-Revolution or People’s War: The Mujahideen Insurgency, 1979-1989
Conrad Schetter (Bonn): Patterns of Migration in Afghanistan
Discussant: Florian Kühn (Hamburg)

16.00-16.60 Coffee Break

16.30-18.00 The Self and the Other: Perceptions of Afghans and Soviets

Martha Vogel (Basel): Afghan Visual Propaganda. The Self and the Other
Elena Senyavskaya (Moscow): Afghanistan in the Eyes of the Limited Contingent of Soviet Forces
Discussant: Rudolf Mark (Hamburg)

Saturday, 16 March 2013: Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Thomas-Ellwein-Saal

9.45-11.15 The Aftermath: The Soviet War Veterans

Nataliya Danilova (Nottingham): Veterans of the Soviet Afghan War: Gender Crisis and Re-Invention of Identity
Vejune D. Gota (Vilnius): The Aftermath of War: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Social Support, and Alcohol Consumption in Lithuania
Discussant: Manfred Zeller (Hamburg)


Afghanistan, the Cold War and the End of the Soviet Union. Perspectives for new research

For further information please contact Dr. des. Esther Meier.

PD. Tanja Penter, Dr. des. Esther Meier, Laura Sembritzki, M.A. (HSU)
Dr. Claudia Weber (HIS)

Further information

HSU-Gastvortrag: Auslandseinsatz als institutionelle Krise: Afghanistan und die deutsche Sicherheitsapparatur (18.03.2013)

Einladung zum Vortrag

Auslandseinsatz als institutionelle Krise: Afghanistan und die deutsche Sicherheitsapparatur

Dr. Klaus Naumann
Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung

Termin: 18. März 2013, 18:30 Uhr

Ort: Ort: Helmut-Schmidt-Universität/Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg, Holstenhofweg 85, Gebäude H1, Hauptbibliothek