Tag Archives: 2013

30 Years of German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP): Anniversary Colloqium on Happiness Research

Time: September 20, 2013, 11 am to 9 pm
Place: Hertie School of Governance, Berlin

The German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) is currently collecting its 30th wave of data. We would like to celebrate this milestone with a colloquium on “Happiness Research”, which has become one of the central fields of research with the SOEP data over the last ten years.

An increasing number of SOEP users are focusing on themes of satisfaction and happiness in their analyses, and we therefore are delighted to announce that the following internationally renown researchers have agreed to present their findings in keynote speeches at the colloquium:


Conchita D’Ambrosio (University of Luxembourg/Luxembourg), Paul Frijters (University of Queensland/Australia), Bruce Headey (University of Melbourne/Australia), Rich Lucas (tbc) (Michigan State University/USA), Andrew Oswald (University of Warwick/UK), and Nilam Ram (Pennstate University/USA), and Rainer Winkelmann (University of Zurich/Switzerland).

David Richter, Jürgen Schupp, and Gert Wagner will present non-analyzed and rarely-analyzed SOEP Data on happiness and satisfaction. Furthermore, doctoral and post doctoral students as well as several senior researchers will present their work in a poster session.

In a special session, awards for the best papers based on SOEP data published during the past 12 months will then be presented by the Chairman of the Board of the Society of Friends of DIW Berlin (VdF), which is also the main sponsor of the colloquium.

Date and venue

The Colloquium will take place on September 20, 2013 in Berlin, Hertie School of Governance (in the same Building as DIW).

Further information and details on registration will follow soon on our web page.

2013 INFORMS/Organization Science Dissertation Proposal Competition

Call for Submissions

Submission Deadline: July 1, 2013

We invite you to submit your dissertation proposal to the INFORMS/Organization Science Dissertation Proposal Competition. Now in its 21st year, this competition is one of the most prestigious available to doctoral students studying organizations. Eight finalists will be chosen, based on reviews by experienced referees. Finalists will present their dissertation proposals in a workshop on Saturday, October 5, 2013 at the fall INFORMS Conference held in Minneapolis, MN. During the workshop finalists will receive detailed feedback from a panel of respected organizational scholars who act as final judges for the competition. The all-day workshop also provides a wonderful opportunity to interact with a small group of future colleagues. At the workshop, the judges will select a winner and a runner up.

In order for their dissertation proposals to be considered for this competition, students must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Students must have defended their dissertation proposal between August 1, 2012, and August 1, 2013, but not yet defended their dissertation.
  • The expected completion date for students’ dissertations should be on or before July 1, 2014.
  • No part of the dissertation or dissertation proposal may be accepted for publication, provisionally or otherwise, at an academic journal prior to submission for this competition.

We encourage all eligible doctoral students who are studying topics related to organization science to submit summaries of their dissertation proposals. Dissertation proposals addressing issues related to any aspect of organization theory, organizational behavior, strategy, business ethics, or entrepreneurship are welcome.

Submissions should meet the following formatting criteria: Proposal summaries must be no longer than 15 double-spaced pages in 12-point Times font with 1-inch margins. Up to 7 additional pages containing references and exhibits may be included.

Because this is a dissertation proposal competition, empirical results should not appear in the dissertation proposal summary or appendices.

Dissertation proposals will be judged based on soundness of theory, methodological rigor, and contribution to the field of organization science. In keeping with the mission of the INFORMS College on Organization Science, boldness and innovation of the dissertation will be important criteria in the judging process.

The competition is being coordinated this year by Emily Block of the University of Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business. We are fortunate to again be using Organization Science’s ScholarOne Manuscripts submission system to manage dissertation proposal submissions and reviews. The web address for submissions is http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/orgsci. If you do not already have an account you will have to create one. This is a quick and easy process.

Applications must be received by July 1, 2013. Dissertation proposal summaries that do not meet the formatting criteria will be returned to students without review. In addition to the proposal summary, each application must include a nomination letter from the applicant’s adviser certifying that the student is likely to complete the dissertation by July 1, 2014 and the date when the student advanced to candidacy – there is no need for a detailed recommendation letter.

Please follow Organization Science’s instructions for submitting your proposal. A couple of important things to note:

  • In step 1, select the manuscript type “Proposal.”
  • In step 2, Attributes, please select a few key words to aid in assigning reviewers.
  • In step 4, Reviewers and Editors, do not recommend any reviewers. However, you should indicate Emily Block as your preferred SENIOR EDITOR.
  • In step 5, Details and Comments, paste your cover letter into the window and use the browse attachment function to attach your COVER PAGE as well as YOUR ADVISER’S NOMINATION LETTER.
  • In step 6, Upload Files, upload a copy of your proposal WITHOUT ITS COVER PAGE OR OTHER IDENTIFYING INFORMATION. The first page should include only your dissertation title and abstract.

Please direct any inquiries to: Emily Block

CLADEA 2013 Conference in Rio De Janeiro


Past, Present, and Future of Latin American Education and Research in Business and Public Administration in the Current Global Context

Program Chair & Organizer: Ronaldo Parente
Program Co-Chairs: Flavio Vasconcelos and Alvaro Cyrino


We are pleased to invite the academic community to participate in the XLVIII CLADEA Annual Assembly 2013 on the Past, Present, and Future of Latin American Education and Research in Business and Public Administration in the Current Global Context to be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This year, the conference will be hosted by the Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas (EBAPE) of Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) from October 20 to 22, 2013. The deadline for submissions is June 15, 2013.

Latin America’s rise in the global economy has generated interest among executives worldwide, as well as among management scholars. Over the last two decades, there has been continuous economic growth and institutional evolution in emerging economies, especially with regard to trade liberalization. Unfortunately, there have been some imbalances in Latin America on how different countries engage in liberalization. Despite some fallbacks, the region has recently gained prominence as a destination for FDI and bilateral trade – particularly for North American firms with close ties to the region, as well as for European and Chinese firms. Academics and practitioners are beginning to recognize the huge differences between their civil societies, institutional infrastructure, and cultural nuances that should have an impact for strategy making, entrepreneurship, innovation, and individual and firm behavior in the current global context. The aim of this conference is to highlight recent trends and developments in the fields of business and public administration in Latin America and other emerging areas. This year’s theme seeks to contribute to the understanding of recent trends and developments in Latin America by creating a scholarly forum for the discussion of current issues involving academics and practitioners from Latin America and other parts of the world. We hope to attract a select group of scholars, government officials, and executives as well as specialists in the political and legal environment from several sectors of the economy. This intimate setting will allow participants to share perspectives and examine rigorous research based upon real-world experiences and provide a better understanding of the future role of Latin America in the context of the global economy.

We are inviting proposals in the form of extended abstracts rather than completed papers. Those interested in submitting their research should read the Guidelines for Submissions for detailed explanations on the technical specifications and guidelines in terms of format and structure. Proposals can be submitted in Spanish, Portuguese, or English. If submitted in a language other than English, the authors must also include the title, abstract, and key words in English.

The submitted papers will be evaluated by specialists in each of the thematic areas through a “blind review” process. Make sure you submit your proposal to the track that best fits your paper topic.

Use the Online Submissions System to submit your proposal. Before submitting your proposal, you must create a profile on our Web site to have access to thesubmission/paper management system.

Conference Tracks/Thematic Areas:

  • The Internationalization of Business Schools, Accreditation, and Educational Quality
  • Economic, Financial Management and Accounting
  • Leadership and Management of Human Capital
  • Ethical, Social, and Environment Responsibility
  • Entrepreneurship and SMEs
  • Operations and Supply Chain Management
  • Technology and Innovation Management
  • Marketing
  • Strategy, Corporate Governance, Sustainable Development, and General Management
  • International Business, Multinationals, and Emerging Markets
  • Politics, Conflict, and Social Movements
  • Learning Processes and Challenges for Management Education

More information is available at http://cladea-ebape.strategicmanagement.net/. For questions, please contact Ronaldo Parente, Program Chair & Organizer, at rcparent@fiu.edu.

Call for Papers: International QCA Expert Workshop

Call for Papers

International QCA Expert Workshop
23-24 October 2013
University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Although sociologists and political scientists continue to lead publication rankings on Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA), scholars in business and management studies contribute a growing share of advanced theoretical and empirical work. Against this background, the International QCA Expert Workshop will bring together 20-30 researchers working at the cutting edge of QCA across these neighboring areas. By providing a unique forum for cross-disciplinary exchange, it will encourage the dissemination of new ideas, facilitate the promotion of innovative work and create opportunities for scientific collaboration.

Deadline for abstract submission is September 16, 2013.

Further Information

RWTH Aachen: wiss. Mitarbeiter/in am Lehrstuhl für Personal

An der RWTH Aachen, Lehrstuhl für Personal (Prof. Dr. Christian Grund) wird

eine wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin / ein wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

gesucht. Unter Vorbehalt der endgültigen Bewilligung  ist die Stelle zum 01.09.2013 zu besetzen und befristet auf 3 Jahre. Es handelt sich um eine Teilzeitstelle (75%) mit drei Viertel der regelmäßigen Wochenarbeitszeit.

Ihre Aufgaben:
Die ausgeschriebene Stelle ist im BMBF-Projekt „Karriereentscheidungen und -verläufe des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses“ angesiedelt.  Inhaltlich steht von Seiten der Wirtschaftswissenschaften die Analyse von Einflussfaktoren auf Motivation und Erfolg unterschiedlicher Karrierewege in Industrie und Forschung im Mittelpunkt. Ein hohes Interesse an der Analyse von Karriereverläufen und an der Kooperation mit Vertreter/innen unterschiedlicher Fachbereiche und Wirtschaftsunternehmen ist demzufolge wünschenswert. Zu den Aufgabenbereichen innerhalb des Projektes zählen die Planung (inkl. Instrumentenerstellung) und Datenerhebung, die statistische Datenanalyse sowie Publikationstätigkeiten.

Bewerbungen werden bis zum 01.07.2013 erbeten.

Weitere Informationen

Fachtagung “Fachlaufbahnen im Haus der Karriere”

Einladung zur Fachtagung

“Fachlaufbahnen im Haus der Karriere”
23.9.2013; Helmut-Schmidt-Universität Hamburg

Generation Y und Wissensarbeiter haben heute sehr dezidierte Wünsche bezüglich ihrer beruflichen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten. Diese treffen in der Praxis leider in vielen Fällen immer noch nicht auf entsprechende Angebote der Unternehmen. Im Rahmen der Abschlusstagung des BMBF/ESF-Verbundprojektes der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität Hamburg (Prof. Domsch) und der Fachhochschule Lübeck (Prof. Ladwig) werden die Ergebnisse der dreijährigen Forschungsarbeit und konkrete Praxisbeispiele präsentiert. Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei. Die Teilnehmeranzahl ist begrenzt.

Weitere Informationen


HSU Hamburg: wiss. Mitarbeiter/in an der Professur für BWL, insb. Theorien der Unternehmung

An der Professur für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Theorien der Unternehmung und Methoden betriebswirtschaftlicher Forschung (Prof. Dr. Markus Göbel) der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität Hamburg ist zum 01.10.2013 die Stelle einer/eines

wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiterin/wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiters
(75%; Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L bzw. 14 TV-L)

zunächst befristet für die Dauer von 3 Jahren zu besetzen.

Ihre Aufgaben:
Es erwartet Sie ein vielfältiges und herausforderndes Aufgabengebiet in Forschung und Lehre. In der Forschung arbeiten Sie selbständig und im Team an Projekten, deren Ergebnisse Sie auf wissenschaftlichen Tagungen vorstellen und publizieren. Die Möglichkeit zur wissenschaftlichen Qualifizierung im Rahmen einer Promotion oder Habilitation wird gegeben und aktiv gefördert. In der Lehre konzipieren und betreuen Sie Veranstaltungen sowie Seminar- und Abschlussarbeiten. Sie werden Teil eines jungen Teams, welches kollegial und eigenverantwortlich arbeitet.

Bewerbungen werden bis zum 30.06.2013 erbeten.

Weitere Informationen

Call for Papers: Austerity and Crisis – Managing in the Global Economy

Call for Papers

ERU conference
Austerity and Crisis: Managing in the Global Economy
Cardiff Business School; 9-10 September 2013

Since the financial crisis of 2007-8, economic growth has stagnated in the western economies and declined in the BRICs from its previous heights. In this conference, we wish to explore how experiences of austerity and crisis are affecting the strategies pursued by states, multinational firms, SMEs and employers and employees’ organisations. We invite papers in any area related to this outline.

Deadline for submission of panel proposals and abstracts will be 10 June, 2013.

Further Information

Universität Kassel: Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in Fachgebiet Soziologische Theorie

Im Fachbereich Gesellschaftswissenschaften – Fachgebiet Soziologische Theorie (Prof. Dr. Jörn Lamla) – ist baldmöglichst folgende Stelle zu besetzen:

Wiss. Mitarbeiter/-in (EG 13 TV-H)

Kennziffer 21037: Vollzeit; befristet für zunächst 3 Jahre mit der Möglichkeit der Verlängerung um weitere 3 Jahre (Qualifikationsstelle gem. § 65 HHG i. V. m. § 2 Abs. 1 Satz 2 WissZeitVG; Habilitationsmöglichkeit).

Aufgabenprofil: Zu den Aufgaben gehören Dienstleistungen in Forschung und Lehre (4 SWS) im Bereich des Fachgebietes Soziologische Theorie, die Mitarbeit bei der Erstellung von Drittmittelanträgen sowie die Unterstützung bei der (interdisziplinären) wissenschaftlichen Vernetzung innerhalb und außerhalb der Universität Kassel durch Vorbereitung von Tagungen, Koordinationstätigkeiten, Mitwirkung bei Publikationen u.ä.

Anforderungsprofil: Vorausgesetzt werden ein sehr gut abgeschlossenes sozialwissenschaftliches Universitätsstudium sowie eine qualifizierte Promotion. Neben fundierten und breiten Kenntnissen sowie Lehrerfahrungen im Bereich soziologischer Theorien werden Erfahrungen und Kenntnisse in mindestens einem der folgenden Forschungsbereiche erwartet:

  • Soziale Wandlungsdynamiken in Digitalen Welten (z.B. von Privatheit und Öffentlichkeit)
  • Neuere Ansätze der Wirtschafts- und Konsumsoziologie
  • Gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen demokratischer Konfliktfähigkeit.

Erwünscht sind zudem Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen im Bereich qualitativer Forschungsmethoden. Die Vorlage eines kurzen, aussagekräftigen Exposés für ein Habilitationsprojekt wird erbeten.

Für weitere Rückfragen steht Herr Prof. Dr. Jörn Lamla (Tel. 0561/804-2185; Mail) zur Verfügung.

Bewerbungsfrist: 18.06.2013

Call for Papers: International Conference on Path Dependence

Call for Papers

3rd International Conference on Path Dependence
February 17-18, 2014
Freie Universität Berlin School of Business & Economics

The theory of path dependence is attracting increasing attention. A considerable number of scholars have been using the theory for the study of historical imprints, escalating dynamics and organizational inertia in different fields and on different levels. The conference is organized by the Path Dependence Research Centre (Pfadkolleg) of the Freie Universität Berlin. It aims at providing a platform for the discussion of most recent path-related research.

Deadline for submission is October 15, 2013.

Further Information