Category Archives: General

Call for Posters: CAQD 2016 – MAXQDA User Conference (Berlin)

The 18th MAXQDA user conference CAQD will take place in Berlin from March 2 – 4, 2016. The conference includes high-profile keynotes, 25 workshops, method discussions, and reports from research practice as well as a poster session.

Examples of the numerous workshops that will be offered include:

Analysis of qualitative data with MAXQDA (starter and advanced)
Mixed methods workshop with Prof. Dr. John Creswell
Visual tools in MAXQDA
Literature reviews with MAXQDA
Qualitative text analysis

You can find a list of all workshops at

In the context of the conference, a poster session will be held on Thursday, March 3. Here you will have the option to present a poster regarding computer-assisted analysis of qualitative data and the use of MAXQDA within the context of a research project. The focus of the poster should be on presenting how your analysis relates to your use of software for analyzing qualitative data. We also appreciate posters on teaching and studying MAXQDA. Possible topics for your poster might include:

Implementation of specific research steps/methodologies using MAXQDA
Connecting, integrating and exchanging data between different (analysis) programs (such as mind mapping tools, reference management tools, statistical software)
Approaches to visualization and specific examples of visuals
Use of analytical software in research groups (teamwork process, issues, etc.)
Quantification of the research process
Dealing with specific document types (e.g. very long, very short, many, very different, etc.)
Teaching MAXQDA (project examples, curricula, used tools, best practise etc.)

Your proposal for a poster (size DIN A0, portrait format) should contain the following information or meet the following criteria:

Title of the poster
Contact address
Discipline and organization
Brief description of content
Maximum length of the proposal: 1 page (about 300-400 words)

As last year a prize for the best posters will be awarded! Please email us your proposal by February 1st, 2016 at We will inform you if your poster has been accepted no later than February 09, 2016.

We look forward to receiving your submission!

Your CAQD-Team

Do you have news? Promote our content on the Ph.D. Network

Do you have any news (courses, call for papers, job announcements, etc.) that you would like to publish on the Ph.D. network website? You are welcome to write a post on our website and promote your content free of charge. Your relevant content will be promoted on our website, newsletter and social media.

We are currently accepting the following types of submissions:

  • Job Vacancies
  • Events & Conference Listings
  • Call for Papers

Management Revue – Socio-Economic Studies – Vol. 26, Issue 4

4th Issue 2015
Management Revue – Socio-Economic Studies, Volume 26

Open Issue

Sarah Altmann & Stefan Suess
The influence of temporary time offs from work on employer attractiveness – An experimental study
download abstract as PDF

Rainer Lueg & Louisa Vu
Success factors in Balanced Scorecard implementations – A literature review
download abstract as PDF

Osamu Suzuki
Unpacking performance benefits of innovation ambidexterity: Evidence from the pharmaceutical industry
download abstract as PDF

Call for Papers

Digital Working Life (Seminar & Special Issue)
edited by Mikael Ottosson, Calle Rosengren (Lund University, Sweden), Doris Holtmann & Wenzel Matiaske (Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg, Germany)

Forthcoming Issues

Ageing Societies: Comparing HRM Responses to the Career Expectations of Older Employees in Germany and Japan
edited by Keith Jackson & Philippe Debroux

Financial Participation
edited by Wenzel Matiaske, Andrew Pendleton & Eric Poutsma

Perspectives on Sustainable Consumption
edited by Ortrud Lessmann & Torsten Masson

REMINDER – Call for Papers: Digital Working Life

Seminar at the IUC Dubrovnik (April 11-15th, 2016) & Special Issue of Management Revue

Working life is undergoing a radical change in which new digital technologies are changing the nature of labour and its organizational forms in a pervasive manner, regardless of whether it concerns qualified professionals or labourers. The framework, which previously regulated the content of work, as well as when, where and how it would be conducted is being reconsidered. A process that presents both challenges and possibilities.

One fundamental aspect of ICT is that it can make employees more accessible to others and allow work to become more available to the employee. Easy access to ICT functions (e.g., email, text and voice messages), for example, enable employees to continue working after leaving the office for the day. This ease of access may have both positive and negative effects. Although much of the research focus to date has concentrated on how ICT may act as demands, stressors or certain characteristics of ICT can enhance work-life balance, employee satisfaction, well-being and productivity.

Another aspect of new digital technologies concerns the manner in which the work process is monitored and controlled. Surveillance in the workplace is not a novelty. Nor is it unreasonable to expect that employers have both rights and reasons to do so. To a certain extent, of course. However, increasing availability of relatively inexpensive and easy to use technology, for example software monitoring programs, enables employers to expand the range and scope of their control over their employees’ activities. The increase in potential methods to track and monitor employee behaviour poses questions that concern where the borders for personal integrity are drawn. Who has the right to personal details, and at what point? In what way does this monitoring affect the social relations between employer and employee in terms of control, autonomy and trust?

Digital technology, in computers, phones or in the “Internet of things” also provides tools that enable the standardization of work on a completely different level than previously. For some workers, we see a degradation and depletion of work, and also that the control of work is increasing; a development that is usually described using the concept of “Digital Taylorism.” How does this development affect the working man or the working class?

In the special issue and the corresponding seminar (IUC Dubrovnik,, 11.-15.April 2016), we would like to discuss our topic in an appropriately broad and interdisciplinary manner. We are particularly interested in questions such as:

  • Virtual work and stress
  • Digital technologies and work-family boundaries
  • Virtual teams and E-leadership
  • Digital Taylorism
  • Virtual work and trust
  • Digital surveillance

This is not an exhaustive list.

Potential contributors to the seminar at the IUC Dubrovnik are encouraged to submit an abstract of 1-2 pages before January 31st, 2016 electronically via Management Revue’s online submission system at using ‘IUC Dubrovnik’ as article section.

All contributors to the seminar are invited to submit their paper for the special issue of Management Revue. Full papers must be submitted by July 31st, 2016. All contributions will be subject to a double-blind review. Papers invited to a ‘revise and resubmit’ are due October 31st, 2016. Please submit your papers electronically via the online submission system at using ‘SI Digital Working Life’ as article section.

Hoping to hear from you!

Mikael Ottosson
Calle Rosengren
Doris Holtmann
Wenzel Matiaske

Management Revue – Socio-Economic Studies – Vol. 26, Issue 3

3rd Issue 2015
Management Revue – Socio-Economic Studies, Volume 26

Open Issue

Sharon P. McKechnie & Joy E. Beatty
Contemporary calendar management: Exploring the intersections of groupware and personal calendars
download abstract as PDF

Alexander Mitterle, Roland Bloch & Carsten Würmann
Time to teach: Revisiting teaching time in German higher education
download abstract as PDF

Thordis Reimer
Working time arrangements and family time of fathers: How work organization(s) shape fathers’ opportunities to engage in childcare
download abstract as PDF

Irma Rybnikova & Josephine Krüger
Between work and non-work: Institutional settings of boundary management in case of German self-employed lawyers
download as PDF

Call for Papers

Digital Working Live (Seminar & Special Issue)
edited by Mikael Ottosson, Calle Rosengren (Lund University, Sweden), Doris Holtmann & Wenzel Matiaske (Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg, Germany)

Forthcoming Issues

Financial Participation
edited by Wenzel Matiaske, Andrew Pendleton & Eric Poutsma

Ausschreibung wissenschaftlicheMitarbeiterin/ wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter, Universität Duisburg-Essen

Die Universität Duisburg-Essen sucht am Campus Duisburg in der Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Mercator School of Management, Lehrstuhl für Unternehmens- und Technologieplanung, Schwerpunkt Telekommunikationswirtschaft eine/n

wissenschaftlicheMitarbeiterin/ wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter an Universitäten (Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L) 

Ihre Aufgabenschwerpunkte:

  • Aktive Mitarbeit an Forschungsprojekten auf den Gebieten strategisches Management/
  • Marketing und Technologiemanagement in Netzindustrien
  • Durchführung von vorlesungsbegleitenden Übungen
  • Betreuung und Vorkorrektur von Seminar- und Bachelor-/Masterarbeiten
  • Vorbereitung und Vorkorrektur von Klausuren
  • Aufsicht in Prüfungen

Im Rahmen der Tätigkeit wird Gelegenheit zur wissenschaftlichen Weiterqualifikation
(Promotion) geboten.

Ihr Profil:
Gesucht werden Absolventen mit einem Universitätsabschluss (mind. 8 Semester, Diplom-/Masterabschluss oder vergleichbar) vorzugsweise aus dem Bereich des Wirtschaftsingenieurwesens oder der Betriebswirtschaftslehre (möglichst Prädikatsexamen). Gute Kenntnisse in der Planung, Umsetzung und Auswertung empirischer Erhebungen sowie einschlägige Praktika und/oder Erfahrungen im Bereich der Telekommunikations- oder Medienindustrien sind von Vorteil. Zudem sind sehr gute Englischkenntnisse unabdingbar.

Besetzungszeitpunkt: 01.02.2016
Vertragsdauer: zunächst 4 Jahre
Arbeitszeit: 75 Prozent einer Vollzeitstelle
Bewerbungsfrist: 15.11.2015

Die Universität Duisburg- Essen verfolgt das Ziel, die Vielfalt ihrer Mitglieder zu fördern (s.

Sie strebt die Erhöhung des Anteils der Frauen am wissenschaftlichen Personal an und fordert deshalb einschlägig qualifizierte Frauen nachdrücklich auf, sich zu bewerben. Frauen werden nach Maßgabe des Landesgleichstellungsgesetzes bei gleicher Qualifikation bevorzugt berücksichtigt.

Bewerbungen geeigneter Schwerbehinderter und Gleichgestellter i. S. des § 2 Abs. 3 SGB IX sind erwünscht.

Ihre Bewerbung mit den üblichen Unterlagen richten Sie bitte unter Angabe der Kennziffer 581-15 an Herrn Prof. Dr. Torsten J. Gerpott, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Mercator School of Management, Lehrstuhl für Unternehmens- und Technologieplanung, Schwerpunkt Telekommunikationswirtschaft, 47048 Duisburg, Telefon 0203/379-3109, E-Mail

Informationen über die Fakultät und die ausschreibende Stelle finden Sie unter:

Neue Publikation: Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungsmethoden – Band 10: Explorative und deskriptive Datenanalyse mit R

sozialwissenschaftliche-forschungsmethoden-10Markus Burkhardt, Peter Sedlmeier

Explorative und deskriptive Datenanalyse mit R

Die explorative Datenanalyse (EDA) umfasst eine Reihe meist grafischer oder semigrafischer Verfahren, die es ermöglichen, Daten und Ergebnisse besser zu verstehen. Das Ziel der EDA ist es Muster, Auffälligkeiten oder Zusammenhänge in Daten zu entdecken. Im Hauptteil des Buches werden die Grundtechniken zur Exploration von Verteilungen, Zusammenhängen und multivariaten Beziehungen vorgestellt. Die Grenzen zwischen der explorativen und der deskriptiven Datenanalyse sind fließend und für eine vernünftige Datenanalyse (und auch zur Kommunikation von Ergebnissen) sind beide unabdingbar. Deswegen behandelt das Buch beide Arten von Verfahren. Zudem enthält es ein Kapitel über Effektgrößen und eines zu Grafiken in der Inferenzstatistik. Alle Verfahren werden mit Hilfe von Beispielen illustriert und können unter Verwendung der frei erhältlichen Programmiersprache R von jedermann leicht nachvollzogen werden. Ergänzend werden alle R-Skripte auch online angeboten ( Da keinerlei Programmierkenntnisse vorausgesetzt werden, eignet sich dieses Buch auch zum Einstieg in R.



Schlüsselwörter: Explorative Datenanalyse, deskriptive Datenanalyse, semigrafische und grafische Verfahren, Effektgrößen, R

Markus Burkhardt ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Professur für Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation am Institut für Psychologie der TU-Chemnitz.

Peter Sedlmeier ist Professor für Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation am Institut für Psychologie der TU Chemnitz.



Call for papers: Digital Working Life

Seminar at the IUC Dubrovnik (April 11-15th, 2016) & Special Issue of Management Revue

Working life is undergoing a radical change in which new digital technologies are changing the nature of labour and its organizational forms in a pervasive manner, regardless of whether it concerns qualified professionals or labourers. The framework, which previously regulated the content of work, as well as when, where and how it would be conducted is being reconsidered. A process that presents both challenges and possibilities.

One fundamental aspect of ICT is that it can make employees more accessible to others and allow work to become more available to the employee. Easy access to ICT functions (e.g., email, text and voice messages), for example, enable employees to continue working after leaving the office for the day. This ease of access may have both positive and negative effects. Although much of the research focus to date has concentrated on how ICT may act as demands, stressors or certain characteristics of ICT can enhance work-life balance, employee satisfaction, well-being and productivity.

Another aspect of new digital technologies concerns the manner in which the work process is monitored and controlled. Surveillance in the workplace is not a novelty. Nor is it unreasonable to expect that employers have both rights and reasons to do so. To a certain extent, of course. However, increasing availability of relatively inexpensive and easy to use technology, for example software monitoring programs, enables employers to expand the range and scope of their control over their employees’ activities. The increase in potential methods to track and monitor employee behaviour poses questions that concern where the borders for personal integrity are drawn. Who has the right to personal details, and at what point? In what way does this monitoring affect the social relations between employer and employee in terms of control, autonomy and trust?

Digital technology, in computers, phones or in the “Internet of things” also provides tools that enable the standardization of work on a completely different level than previously. For some workers, we see a degradation and depletion of work, and also that the control of work is increasing; a development that is usually described using the concept of “Digital Taylorism.” How does this development affect the working man or the working class?

In the special issue and the corresponding seminar (IUC Dubrovnik,, 11.-15.April 2016), we would like to discuss our topic in an appropriately broad and interdisciplinary manner. We are particularly interested in questions such as:

  • Virtual work and stress
  • Digital technologies and work-family boundaries
  • Virtual teams and E-leadership
  • Digital Taylorism
  • Virtual work and trust
  • Digital surveillance

This is not an exhaustive list.

Potential contributors to the seminar at the IUC Dubrovnik are encouraged to submit an abstract of 1-2 pages before January 31st, 2016 electronically via Management Revue’s online submission system at using ‘IUC Dubrovnik’ as article section.

All contributors to the seminar are invited to submit their paper for the special issue of Management Revue. Full papers must be submitted by July 31st, 2016. All contributions will be subject to a double-blind review. Papers invited to a ‘revise and resubmit’ are due October 31st, 2016. Please submit your papers electronically via the online submission system at using ‘SI Digital Working Life’ as article section.

Hoping to hear from you!

Mikael Ottosson
Calle Rosengren
Doris Holtmann
Wenzel Matiaske

Graduate School UHH: Zugang zu amtlichen Daten – Arbeiten mit dem Mikrozensus

Institution: Graduate School at Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences – University of Hamburg

Lecturer: Dr. Hans-Ullrich Mühlenfeld (FDZ Düsseldorf)

Schedule: Mo., 28.09.15, 09:00 – 15:00 Uhr

Place: University of Hamburg, Von Melle Park 9

Registration: Anmeldungen sind ab sofort bis zum 10.09.2015 (13:00 Uhr) über Geventis möglich. Nach der Anmeldefrist erfolgt eine manuelle Platzvergabe.

Course description:

  • Zugang zu amtlichen Daten / Vorstellung Forschungsdatenzentrum– FDZ
  • Vorstellung Mikrozensus
  • Übung zum MZ
  • Freie Übung mit dem MZ (z.B. Forschungsfragen aus dem Publikum)

Weitere Informationen

Call for Papers: Managing Change in Industry Clusters: Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, Smart Specialisation & Regional Development

Journal of Change Management (JCM)

Author Invite – Special Issue: Managing Change in Industry Clusters: Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, Smart Specialisation & Regional Development

Special Issue Guest Editors:

Professor Kerry Brown (Curtin University)
Professor John Burgess (Curtin University)
A/Professor Susanne Gretzinger (University of Southern Denmark)
Professor Susanne Royer (Europa Universität Flensburg)

The aims and scope of JCM:

JCM is committed to becoming the leading journal in its field by establishing itself as a community for all scholars with an interest in the complex and multidisciplinary field of change and its management. JCM is a multidisciplinary and international forum for critical, mainstream and alternative contributions – focusing as much on motivation, ethics, culture and behavior as on structure and process. JCM is a platform for open and challenging dialogue and a thorough critique of established as well as alternative practices.

About the Special Issue:

Changes in markets, networks and clusters lead to change within companies and this induces the need for (re-)thinking current concepts and/or developing new concepts about the way organisations adapt and change. We are particularly interested in explorations and research in this change context, with specific interest in the field of cluster management directed towards the establishment of entrepreneurial ecosystems, smart specialization strategies and regional development. This special issue aims to link these topics better into the fields of public policies, organisational and sectoral strategies and change management and, to develop new knowledge in the discussion field with focus on a resource-oriented perspective on clusters. The editors would like to encourage scholars from a wide range of disciplinary and/or multidisciplinary approaches to submit papers in the following topic areas related to managing change in clustered organisations and across industry clusters in regions:

  • Smart Specialisation Strategies supporting the management of change in clusters
  • Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and clustering strategies
  • The role of Public Policy in change management for industry clustering
  • Firm resources, strategy and change in industry clustering
  • Cluster management and change facilitation
  • Cluster mapping and evaluation leading to change

Submission Dates and Deadlines:

Paper Submission: 1st October 2015
Decisions from Editors: 1st February2016
Revise and Resubmit Submission: 1st April 2016 (open call opportunity if needed)
Second Round Reviews: 1st June 2016
Final Paper Submissions: 1st August 2016
Special Issue Publication: March 2017

Whilst the special issue is invite-only, all papers will go through a robust review and editorial process and therefore publication cannot be guaranteed. In addition to addressing relevant content for the special issue, submissions should adhere to the Scope and Aims of the Journal of Change Management. Papers should be prepared in line with the JCM Author Guidelines and should adhere to the JCM Style and Submission Guidelines.

All manuscripts should be submitted to Professor John Burgess ( and should be marked as being submitted for the Special Issue on “Managing Change in Industry Clusters: Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, Smart Specialisation & Regional Development.”

For queries related to this special issue, please contact any of the following guest editors: Kerry Brown (, John Burgess (, Susanne Gretzinger (, Susanne Royer (