Category Archives: Call for Papers

Momentum Quarterly Special Issue Call for Papers: Kinderarmut und Gerechtigkeit

Kinderarmut lässt sich als ein Geflecht verschiedener Benachteiligungen begreifen: Kinder, die in Armut aufwachsen, sind in ihrer physischen und psychischen Gesundheit gefährdet, schneiden im Bereich der Bildung oft schlecht ab und erfahren Ausgrenzung. Kinderarmut beeinträchtigt nicht nur das aktuelle Wohlergehen der Kinder, sondern wirkt sich auch auf ihre Zukunft aus, wobei umstritten ist, ob und wie sich diese Nachteile im weiteren Lebenslauf ausgleichen lassen. Kinderarmut trägt in jedem Fall wesentlich dazu bei, dass Chancen in unseren Gesellschaften höchst ungleich verteilt sind und stellt folglich auch ein wesentliches Gerechtigkeitsproblem dar. Denn wenn schon so früh im Leben durch kontingente und beeinflussbare Faktoren in großem Maße entschieden wird, welche Möglichkeiten einem Menschen offenstehen, ist es um zentrale Werte wie Gleichheit, Fairness und Gerechtigkeit nicht gut bestellt. Zweifelsfrei ist es eine politische Aufgabe, hier gegenzusteuern und für angemessene Rahmenbedingungen zu sorgen, damit jedes Kind faire Entwicklungschancen hat. Dass Handlungsbedarf besteht, ist klar, zumal aktuelle Zahlen und Entwicklungen zeigen, dass die meisten Gesellschaften weit davon entfernt sind, das Phänomen der Kinderarmut in den Griff zu bekommen.

Vor diesem Hintergrund soll in einer Schwerpunktausgabe der Zeitschrift „Momentum Quarterly“ Kinderarmut vor allem im Hinblick auf Möglichkeiten der politischen Gegensteuerung betrachtet werden. Im Zentrum sollen der deutschsprachige Raum und die spezifischen Probleme und Herausforderungen stehen, die sich in diesem Kontext aktuell stellen. Es geht darum, den größeren gesellschaftlichen Kontext zu hinterfragen, in dem Kinderarmut und die jeweiligen Umgangsweisen mit ihr entstehen und sich verfestigen, die verschiedenen Diskurse zum Thema Kinderarmut sowie deren Wirkungen zur Sprache zu bringen, Vorschläge aufzuzeigen, wie Kinderarmut nachhaltig gelindert werden kann und konkrete politische Strategien, Projekte und Maßnahmen zur Linderung von Kinderarmut zu analysieren. Die Verbindung von Wissenschaft und Politik ist dabei in einem zweifachen Sinn relevant. Einerseits soll gefragt werden, inwiefern Politik in ihrem Handeln tatsächlich wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen Rechnung trägt. Andererseits ist zu untersuchen, welche Handlungsempfehlungen oder Forderungen an die Politik aus dem gegenwärtigen Stand der Forschung abgeleitet werden können.

Die HerausgeberInnen begrüßen Beiträge insbesondere aus soziologischer, sozialpädagogischer, psychologischer, sozialarbeitswissenschaftlicher, philosophischer, politik-, bildungs- und wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher sowie ungleichheits- und diversitybezogener Perspektive etwa zu im Folgenden angeführten Fragestellungen. Die Verbindung zu normativen Theorien ist ausdrücklich erwünscht, aber keine zwingende Voraussetzung:

  • Wie lässt sich der Diskurs über Kinderarmut im deutschsprachigen Raum charakterisieren und welche Auswirkungen hat er auf die Politik zur Bekämpfung der Kinderarmut?
  • Wie umfassend berücksichtigt der politische Diskurs aktuelle wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse, insbesondere hinsichtlich der dabei unterstellten Ursache-Wirkungs-Zusammenhänge?
  • Welche normativen Theorien und Theoreme werden zur Beurteilung und Konzeptionalisierung  von Kinderarmut herangezogen und welchen Einfluss haben sie auf die Messung und Bekämpfung von Kinderarmut?
  • Was kann Kinder in Armut vor deren negativen Auswirkungen schützen und wie kann ihre Resilienz gestärkt werden?
  • Welche „Erfolgskriterien“ und Maßstäbe für die Bekämpfung von Kinderarmut sollten sinnvollerweise angelegt und zur Evaluation herangezogen werden?
  • Wie können die unterschiedlichen Politikbereiche (Soziales, Gesundheit, Familie…), die mit Kinderarmut konfrontiert sind, effizient(er) zusammenwirken und der Multidimensionalität des Problems gerecht werden?
  • Welche möglichen ‚Kollateralschäden‘ sollten bei der Bekämpfung von Kinderarmut nicht außer Acht gelassen werden?
  •  Welche regionalen Unterschiede lassen sich hinsichtlich Kinderarmut und ihrer Bekämpfung im deutschsprachigen Raum feststellen?
  • Welchen Akteuren kommt die Verantwortung zu, gegen Kinderarmut tätig zu werden und welche Rolle sollten die betroffenen Kinder in diesem Prozess haben?
  • Gibt es geschlechtsspezifische und Herkunft bezogene Unterschiede in der Kinderarmut und welche Auswirkungen haben diese?

Organisatorische Rahmenbedingungen und zeitlicher Ablauf

Bis 30. September 2015: Einreichung von Beiträgen zum Special Issue „Kinderarmut und Gerechtigkeit“ an

Bei der Gestaltung einzureichender Beiträge sind die Manuskriptanforderungen von Momentum Quarterly zu berücksichtigen (siehe:

Bis 31. Oktober 2015: Vorauswahl der Beiträge durch die GastherausgeberInnen und Rückmeldung an die AutorInnen. Die ausgewählten Beiträge werden in Folge einem anonymisierten Begutachtungsprozess unterzogen.

Bis 31. Jänner 2016: Rückmeldung durch GutachterInnen und Retournierung der Beiträge an die AutorInnen zu weiteren Bearbeitung.

Bis 30. April 2016: Einsendung der überarbeiteten Beiträge

30. Juni 2016: Publikation des Special Issue in Momentum Quarterly

Bernhard Babic

Schwerpunkt Sozialpädagogik, Beratung und Intervention, Universität Salzburg
Gunter Graf

Zentrum für Ethik und Armutsforschung, Universität Salzburg
Ortrud Leßmann

Institut für Personal und Arbeit, Helmut Schmidt Universität Hamburg
Gottfried Schweiger

Zentrum für Ethik und Armutsforschung, Universität Salzburg

Call for Papers: Udevalla Symposium Session – Smart Specialization Strategies and Regional Labor-based Preconditions

Udevalla Symposium Session – Call for Papers: Smart Specialization Strategies and Regional Labor-based Preconditions

Susanne Gretzinger, Syddansk Universitet
Gerd Grözinger, Europa-Universität Flensburg
Wenzel Matiaske, Helmut Schmidt Universität

Session no VII. Towards a smart rural Europe – smart specialization and regional entrepreneurship for the 18th Uddevalla Symposium 2015 on:

Regional development in an international context – Regional, national, cross border and international factors for growth and development
June 11-13th, 2015

Venue: University of Southern Denmark, Alsion, Sønderborg, Denmark.
Abstract Submission Deadline: January 23nd, 2015

The smart specialization approach combines industrial, educational and innovation policies to support the process of regional knowledge-based investments. The idea is that countries and regions should become more sensitive of what their strengths and comparative advantages are and of how to further develop and foster this strength. As comparative advantages are to a huge extend knowledge-based investments, it is important to discuss the basic parameters of human resource management and its implications for the modern regional labor market in the context of regional smart specialization processes.

Especially when it comes to the topic of synchronizing working requirements and family life, the determinants of models of flexible work time in the process of balancing family and regional business capabilities are neglected.

We are interested in contributions to the following areas:

  • What are the specific preconditions and requirements of regional labor markets e. g. respectively labor time models?
  • What kind of approaches and models do exist to fit the regional human resource management efforts and regional labor markets?
  • What kind of resources have to be provided in order to adapt a competitive pool of regional knowledge-based capabilities to the regional labor market requirements?
  • What are the challenges from a public policy perspective?
  • How to better describe the concept of the smart workplace in the context of regional capabilities?
  • What are the determinants of a smart workplace respectively flexible work time and stressors?

Submission information abstract submission deadline: January 23rd 2015. Abstract – maximum 500 words including: Title of the abstract/paper, selected theme (give information on the special session no. VII. Towards a smart rural Europe – smart specialization and regional entrepreneurship for submission.), keywords, Name(s) and academic title of the author(s), Affiliation(s), complete mail address(es), E-mail address(es) and corresponding author send by e-mail to:

Submit the abstract using the Word 2010 version of Microsoft. We suggest naming your file “PRESENTERS NAME_Uddevalla2014.docx” to avoid confusion between abstracts. Results of the review process will be communicated to authors by approximately February 20th, 2015. Submission deadline for complete papers accepted for presentation (in Word 2013 or earlier version): May 5th, 2015.

A special issue on:
Current Issues on European Labor Markets, In: Management Revue – Socio Economic Studies, Rainer Hampp Verlag, will be organized in connection with Uddevalla Symposium. The call for papers will be distributed on the conference.

For further information on management revue visit

Call for Papers: Ageing Societies: Comparing HRM Responses to the Career Expectations of Older Employees in Germany and Japan

Special Issue
Ageing Societies: Comparing HRM Responses to the Career Expectations of Older Employees in Germany and Japan

Keith Jackson, SOAS, University of London and Doshisha University, Japan
Philippe Debroux, Soka University and Chuo University, Japan

The emerging demographic context for the research and practice of human resource management (HRM) is unprecedented. Demographic shift in the form of ‘ageing societies’ has become recognised among academics and policy-makers as a growing economic challenge to organisations globally and to those operating from within so-called ‘developed’ economies in particular. Whereas some emerging economies and, by extension, some nationally-defined labour markets such as Turkey and Indonesia are experiencing rapid population growth and lower average ages among their populations, others such as Germany and Japan are experiencing a sharp fall in indigenous birth rates and simultaneously a rapidly ageing working population. In short, demographic shift in the form of ageing societies has become a key challenge to HRM policy-makers and practitioners across organisational, sectoral, regional, and national boundaries.

In this Special Issue we focus attention on two leading global economies, each giving context to historically comparable HRM systems: Germany and Japan. Each nationally defined system is under pressure to maintain equilibrium by seeking alternative working conditions or end-of-career pathways for older employees. At the national level, the response in each case might translate into policies for targeted immigration, increasing employment and career opportunities for women, or the raising of retirement ages in certain sectors. At an organisational level, HRM responses might become manifest in the re-negotiation of company pension and other compensation and benefit systems or the re-designing of work conditions and / or career pathways for older employees.

The emerging situation is both dynamic and, as stated previously, unprecedented. Consequently, organisations in both Germany and Japan are under pressure to formulate and implement innovative HRM strategies in response to the opportunities and threats to productivity that current global demographic trends are creating.

Call for Contributions
In the broader demographic context of ‘ageing societies’, this Management Revue Special Issue represents an attempt to identify and compare patterns of responses among HRM practitioners and policy-makers in German and Japanese organisations operating and competing across a range of business sectors. For the purpose of continuity across contributions we interpret ‘ageing societies’ as segments of nationally defined labour markets comprising current or potential employees at the age of fifty and over. In the specific context of markets for employment and career development so defined in Germany and Japan, we are looking for contributions on the following themes:

  • Responding to the employment and career expectations of employees aged fifty and over in the German manufacturing sector
  • Responding to the employment and career expectations of employees aged fifty and over in the Japanese manufacturing sector
  • Responding to the employment and career expectations of employees aged fifty and over in German public sector organisations
  • Responding to the employment and career expectations of employees aged fifty and over in Japanese public sector organisations
  • Responding to the employment and career expectations of employees aged fifty and over in German service sector organisations
  • Responding to the employment and career expectations of employees aged fifty and over in Japanese service sector organisations

The Editors also welcome expressions of interest from potential contributors offering to write on themes that connect generally with those specified above.

The Editors especially welcome contributions in the form of joint collaborations between German and Japanese HRM researchers and practitioners.

Final contributions will be around 5,000 words in length.

The Editors undertake to provide full editorial support to contributors who are relatively new to preparing contributions for publication in a quality management journal through the medium of international English: initial offers to contribute can be submitted in English, German or Japanese.

Regardless of each contributor’s language of preference, the Editors undertake to engage all contributors in a cross-national dialogue that should both strengthen the cohesion of the discussion across contributions and establish a global network of HRM scholars and practitioners that endures beyond the publication of this Special Issue.

Full papers for this Special Edition of ‘Management Revue’ must be with the editors by February 28th, 2015. All submissions will be subject to a double blind review process. Please submit your papers electronically via the online submission system at ‘SI Ageing Societies – HRM’ as article section.

Hoping to hear from you!

Keith Jackson, SOAS, University of London and Doshisha University, Japan
Philippe Debroux, Soka University and Chuo University, Japan

Call for Papers: Sustainable HRM and Human Factors for Innovation

Call for Papers

Sustainable HRM and Human Factors for Innovation

15th Annual EURAM Conference, Track Sustainable HRM 
17.-20.6.2015; Warsaw

Ina Ehnert; Sugumar Mariappanadar; Klaus Zink; Andrew Imada

Organizational strategies that rely on technology to gain competitive advantage are dependent upon successfully integrating humans into the solution. This track focusses on research that deals with human factors (HF) and human resource management (HRM) to harmonize human, social, ecological, and economic resources to realize competitive and sustainable success.

The objective of this track is to encourage work on Sustainable HRM and to increase our understanding of the role of HF/HRM in developing more sustainable business organisations. Consequently we call for full papers that provide new theoretical perspectives on and/or empirical insights into HF/HRM and Sustainable Development.

Deadline for submission of full papers: 13.1.2015

Further Information

Call for Papers: Dynamic Capabilities for Strategic Change in Practice

Call for Papers

Dynamic Capabilities for Strategic Change in Practice

 31th EGOS Colloquium, Sub-theme
2.-4. Juli 2015; Athens, Greece

Convenors: Wolfgang H. Güttel, Patrick Cohendet, Uta Wilkens

Uncovering the sources of (sustained) competitive advantage can be regarded as the „Holy Grail“ of strategic management research (Helfat & Peteraf, 2009). In search of an explanation of adaptive firm behavior, researchers have developed the concept of dynamic capabilities as “the capacity of an organization to purposefully create, extend or modify its resource base” (Helfat et al., 2007: 4). Dynamic capabilities have taken center stage in explaining organizational change processes in certain dimensions including innovation, entrepreneurial behavior, organizational transformation or coping with crises (see e.g. Ambrosini & Bowman, 2009; Easterby-Smith et al., 2009, Vogel & Güttel 2013). The dynamic capabilities view (DCV) is designed to give a theoretical framework for specifying routinized adaptation processes as well as actors’ influences on renewal (Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000; Teece et al., 1997; Zollo & Winter, 2002; Teece, 2007).

With respect to future research it is an important question how exactly the organizational and the individual level interact and reflect the broader institutional environment in order to practice change. It is the aim of this sub-theme to bridge research from strategic management with organization studies and to give emphasize to practices of strategic change reflecting institutional, organizational and individual actors’ influences and interactions from a dynamic capability perspective.

Contributions on a theoretical-conceptual and an empirical basis that try to uncover dynamic capabilities for practicing change in general and/or that specify context factors are invited and encouraged.

Deadline for the submission of short papers: 12.1.2015

Further information

Call for Papers: Explicating the Multi-Level-Perspective of Dynamic Capability Research

9th SKM Symposium

Call for Papers
Explicating the Multi-Level-Perspective of Dynamic Capability Research
21./22.9.2015; Bochum

Program comittee: Jörg Freiling, Martin Gersch, Wolfgang Güttel, Jochen Koch, Birgit Renzl, Uta Wilkens

The 9th SKM Symposium aims to further explicate the multi-level perspective in dynamic capability research. In this regard, various fields could be discussed in depth, for example routinized action of organizational renewal, group dynamics for enhancing actors’ contributions to organizational change, leadership behavior as a moderator between the individual’s competences and organizational capabil-ities, the role of regional actors and institutions, or the relevance of particular projects that shape organizational dynamic capabilities. Since introducing more and more variables to the field of research seems not helpful to clarify the issues mentioned, it is essential to further elaborate a consistent the-oretical basis that combines the individual and the organizational level, respectively the organizational and the institutional level. Moreover, empirical analyses are appreciated in order to focus variables of clearly strategic impact. Therefore, we invite and encourage theoretical and/or empirical contributions that further elaborate on dynamic capabilities by facing institutions, organizational structures, pro-cesses, projects or individuals’ and managerial action and interaction.

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 31.3.2015

Further Information

Call for Papers: 11th International Young Scholar German Socio-Economic Panel Symposium (extended Nov. 30)

March 12-13, 2015
Delmenhorst (Bremen), Germany

We are pleased to announce the 11th International Young Scholar German Socio-Economic Panel Symposium. The symposium provides an opportunity for doctoral students and young postdoctoral researchers of all relevant disciplines (e.g. economics, demography, psychology, sociology, public health, geography) to present empirical research in progress – carried out with panel data (especially SOEP data). Each accepted paper will be discussed by a leading senior researcher, giving participants the unique opportunity to receive thorough and individual feedback on their research project.

Moreover, we will award the Joachim-Frick Memorial Prize for the most innovative, best written and best presented symposium paper. The award comes with € 200 prize money.

We encourage interested young scholars to submit a preliminary paper or an extended abstract (about 350 words in English) before November 21, 2014 (extended to November 30, 2014). We will inform you whether your proposal has been accepted by December 19, 2014. The deadline for submission of the full paper is February 10, 2015.

All accepted papers will be made accessible to commentators one month prior to the symposium. During the symposium, each presenter will have about 20 minutes for the presentation, 10 minutes for commentary by a senior researcher and 15 minutes for plenary discussion. The official language of the symposium is English.

Catering as well as accommodation will be provided. The conference fee is € 25.

The symposium is organized by the Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS) of the University of Bremen and Jacobs University in collaboration with the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) and the Hanse Institute for Advanced Study (HWK).

Please send your applications to

For further inquiries, please contact:

Katharina Klug
Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences
Wiener Straße/Ecke Celsiusstraße
28359 Bremen
Tel.: +49(0) 421 218-66366

Ulrike Ehrlich
Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences
Wiener Straße/Ecke Celsiusstraße
28359 Bremen
Tel.: +49(0) 421 218-66434

Call for Proposals to the SOEP Innovation Sample

We would like to remind you of the possibilities of the SOEP Innovation Sample (SOEP-IS) and encourage you to consider using this instrument in developing new empirical research questions. SOEP-IS is well suited to short-term experiments, but it is particularly useful for long-term surveys that are not possible in the framework of the core SOEP—whether because the instruments are not yet established or because the questions deal with very specific research issues.

Send us your proposals
We offer researchers at universities and research institutes worldwide the opportunity to use this sample for their innovative research projects, thereby helping us to shape the catalog of questions in the SOEP and obtaining the resulting data very rapidly for their own analysis.

Researchers interested in submitting questions should contact SOEP Survey Management by November 30, 2014, to present their proposal. If the project is determined to be viable from a survey methodology perspective, an official application procedure will follow. The official application must be received by December 31, 2014.

Applications should be submitted in English to

Please find more information here and on our website

Call for Papers: The Future of Scholarly Communication in Economics

Call for Papers
The Future of Scholarly Communication in Economics

30-31 March 2015, Hamburg, Germany

In recent years scientific publishing has changed rapidly in response to the growth of the internet. Thanks to the internet, open access to research and data has become much more common. Apart from the increase in access to old forms of research, the internet has given rise to new forms of commentary, evaluation and publication, via social media channels, blogs, scientific wikis, and scientific networks. These internet-driven changes to the research process have changed the roles of publishers, libraries, and scientific communities.

The Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW) and the Leibniz Information Centre for Economics (ZBW) are active players in this changing landscape. Since 2007, both institutions have run a new type of academic journal, <> Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal. This innovative journal, inspired by successful predecessors in natural sciences, follows an open-access prin­ciple. Moreover, it is the only economics journal without a publisher listed in the SSCI.

To further stimulate the discussions on this topic, IfW and ZBW are organizing a workshop on the topic “The Future of Scholarly Communications in Economics”. The event will be held in Hamburg on March 30-31, 2015. Approximately 8 papers will be selected for presentation. Mark Armstrong (Oxford University) will deliver a plenary talk.

In order to encourage more participation, collaboration, cooperation, and discourse within the scientific publication process, the e-journal is planning to publish a special issue related to the workshop (open to all submissions, not only to selected presentations made at the workshop, but not mandatory for workshop participants).

For the workshop, we invite researchers from economics and other disciplines to submit related empirical and theoretical contributions. Among the areas of interest are:

  • Pros/cons of the review process, and new ideas for improvements
  • Different methods to measure reputation
  • Impact of open access on the publication market
  • Inclusion of research data in the publication process
  • The changing role of publishers, libraries, and scientific communities
  • The potential of social media tools (blogs, wikis, twitter, facebook etc.) in scholarly communication

All selected presenters will receive financial assistance to help with their travel costs.

Submission deadline: November 30, 2014 (completed or draft papers preferred)

Please send your manuscripts to

Scientific Committee:

  • Mark McCabe (Boston University and University of Michigan)
  • Dennis Snower (Kiel Institute for the World Economy)
  • Klaus Tochtermann (Leibniz Information Centre for Economics)
  • Justus Haucap (Heinrich Heine-University of Duesseldorf)

Call for Papers/Book Chapters: The role of TRIZ in enhancing creativity for innovation – international research and viewpoints on the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving

Call for Papers/Book Chapters
The role of TRIZ in enhancing creativity for innovation – international research and viewpoints on the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving

edited by
Alexander Brem
Professor of Technology and Innovation Management University of Southern Denmark

Leonid Chechurin
Professor of Industrial Engineering and Management
Lappeenranta University of Technology


To come up with innovative ideas which fulfill the criteria to be new and breakthrough is key and at the same time difficult for companies.

One important supporting element to raise the quantity and quality of innovation is TRIZ (the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving, in English named TIPS). With its systematic approach it can be used as a logical approach to creative problem solving.

TRIZ has the following advantages in comparison with traditional innovation supporting methods:

  • Marked increase of creative productivity.
  • Rapid acceleration of the search for inventive and innovative solutions.
  • Scientifically founded approach to forecasting evolution of technological systems, products and processes.

This methodology is now being taught at several universities and has been applied by an increasing number of global organizations.

Hence, with this book, the Editors would like to give an overview of current trends and enhancements within TRIZ in an international context. The goal is to show different roles of TRIZ in enhancing creativity for innovation in research, and with selected viewpoints in practice.

All submitted paper proposals will be double-blind reviewed to ensure the highest quality.

Book Chapter Synopses with suggested topics

Topics include but are not limited to theories, methods, techniques and experiences on:

  • innovation processes and its linkages to TRIZ through all of its stages;
  • methodological support to creative and inventive design;
  • research on TRIZ-based or inspired theories, methodologies, techniques;
  • computers instruments to support TRIZ-based deployment;
  • patent mining, knowledge harvesting and representing;
  • TRIZ education initiatives, feedback or studies;
  • further advanced Innovative, Inventive & creative design processes;
  • inventiveness, creativity, innovation measurements (or assessment);
  • professional/industrial case studies where TRIZ has played a significant role.

Moreover, selected viewpoints from practice will be included.


In advance, all potential authors must commit on our publication schedule to make sure that contributors will follow the same format.

Full paper submissions due: December 31st, 2014
Results of double-blind reviews available: March 31st, 2015
Revised paper submission deadline: June 1st, 2015
Book publication: Winter 2015/16

Publication information

All book chapters will be individually downloadable and accessible via or if someone buys the entire book in print or eBook from the Springer shop or affiliated partners such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble etc.

Each chapter is Search Engine Optimized (using the abstract and title/authors) and thus Google can find individual chapters upon a keyword search directly leading to SpringerLink.

All contributors get a discount of 33% on any Springer title purchased from the Springer online shop.

The MS Word template as well as the Author Guidelines are available online:

Please submit your paper only via E-Mail to Leonid Chechurin.