Category Archives: Call for Papers

Call for Papers: 10th ESA Conference in Geneva – 7th – 10th September 2011

10th ESA CONFERENCE, GENEVA, 7th – 10th September 2011



Call for papers
The consequences of the recent financial crash and the following economic crisis on organized labour, i.e. on industrial relations, employment and labour market institutions, is frequently seen as dramatic. However, industrial relations were always heavily exposed to financial and economic shocks and crises. For example, the shocks of the 1970s altered post-war labour relations radically, albeit with notable differences in pace and shape across countries. On the other hand, industrial relations and labour market institutions influenced the way in which this policy shift took place. The interrelationship between crises, turbulent times and industrial relations gives reason to discuss the implications of the crisis for the interaction of industrial relations with the economy and society. In line with the conference theme, RN 17 is interested in the following questions in context with the current crisis: will industrial relations undergo restructuring processes on a scale similar or even larger than the alterations of the past? To what extent will industrial relations and labour market institutions affect the policy responses and their effects?
In order to explore the theme of the conference as well as other current debates in the field of industrial relations, labour market institutions and employment, this call for papers intends to focus on the following areas:

  • Work and employment in (turbulent) times of the crisis
  • Labour markets: segmentation and social inequalities. The role of trade unions
  • Macro concertation in Europe in times of the crisis: welfare and collective bargaining
  • Restructuring and workplace labour relations: reorganisation processes and negotiations
  • The emergence of a European system of industrial relations: critical current debates
  • Perspectives for the European social model
  • New challenges to interest representation (RN17 and RC10)
  • The resurgence of conflicts: individual and collective forms of labour disputes

We expect to receive theoretical and empirical (both qualitative and quantitative) papers. Cross- national papers are especially welcome. Please submit your abstracts through the conference website (, using the online abstract submission form. The abstract submission platform opens on 10th January 2011 and the deadline for submissions is 25th February 2011. Papers for presentation will be selected by the RN coordinators on 6th April 2011. For further information and registration, please contact the conference secretariat (

Stream number 7 is jointly organised by ISA RC10 and ESA RN17

Mirella Baglioni (ESA RN17 Coordinator) and Bernd Brandl (ESA RN17 Vice-coordinator)