Das Journal für Betriebswirtschaft gehört international zu den traditionsreichsten BWL-Zeitschriften, welche sich explizit auf die Publikation von strukturierten Übersichtsartikeln aus allen Bereichen der Betriebswirtschaft fokussiert. Vierteljährlich werden grundlegende und innovative Beiträge zum internationalen State-of-the-Art publiziert. Stärkere Einreichungen aus dem Fachgebiet Personalwesen sind erwünscht.
Category Archives: Call for Papers
Call for Papers: Managerial and Organizational Cognition
Call for papers for a special issue of the European Management Journal 2013 on
Managerial and Organizational Cognition:
Implications for Business and Management in Europe
This special issue aims at making a contribution to managerial and organizational cognition and beyond, by inviting manuscripts that theorize European context and/or present robust methods to capture the influence of European context cognition. Papers focusing on the role of social and situated cognition within small groups and/or organizational units are especially welcome as are both conceptual and empirical papers. Deadline for submission is Januray 31, 2013.
Call for Papers: Jahrbuch der KMU-Forschung und -Praxis
Call for Papers zum
Jahrbuch der KMU-Forschung und -Praxis 2013 Leitthema: “Kommunikation kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen”
Erwünscht sind Vorschläge für wissenschaftliche Beiträge, die sich mit dem Thema „Kommunikation kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen“ befassen. Dazu zählen betriebswirtschaftliche Beiträge, die sich mit der Kommunikation von KMU innerhalb des Betriebes (interne Kommunikation) und dem Umfeld (Marktkommunikation) auseinandersetzen. Themenvorschläge sind in Form eines kleinen (1/2-seitigen) Exposees bis zum 01. September 2012 an den Herausgeber zu richten.
Call for Papers: Special Issue ‘Temporary Organization and Workers’ Representation’
Die Zeitschrift Industrielle Beziehungen plant ein Schwerpunktheft zum Thema
“Temporary Organization and Workers’ Representation”
Die zunehmend projektbezogene Arbeit in und zwischen Organisationen ist eine neue Herausforderung für die traditionellen Institutionen der Arbeitnehmervertretung. Das Schwerpunktheft soll voraussichtlich im Sommer 2013 erscheint. Manuskripte können bis zum 30. September 2012 eingereicht werden und durchlaufen ein Doppelblindbegutachtungsverfahren.
Call for Papers: 7th Annual Green Economics Institute, Green Economics Conference 19 – 21 July 2012
International 7th Annual Green Economics Conference: Green Economy: Reform and Renaissance of economics and its methodology-Green Economics-the solutions for the 21st century. Green Economy: Rethinking Growth: RIO+20
19th-21st July, 2012 being held at Mansfield College, the University of Oxford
Reserve a place! Share green ideas and methodologies with international experts in the field, with academics and green business leaders. During the conference we will launch new books and will report our feedback from RIO+20 at which we are organising 3 major side events and our delegation are going there. We will prepare for our delegation to COP 18 in November 2012 in Qatar.
Download further detailed conference information about topics, worldwide speakers, fees, etc.
Call for Papers: Special Issue Industrielle Beziehung ‘Temporary Organization and Workers’ Representation’
Die Zeitschrift Industrielle Beziehungen plant ein Schwerpunktheft zum Thema
“Temporary Organization and Workers’ Representation”
Die zunehmend projektbezogene Arbeit in und zwischen Organisationen ist eine neue Herausforderung für die traditionellen Institutionen der Arbeitnehmervertretung. Das Schwerpunktheft soll voraussichtlich im Sommer 2013 erscheint. Manuskripte können bis zum 30. September 2012 eingereicht werden und durchlaufen ein Doppelblindbegutachtungsverfahren.
Call for Papers: Case Studies and Methodologies
Workshop, Invited Session(s), and Conversational Session: Call for Participation
Extended abstracts (600-1200 words) can be sent to jireps@mail.iiis2012.org according to the following deadlines (More details can be found at http://www.2012iiisconferences.org/sireps/stcsm)
- May 28th, 2012 for the inclusion of the accepted articles in the pre-conference proceedings
- June 8th, 2012 for the inclusion of the accepted articles in the post-conference proceedings
Non exclusionary topics
- Case Methods and Methodologies
- Case Studies Research
- Case Studies in Education
- Case Studies in STEM Education
- Consulting Case Studies
- Business Case Studies
- Case Studies in Management
- Information Systems Case Studies
- Software Engineering Case Studies
- Engineering Case Studies
- Medical and Health Care Case Studies
- Case Studies in Science
This workshop will introduce participants to Case Studies and Method by showing the possibilities they generate for the Integration of Academic Activities
A mix of presentation, exercises and discussion, the topics to be covered will include:
- What is the case method?
- Different types of case study and how they are used
- Steps in developing authentic case studies: from recruiting sites to publication
- Facilitating case discussions in the classroom
- Measuring case method learning outcomes
- Publishing case studies
- Opportunities for funding case method projects
- Broader impacts of case method on the individual and institution
If you submit your extended abstract with a short CV of yours, you might be selected as a keynote speaker of your breakout session, in which case you would have more time to present your article, and/or selected as an invited speaker, in which case 1) your presentation and paper will be differentiated as an invited one, and 2) you might be invited to present an additional paper with no additional charge.
A More detailed Call For Participation can be found at http://www.2012iiisconferences.org/sireps/stcsm Please email your enquiries and submission for the invited session(s) to jireps@mail.iiis2012.org
Call for Papers: Competence-Based Strategic Management (CBSM) Conference
Call for Papers for the First International Conference on
Competence-Based Strategic Management (CBSM): “Extending Competence Theory and Charting New Directions for Competence Research” Copenhagen, 21-23 November 2012
The First International Conference on Competence-Based Strategic Management in Copenhagen will mark an important milestone in the growth of the competence research community globally. Authors who would like to make formal paper presentations should submit extended abstracts (2-3 pages) not later than 15 June 2012. Submission of fully developed papers will then be required by 31 October 2012.
CfP 5th International Ph.D. Workshop at the IAB, November 19-20, 2012
Aims and Topics
The IAB Graduate School’s 5th interdisciplinary Ph.D. workshop on Perspectives on (Un-)Employment endeavours to bring together young researchers from different disciplines. This international workshop will provide an opportunity for Ph.D. students to present and discuss their research in a constructive atmosphere, incorporating feedback and advice from a number of experiences researchers. The workshop will focus on, but not be limited to, empirical research in the folowing fields:
- Labour market institutions and policies
- Inequality and education
- Regional disparities
- Labour mobility and dynamics
- Qualification and skills
Keynote speakers
- Prof. Thomas Bauer (Ruhr-University Bochum and RWI-Essen)
- Prof. Markus Gangl (Goethe University Frankfurt)
We invite Ph.D. students to submit an extended abstract or a full paper.
Deadline for submission is July 15th, 2012.
For more information see http://www.iab.de/de/veranstaltungen.aspx
Call for Papers: Applications of Social Network Analysis – ASNA2012 – 4-7 September 2012
ASNA 2012 – Submission of abstracts now open (closes 1 June 2012)
Please visit http://www.asna.ch for the full call for papers with deadlines or download here:
Keynotes this year:
Prof. Dirk Helbing, ETH Zurich, FutureICT – Global Participatory Computing for Our Complex World
Prof. John Skvoretz, University of South Florida,
Diversity, Integration, and Networks – Attraction vs Repulsion as Drivers of Interethnic and Intergroup Relations
Workshops this year (4-5 September 2012):
- SNA for Newbies (Thomas N. Friemel)
- Applications of SNA (Thomas N. Friemel, Manuel Fischer, Karin Ingold)
- Analysis of Longitudinal Social Network Data (Johan Koskinen and Thomas U. Grund)
- ERGMs for Social Networks (Skyler Cranmer)
- visone (Ulrik Brandes, Natalie Indlekofer, Uwe Nagel)
- Pajek XXL (Andrej Mrvar)