Category Archives: Call for Papers

CLADEA 2013 Conference in Rio De Janeiro


Past, Present, and Future of Latin American Education and Research in Business and Public Administration in the Current Global Context

Program Chair & Organizer: Ronaldo Parente
Program Co-Chairs: Flavio Vasconcelos and Alvaro Cyrino


We are pleased to invite the academic community to participate in the XLVIII CLADEA Annual Assembly 2013 on the Past, Present, and Future of Latin American Education and Research in Business and Public Administration in the Current Global Context to be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This year, the conference will be hosted by the Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas (EBAPE) of Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) from October 20 to 22, 2013. The deadline for submissions is June 15, 2013.

Latin America’s rise in the global economy has generated interest among executives worldwide, as well as among management scholars. Over the last two decades, there has been continuous economic growth and institutional evolution in emerging economies, especially with regard to trade liberalization. Unfortunately, there have been some imbalances in Latin America on how different countries engage in liberalization. Despite some fallbacks, the region has recently gained prominence as a destination for FDI and bilateral trade – particularly for North American firms with close ties to the region, as well as for European and Chinese firms. Academics and practitioners are beginning to recognize the huge differences between their civil societies, institutional infrastructure, and cultural nuances that should have an impact for strategy making, entrepreneurship, innovation, and individual and firm behavior in the current global context. The aim of this conference is to highlight recent trends and developments in the fields of business and public administration in Latin America and other emerging areas. This year’s theme seeks to contribute to the understanding of recent trends and developments in Latin America by creating a scholarly forum for the discussion of current issues involving academics and practitioners from Latin America and other parts of the world. We hope to attract a select group of scholars, government officials, and executives as well as specialists in the political and legal environment from several sectors of the economy. This intimate setting will allow participants to share perspectives and examine rigorous research based upon real-world experiences and provide a better understanding of the future role of Latin America in the context of the global economy.

We are inviting proposals in the form of extended abstracts rather than completed papers. Those interested in submitting their research should read the Guidelines for Submissions for detailed explanations on the technical specifications and guidelines in terms of format and structure. Proposals can be submitted in Spanish, Portuguese, or English. If submitted in a language other than English, the authors must also include the title, abstract, and key words in English.

The submitted papers will be evaluated by specialists in each of the thematic areas through a “blind review” process. Make sure you submit your proposal to the track that best fits your paper topic.

Use the Online Submissions System to submit your proposal. Before submitting your proposal, you must create a profile on our Web site to have access to thesubmission/paper management system.

Conference Tracks/Thematic Areas:

  • The Internationalization of Business Schools, Accreditation, and Educational Quality
  • Economic, Financial Management and Accounting
  • Leadership and Management of Human Capital
  • Ethical, Social, and Environment Responsibility
  • Entrepreneurship and SMEs
  • Operations and Supply Chain Management
  • Technology and Innovation Management
  • Marketing
  • Strategy, Corporate Governance, Sustainable Development, and General Management
  • International Business, Multinationals, and Emerging Markets
  • Politics, Conflict, and Social Movements
  • Learning Processes and Challenges for Management Education

More information is available at For questions, please contact Ronaldo Parente, Program Chair & Organizer, at

Call for Papers: ABEN Conference 2013

3rd Annual Australasian Business Ethics Network (ABEN) Conference


Hobart, 2nd and 3rd December 2013
Supported by the Faculty of Business at the University of Tasmania and the Department of Management at Monash University

Call for Papers
Abstract and Full Paper Submission Deadline: 31st July 2013.

Submissions are now being invited for the 3rd annual ABEN conference on business, ethics and business ethics ( Bringing academics, critics and practitioners together to discuss and debate the nature, intent, effects and futures of business ethics in Australasia and beyond, the ABEN conference is a key forum in the region for reflective, engaged and philosophical work in the area. The location for this year’s conference is the Lenna Hotel in the capital of Tasmania, Hobart.

Once again, the conference is linked with publication opportunities in business ethics and professional ethics journals (The Journal of Business Ethics Education and the Australian Journal of Applied and Professional Ethics), as well as Philosophy of Management, the leading interdisciplinary journal with a focus on applied philosophy in management. Like the wider network from which it originates, the ABEN conference is inclusive – welcoming submissions that explore business ethics from a range of theoretical, empirical and practical positions and perspectives.

This year, we purposefully link the theme to the notion of managing ethics on the edge, to promote awareness of the multitude of philosophical issues that mainstream management research appears to ignore. This raises some interesting questions for ethics teachers and researchers to address. For example:

  • Given the rhetoric around the importance of ethics in business, are moral considerations and values being authentically included in emerging management practices and strategies or do they remain at the periphery of managers’ thinking?
  • Are moral values and competencies becoming part of core learning objectives at all levels of study in University business courses, or do they remain on the periphery? If they are being included, how are they being taught and to what effect?
  • Are existing moral philosophies serving the needs of moral decision making in business and business education? Are there philosophical alternatives to orthodox approaches that have been hitherto peripheral to the field that may serve teaching and practice in more constructive ways?

In writing this call, we espouse a view posited by Philosophy of Management: namely, that management concerns itself with making a genuine positive difference to human life, a difference that is only made possible through thoroughgoing thought. Rather than being on the periphery of management, therefore, philosophy is central to all management worthy of the name; management is about ‘reason in practice.’ Thus, the ABEN Conference theme also connects with the theme for the ANZAM Conference 2013, which is being held in Hobart on 4-6 December.

Papers are welcomed that address these questions in the context of (e.g.) Australasian business practice and education, the place of the employee, the questions of sustainability and of responsible accounting, as well as the place of human rights in the workplace.

Please send a 500-word abstract and contact details of all authors, as an email attachment with the title ‘Abstract Submission’ by 31 July 2013. Full papers may also be submitted, to be peer reviewed, if required by your funding institution. Authors of accepted abstracts/papers will be notified by the 15th of August.

All details of the conference are available at Registration for the conference is the same as ABEN 2; $A300 (registering before 31st September) and $A380 (registering after 31st September) for salaried persons; and $A200 (before 31st September) and $A280 (after 31st September) for those who are non-salaried/students. Registration opens 31st August. For all inquiries please email

Call for Papers: Temporary Organizing

Organization Studies, the official journal of the European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS), invites submissions for a Special Issue on

“Temporary Organizing”

Today’s turbulent business environment is heralding an increase in organizing in a flexible, ad-hoc manner that involves a constant adaptation to opportunities and change. One salient, yet understudied, way in which firms are changing as a consequence, is on their temporal attributes. The present special issue seeks to bundle, investigate, and push further the current frontiers of such “temporary organizing” research and deepen our knowledge of how temporary organizing interacts with more permanent organizing forms such as organizations, networks and fields.

Papers must be received by September 30, 2014.

Further Information

Call for Papers: Jahrbuch der KMU-Forschung und -Praxis

Call for Papers zum

Jahrbuch der KMU-Forschung und -Praxis 2014
Leitthema: Energie- und Umweltmanagement in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen

Erwünscht sind Vorschläge für wissenschaftliche Beiträge, die sich mit dem Thema „Energie und Umweltmanagement (EUM) in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen“ befassen. Dazu zählen Beiträge, die sich mit jeglichen Managementfragen des EUM auseinandersetzen, insbesondere zu den Rahmenbedingungen, den Kosten und dem Nutzen von EUM sowie der Vermarktung umweltfreundlicher und energieeffizienter Prozesse in Unternehmen und Produkte. Die Besonderheiten von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen müssen dabei im Mittelpunkt der Ausführungen stehen.

Zunächst sind Themenvorschläge mit einem kurzen Exposee bis zum 01. Oktober 2013 an den Herausgeber zu richten.

Weitere Informationen

Call for Papers: Innovation Networks – Special Issue Management Revue

Call for Papers

Susanne Gretzinger, University of Southern Denmark, Sønderborg
Simon Fietze, Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg (Germany)
Wenzel Matiaske, Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg (Germany)

Special Issue: Innovation Networks

Economic operations and thus innovations are embedded in social relations and structures.

Therefore, the organizational units that create innovation are not individual businesses, but usually networks. From a resource point of view, networks hold a variety of advantages for their members, such as access to material and immaterial resources, information and knowledge.

Powell et al. (1996), for example, conclude in their study on innovation behavior in pharmaceutical companies that companies that are not able to initiate networks or form a cooperation have strategic disadvantages on the market. In this context, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are considered to be dependent on the social capital of networks, because of the limited resources they have under direct control due to their size.

In the European context national economies are depending very much on SMEs. Depending on definition the companies of the European economies are consisting between 70 and 95 % of small or medium-sized companies. While huge companies are hosting all the resources, which are in need to set up innovation capabilities themselves, SME are depending much more on cooperation compared to huge companies. Furthermore SMEs do have to take higher risks into accountwhen cooperating with other partners. Huge companies do have much better possibilities just to buy in complementary resources while SMEs have to develop trustful relationship to prevent losing their competitive edge or from dropping into the trap of the dark side of social capital.

The importance of innovation for national economies has motivated policy makers to promote innovation capabilities of their economies and therewith the circumstances of SMEs. To promote economically relevant information to SMEs, the public sector provides specific advisory services. From strategic management’s point of view, the involvement of cooperation partners and intermediaries is on the one hand necessary but on the other hand accompanied by the risk of losing specific knowledge to the business environment.

In this special issue, we would like to discuss innovation networks of businesses – in particular SMEs – from a social network analysis (SNA) perspective. Theoretical and conceptual contributions as well as empirical work linking innovation networks of businesses and SNA are of interest.


Full papers for this special edition of ‘management revue’ must be with the editors by October 31st, 2013. All submissions will be subject to a double blind review process. Papers invited for a ‘revise and resubmit’ are due on January 31st, 2014. It is anticipated that the special edition will appear as Issue No. 2 in 2014. Please submit your papers electronically via the journal submission system at using ‘Innovation Networks’ as article section

Looking forward to hearing from you

Susanne Gretzinger
Simon Fietze
Wenzel Matiaske

Call for Papers as PDF

Fachtagung „Auswahl und Beurteilung von Führungskräften in der Wirtschaft“

Einladung zur Fachtagung

„Auswahl und Beurteilung von Führungskräften in der Wirtschaft“
An der Technischen Universität München am 3. Juni 2013

Der Erfolg von Organisationen hängt von der Qualität ihrer Führungskräfte ab. Daher ist die Frage, welche Strategien Unternehmen anwenden sollten, um bei Auswahl und Beurteilung von Führungskräften die bestmöglichen Kandidaten zu erreichen, von zentraler Bedeutung. Vor allem vor dem Hintergrund der aktuellen Debatte um Frauen in Führungspositionen werden auf der Fachtagung im Dialog zwischen Forschern und Praktikern innovative Auswahl- und Beurteilungsstrategien aufgezeigt.

Weitere Informationen

Call for Papers: Austerity and Crisis – Managing in the Global Economy

Call for Papers

ERU conference
Austerity and Crisis: Managing in the Global Economy
Cardiff Business School; 9-10 September 2013

Since the financial crisis of 2007-8, economic growth has stagnated in the western economies and declined in the BRICs from its previous heights. In this conference, we wish to explore how experiences of austerity and crisis are affecting the strategies pursued by states, multinational firms, SMEs and employers and employees’ organisations. We invite papers in any area related to this outline.

Deadline for submission of panel proposals and abstracts will be 10 June, 2013.

Further Information

Call for Papers: International Conference on Path Dependence

Call for Papers

3rd International Conference on Path Dependence
February 17-18, 2014
Freie Universität Berlin School of Business & Economics

The theory of path dependence is attracting increasing attention. A considerable number of scholars have been using the theory for the study of historical imprints, escalating dynamics and organizational inertia in different fields and on different levels. The conference is organized by the Path Dependence Research Centre (Pfadkolleg) of the Freie Universität Berlin. It aims at providing a platform for the discussion of most recent path-related research.

Deadline for submission is October 15, 2013.

Further Information

Call for Papers: Management zwischen Reflexion und Handeln

Call for Papers

Managementforschung 25: Management zwischen Reflexion und Handeln

Die Managementforschung steht seit Anbeginn in einem unauflöslichen Spannungsverhältnis: dem zwischen Reflexion und Handeln. Auf der einen Seite richtet sie sich als Managementlehre auf die Fragen effizienter und effektiver Steuerungshandlungen in und von Organisationen. Auf der anderen Seite bietet sie gerade dieser Praxis als Wissenschaft einen Reflexionsinstanz und macht damit die Praxis der Kritik wie der Veränderung zugänglich. Der 25. Band der ‚Managementforschung‘ widmet sich diesem gleichermaßen grundlegendem wie hochaktuellem Themenspektrum und möchte – nicht zuletzt als Jubiläumsband – zugleich eine Plattform eröffnen für elementare Fragen der Logik und Rationalität des Managements.

Abgabetermin für Manuskripte ist der 30. April 2014.

Weitere Informationen

Call for Papers: Dynamics of Low Wage, Low Pay, and Transfer Receipt

Date: November 15 – 16, 2013

Location: Institute for Employment Research (IAB), Nuremberg, Germany


In recent years the great recession and Euro crisis have affected national labor markets. In most countries, unemployment has risen. In some countries austerity policies put a break on wage increases and institutional reforms have supported the generation of extended low wage sectors. This directs new attention to the workings of national minimum income systems.

The conference will present international current research on trends and developments in the fields of low wage employment and transfer receipt (e.g., welfare, unemployment or other types of benefits) and the dynamics of these patterns over time.

We are interested in studies on national developments as well as on international patterns. Both micro- and macroeconomic analyses are welcome. The conference shall focus on empirical studies but heoretical contributions are welcome as well.

Key-Note Speakers:

  • Stephen JENKINS, London School of Economics
  • Jürgen ScHupp, DIW Berlin


The deadline for submission is June 15, 2013. please submit electronic versions of full papers or extended abstracts (3 pages) in pdf format to You will be notified on acceptance of your paper by end of July 2013. All presenters will be asked to submit full papers until October 15, 2013. All participants are requested to register no later than October 15, 2013.

Scientific Committee:

  • Lorenzo cAppELLARI, università cattolica Milan
  • Joachim MöLLER, IAB Nuremberg
  • Regina T. RIpHAHN, FAu Erlangen-Nuremberg
  • Helmut RuDOLpH, IAB Nuremberg
  • Wiemer SALvERDA, university of Amsterdam
  • Joachim WOLFF, IAB Nuremberg

Conference Fee:

The conference fee is 80€, which includes refreshments and lunches during the workshop, as well as the conference dinner on November 15, 2013. participants presenting a paper are exempted from the conference fee (one person for coauthored papers). There is a small travel grant for ph.D. students, who present a paper at the workshop and provide a letter of their supervisor that confirms their current ph.D. student status. The grant covers 50 percent of the travel cost, but the grant is limited to a maximum of € 150.

Call for Papers