Grounded Theory

Institution: see Organisers & Supporters

Programme of study: International Research Workshop

Lecturer: Dr. Jana Bövers (University of Bielefeld)

Date: see Workshop Programme

Max. number of participants: 20

Credit Points: 5 CP for participating in the whole IRWS

Language of instruction: English

Contents: This workshop offers a comprehensive introduction to Grounded Theory, considering its possible application in manifold fields and contexts of study and the feasibility of combining it with diverse research techniques (mainly qualitative and ethnographic ones). The focus will be on the basic methodological stance and the entire process, starting with the research design, the collection of material with an explorative character, up to the multi-layered process of analysis, which leads to the results theorisation with a so-called medium range. The workshop is as much oriented to “beginners” interested in learning about the basic epistemological perspective of Grounded Theory and its practice as to participants that already have deeper knowledge about Grounded Theory or even have already applied this methodology in research and wish to discuss specific aspects or questions that arose in research practice. Experience has shown that this diversity of participants means that all groups can benefit from each other’s experiences and questions, as well as doubts. Accordingly, the workshop will be adjusted to participants’ needs.

Hence, we will first discuss basic concepts and procedures such as research design, data collection, coding, categorisation, memo writing, theoretical sampling and theoretical saturation. Afterwards, these concepts will be clarified through practical exercises using examples ideally provided by the participants. Therefore, participants with concrete research projects (be they planned or already put into practice) are invited to share their ideas, design and material to (further) develop the research practice among the group. If you are interested in presenting examples, please contact Gilberto Rescher in English, German, Spanish or Portuguese (

Gilberto Rescher will also stress his own research experiences in areas such as diversity, politics, migration and gender, with a focus on Latin America, to show how grounded theory can be used as an important guideline for research and analysis in a broader methodological framework. Accordingly, also exemplary cases from the literature will be drawn upon.

For successful participation, engaging in a qualitative, exploratory paradigm and a discussion of the cases presented in the workshop is necessary.

In addition to your registration, please answer the following questions (English or German):

  • What is your current status (e.g. PhD student?)
  • What is the focus of your interest in Grounded Theory?
  • What sort of content and feedback do you expect?

As a brief preparation for the workshop, the short text on Anselm Strauss or on Grounded Theory can be read in one of the editions of “Qualitative Forschung: Ein Handbuch” by Flick et al.

You must register for the International Research Workshop to participate in this course.