Vom 7. bis 10. Oktober 2019 führt Professorin Catherine Cleophas (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel) zum zweiten Mal im ProDok-Angebot den erfolgreichen Kurs „Simulation Modelling for Business Research” in Kiel durch, zu dem wir Sie herzlich einladen.
Business research increasingly considers wicked problems and complex dynamic systems. Analytical models of such problems and systems quickly become untraceable and unsolvable. Given increasing computational power, simulation models provide an alternative tool. They can fuel studies tracing the long-term evolution of systems and comparing the outcomes of alternative scenarios. However, successfully applying simulation modelling for business research requires expertise on applicable simulation paradigms, approaches to model validation and the analysis of stochastic results.
Anmeldefrist: 8. September 2019
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