Institution: Graduate School at Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences – Universität Hamburg
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Miriam Beblo, Prof. Dr. Jan Marcus (WiSO-Fakultät, UHH)
Schedule: mondays, 16:30 – 18:00 (starting 24.10.2016, bi-weekly, plus on day in January)
Place: Universität Hamburg, further information in Geventis
Registration: You can register for the course until 30.09.2016 (13 Uhr) via Geventis
Course description:
The course Empirical Labour Economics consists of two parts, a seminar part and a one-day workshop.
Seminar part: Participants are expected to regularly attend the researchseminar Labour Economics, which is jointly organized by the departments ofSocioeconomics and Economics as well as external research institutions andwhere external speakers are invited to present and discuss their current workon labour, family and migration issues. The seminar is held biweekly on Mondaysfrom 4.30 to 6 pm (for the programme see Participants should hand in a written comment on one of the seminartalks (focusing on research design and implementation).
Workshop part: Toward the end of the semester the course concludes witha day-long meeting, where all participants will present their own researchideas and implementation problems, in consideration of the labour seminarpapers discussed.