SDU BIB: Getting Published in the Social Sciences

Institution: University Library of Southern Denmark, Odense (Denmark)

Lecturer: Emerald Group Publishing

Date: 4 December, 15.00-17.00

Place: University Library of Southern Denmark, Odense (Denmark), Campusvej 55, meeting room ‘BIB Undervisningslokale’

Language of instruction: English

Registration (preferably before 1 December)

Course Overview:

Emerald will introduce the publishing and peer review process of international academic publishers and go into details of what editors and reviewers look for, when evaluating a manuscript. Emerald will also present journal selection strategies, and more hands-on paper structuring and writing tips.

The seminar will enable authors at University of Southern Denmark to give their papers the best possible chances of getting accepted and published.

The seminar is specifically targeted at young researchers, but everyone is welcome.