Psychology of innovation and entrepreneurship for MA and PhD students

Institution: Leuphana Universität Lüneburg – Graduate School

Studiengang: Promotionsstudium

Dozent/in: Prof. Dr. Michael Frese

17.05.2010, 09.00-11.00, 12.30-14.30, 15.00-17.00
18.05.2010, 09.00-11.00, 12.30-14.30, 15.00-17.00
19.05.2010, 09.00-11.00, 12.30-14.30, 15.00-17.00
20.05.2010, 09.00-12.00

Raum: C11.320

Max. Teilnehmerzahl: 30 (Anmeldung über Regina Müller)

Semester-Wochen-Stunden: k.A.

Credit Points: k.A.

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

This course should allow you to get to know important parts of the literature on the psychology of innovation and entrepreneurship. Organizational Behavior and organizational psychology is incomplete without understanding, how organizations start, how they grow and develop, how they change and they die eventually – all of these are issues of entrepreneurship. The founders of an organization also determine the culture of the organization to a large extent (this is what is assumed in the literature). Moreover, business owners can be studied quite well on various dimensions of OB (motivation, cognition, emotion, learning, expertise, groups, leadership, etc.) and they have interesting dependent variables – such as performance of firm, strain, well-being of owner(s) and employees, etc. Finally, banks (and other capital providers) routinely select entrepreneurs; there is training for entrepreneurs. All of this makes it useful and even necessary to study and understand entrepreneurship in OB and management.

This seminar focuses on three objectives: First, develop a good set of thoughts on entrepreneurs (business owners) as a group that has been often neglected in OB and I/O psychology; second, understand the function of innovation in organizations and in entrepreneurship, and lastly and most importantly, I expect you to develop a study design during this course that you might want to perform and to publish.

The language of instruction and presentations is English.

Requirements: Students will be asked to do the following activities:

  1. Read the assigned articles for each session. I shall determine one or two persona for each session to be the pro-person and one to be the contra-person. The latter is supposed to attack the theory, methodology, analysis, and conclusion of the study, the pro-person needs to defend the study as well as possible.
  2. Each session one person will be responsible to provide a small demonstration of how innovation or entrepreneurship can be enhanced – this can be a demonstration of a creativity technique or an idea of how start-up group dynamics could function – anything goes, as long as it is practical and costs not more than 10 minutes of our time to participate in this exercise.
  3. At the end of the course, you will be required to hand in a design for an empirical study. This project proposal should include theory and methods in the same way as an article in AMJ, JBV would do (in addition, it should also contain the limitation section). It should be creative, interesting, theoretically and practically useful, methodologically sophisticated and it should be doable (that is you should be able to actually put this study into effect). I will use the same criteria as a peer review to grade this paper. In other words, the more it is publishable (and doable), the better it is (of course, without the results). It may help here that you already have done a small pilot study within the first half semester. This may then give you better ideas for this paper.
  4. You might want to look into two introductory books if you are interested: King, N., & Anderson, N. (2002). Innovation and change: A critical guide for organizations. London: Thomson. And Shane, S. (2003). A general theory of entrepreneurship. Cheltenham, England: Elgar.

Further information about the course.