Tag Archives: Globalization

Call for Paper: 30th International Labour Process Conference

Call for papers
for a special conference stream on
The Comparative Political Economy of Work and Employment Relations

at the 30th International Labour Process Conference in Stockholm
March, 27-29 2012 at Stockholm University

Comparative political economy focuses on how the functioning of national economies may be explained by distinct institutional frameworks, historical trajectories, etc. However, there is a tendency to focus on analyzing comparative macro-level economic and national models, neglecting the diversity of labour processes, work arrangements and employment relations. A methodological nationalism further endures despite increasing internationalization. National institutions do remain important, but are transformed by e.g. the globalization of finance, with implications for the comparative political economy of work and employment relations. We therefore seek abstracts on how micro-level labour process/ workplace and meso-level employment relations analysis contribute to understanding comparative political economy.

You can find the full call for papers here:

The deadline for abstract submissions is October 31. You can submit your abstract on the following web page:

CGG-Lecture: Air Travel, Globalization and the End of Oil (Professor John Urry, PhD)

Das Direktorium des Centrum für Globalisierung und Governance lädt herzlich zur nächsten CGG Lecture des Sommersemesters ein. Professor John Urry, PhD, von der University of Lancaster (UK) spricht zum Thema ‚Air Travel, Globalization and the End of Oil’. Professor Urry ist Direktor des Centre for Mobility Research (CeMoRe) und Leiter des Mobilities.Lab an der University of Lancaster.

Die Lecture beginnt am Mittwoch dem 18.05. 18 Uhr ct im Hörsaal K des Hauptgebäudes der Universität in der Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1.