Category Archives: News

Management Revue – Socio-Economic Studies – Vol. 28, No. 2

2nd Issue 2017
Management Revue – Socio-Economic Studies, Volume 28

Open Issue


Gerd Grözinger, Marlene Langholz-Kaiser & Doreen Richter
Regional Innovation and Diversity: Effects of Cultural Diversity, Milieu Affiliation and Qualification Levels on Regional Patent Outputs

Mareike Adler & Anna K. Koch
Expanding the Job Demands-Resources Model to Classify Innovation-Predicting Working Conditions

Stefan Gröschl & Patricia Gabaldon
Leading Resistance to Doing Business as Usual

Albert Martin & Wenzel Matiaske
Absenteeism as a Reaction to Harmful Behavior in the Workplace from a Stress Theory Point of View

Wenzel Matiaske
Introduction: Echoes of an Era – A Century of Organisational Studies

Søren Voxted
100 years of Henri Fayol

Call for Papers

Entrepreneurship and Managerialization in SMEs and family firms
Submission deadline: 31 July 2017

Corporate responsibility: In the dilemma between trust and fake?
Submission deadline: 30 September 2017

Echoes of an Era – A Century of Organisational Studies
Submission deadline: 31 December 2017

Forthcoming Issues

Digital Working Life
Guest Editors: Mikael Ottoson & Calle Rosengren (Lund University, Sweden), Doris Holtmann & Wenzel Matiaske (Helmut-Schmidt-University, Hamburg, Germany)

International Transdisciplinarity Conference 2017 (11.-15.09.2017)

Transdisciplinary Research and Education — Intercultural Endeavours
September 11-15, 2017, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany

The International Transdisciplinarity Conference in 2017 is co-organised by Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany and the Network for Transdisciplinary Research of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences.

The overall objective of the conference is to strengthen communities of transdisciplinary research and education and to create visibility for theoretical, empirical and transformative advances/results. The focus of the conference is on interculturality. Participants will explore transdisciplinary research and education as intercultural endeavours concerning epistemologies, worldviews, practices, and place-based differences.

With this emphasis, we will bring together representatives of different world regions, institutions, cultures, and communities. We envisage a space for taking a culturally sensitive look at transdisciplinarity. By doing so, we will also explore interfaces and foster the potential of transdisciplinarity to deal with heterogeneity and difference.

Further information

Management Revue – Socio-Economic Studies – Vol. 28, No. 1 (Special Issue ‘Perspectives on Sustainable Consumption’)

1st Issue 2017
Management Revue – Socio-Economic Studies, Volume 28
Special Issue ‘Perspectives on Sustainable Consumption’
edited by Ortrud Leßmann & Torsten Masson


Ortrud Leßmann & Torsten Masson
Editorial: Perspectives on Sustainable Consumption

Benjamin Held & Christian Haubach
The Additional Costs of Organic Food Products – A Basket of Goods-based Analysis Differentiated by Income

Torsten Masson & Ortrud Leßmann
Insecure Employment and Pro-Environmental Consumption: An empirical Analysis

Mirella Giannini, Dario Minervini & Ivano Scotti
The Reflexive Generation: Consumption, Crisis, and Sustainability

Jan Seidel
Explaining Renewable Energy Consumption Among Students: The Role of Academic Discipline and Energy Awareness

Camilla Jensen
International Trade in Infant Industries: A Dynamic Analysis of Different Trade Policy Instruments and Their Implications for Sustainable Consumption

Call for Papers


Submission deadline: 31 July 2017
Submission deadline: 31 December 2017


Forthcoming Issues

Digital Working Life
Guest Editors: Mikael Ottoson & Calle Rosengren (Lund University, Sweden), Doris Holtmann & Wenzel Matiaske (Helmut-Schmidt-University, Hamburg, Germany)

TU Darmstadt: Career Bridging Grants

Are you a PhD student or a postdoc planning your next career step? You would like to apply for external funding to finance your own position but need to financially bridge the time up to the potential funding start?

The Career Bridging Grant closes financial gaps between two career steps for candidates currently working at or aiming to work at TU Darmstadt. It provides short-term financial support for highly qualified candidates, who apply for funding with good prospects of success. The Career Bridging Grant secures financial support during the application process and thus facilitates a smooth transition to the next career step.

Application deadline: April 15, 2017

Find out more at:

Promote your content on the PhD Network

Do you have any news (courses, call for papers, job announcements, etc.) that you would like to publish on the Ph.D. network website? You are welcome to write a post on our website and promote your content free of charge. Your relevant content will be promoted on our website, newsletter and social media.

We are currently accepting the following types of submissions:

  • Courses, Events, Conferences
  • Job Vacancies
  • Call for Papers

Arbeitsbedingungen deutscher Promovierender (Working conditions of German Ph.D. students)

Dear fellow doctoral students/candidates,

We, that is Iris Koch and Paul Goldmann, examine as part of our doctoral studies how the university environment affects us doctoral candidates. It would be great if you support our studies by taking part in a 4-waves longitudinal study! This will take approximately 10-15 min per wave. Please be ensured that all your data will be treated anonymously and confidentially. To take part, please follow the link and fill out the German questionnaire (there is no English version).

If you would like to support us even further, please share our study with your fellow colleagues who also are working on their PhD thesis. In case there are any questions, please feel free to contact us writing a mail to

Thanks for your support and best wishes,
Iris and Paul

Further informtion

Management Revue – Socio-Economic Studies – Vol. 27, Issue 4 (Special Issue ‘Financial Participation’)

4th Issue 2016
Management Revue – Socio-Economic Studies, Volume 27

Special Issue ‘Financial Participation’
edited by Wenzel Matiaske, Andrew Pendleton & Erik Poutsma


Wenzel Matiaske, Andrew Pendleton, Erik Poutsma
Financial Participation – Introduction
download as PDF

Mathieu Floquet, Loris Guery, Chloé Guillot-Soulez, Patrice Laroche, Anne Stévenot
The relationship between profit-sharing schemes and wages: Evidence from French firms
download abstract as PDF

Olaf Kranz, Thomas Steger
Resurrected, recovered, but still didn’t survive? A case study on the viability of employee-owned companies
download abstract as PDF

Thomas Haipeter
Financialisation of wages and works councils’ policy: Profit sharing in the German metalworking and electrical engineering industries
download abstract as PDF

Renate Ortlieb, Wenzel Matiaske, Simon Fietze
Employee share ownership in Germany: A cluster analysis of firms’ aims
download abstract as PDF

Lutz Bellmann, Iris Möller
Are firms with financial participation of employees better off in a crisis? Evidence from the IAB Establishment Panel Survey
download abstract as PDF

Book Reviews
Paster, Thomas: The role of business in the development of the welfare state and labor markets in Germany: Containing social reforms (by Stefanie John)
download as PDF

Call for Papers

Corporate responsibility: In the dilemma between trust and fake?
Submission deadline for abstracts: 28 February 2017

Entrepreneurship and Managerialization in SMEs and family firms
Submission deadline: 31 July 2017

Demands in the modern workplace
Submission deadline: 31 January 2017

Echoes of an Era – A Century of Organisational Studies
Submission deadline: 31 December 2017

Forthcoming Issues

Perspectives on Sustainable Consumption
edited by Ortrud Lessmann & Torsten Masson

Digital Working Life
edited by Mikael Ottosson, Calle Rosengren, Doris Holtmann & Wenzel Matiaske

New Book: Case Study Research Approaches, Methods, Contribution to Theory

9783957100757Hans-Gerd Ridder

Case Study Research
Approaches, Methods, Contribution to Theory

This book outlines the richness of case study approaches in their contribution to theory. It offers master and doctoral students a systematic overview of how to conduct case study research considering the variety of its approaches.

A continuum of theory is outlined in order to clarify the contribution of research designs to theory. Research topics, research questions, and the role of the theoretical and empirical state of the art are discussed. The conceptual framework is displayed as an orientation, guiding the study theoretically as well as methodologically.

The core of the book is the investigation into the main approaches of case study re-search. Exploratory, explanatory, constructivist, and extended case study approaches are outlined and compared. Commonalities and differences in data collection and data analysis within case study research are deepened.

Hans-Gerd Ridder holds the Chair in Human Resource Management at the Leibniz Universität Hannover. His research focuses on strategic HRM in Profit and Non Profit Organizations.

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Neues Buch: Wahrscheinlichkeits- und Matrizenrechnung für Sozialwissenschaftler

9783957100733Pascal Jordan

Wahrscheinlichkeits- und Matrizenrechnung für Sozialwissenschaftler

Die Themengebiete Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und Lineare Algebra bilden die mathematische Grundlage zahlreicher quantitativer Analyse- und Forschungsansätze in den Sozialwissenschaften. Sie sind dabei nicht nur zum Verständnis klassischer Auswertungsansätze relevant, sondern insbesondere
auch um neu adaptierte statistische Verfahren nachvollziehen und integrieren zu können. Dieses Buch bietet eine theorieorientierte Einführung in die Grundlagen der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und der Linearen Algebra. Im ersten Teil werden nach einer Einführung der drei Kernbegriffe der Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie (Ereignis, Wahrscheinlichkeit, Zufallsvariable) zentrale Sätze der Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie behandelt und das Unabhängigkeitskonzept definiert. Es werden hierauf basierend generelle Prinzipien zur Lösung
wahrscheinlichkeitstheoretischer Probleme dargestellt, kontraintuitive Resultate erläutert sowie häufig auftretende Fallstricke hervorgehoben. Ein separates Kapitel behandelt als Anwendungsbeispiel die statistische Theorie derAuswertung von Experimenten zur Gewinnung kausaler Aussagen.

Der zweite Teil befasst sich mit der Vektor- und Matrizenrechnung. Neben elementaren Begriffen der Vektorrechnung werden hierbei insbesondere auch die Lösung linearer Gleichungssysteme sowie das fortgeschrittene Konzept eines Eigenvektors bzw. eines Eigenwerts behandelt. Anwendungen der
Matrixrechnung werden sowohl im Rahmen des linearen Regressionsmodells als auch für den Bereich der Indexkonstruktion dargestellt.

Schlüsselwörter: Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie, Lineare Algebra, Matrix- Vektorrechnung, Statistik, Stochastik

Pascal Jordan ist promovierter Statistiker. Seine Forschungsinteressen liegen in den Gebieten Latente-Variablen- Modelle, stochastische Prozesse und nichtlineare Optimierung unter Nebenbedingungen.

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HFM Workshop “Big Data, Datenschutz und Wettbewerb” (04.11.2016)

Hamburger Forum Medienökonomie
Interdisziplinärer Workshop: Big Data, Datenschutz und Wettbewerb
04. November 2016

Die Digitalisierung aller möglichen Lebensbereiche hat zu einer enormen Zunahme der in digitaler Form zur Verfügung stehenden Informationen geführt. Big Data ermöglicht nicht nur die Verbesserung bestehender und Schaffung neuer Produkte und Dienstleistungen, große Datenmengen erlauben ebenso die Realisierung enormer Effizienzvorteile. Gleichzeitig werden immer neue ökonomische sowie juristische Fragen aufgeworfen, die mit Big Data in Verbindung stehen.

In der digitalen Ökonomie entstehen solche Datensammlungen insbesondere bei der Verwendung entgeltfreier Internetplattformen. Es stellt sich dabei z.B. die Frage, welche Informationen überhaupt erhoben werden, wer die Eigentumsrechte an diesen Daten besitzt und inwieweit Portabilität ermöglicht wird. Eng damit verbunden sind ebenso Fragen des Datenschutzes und des Wettbewerbs.

Aber auch andere Bereiche sind von der Datensammlung nicht ausgenommen. Digitalisierung und Big Data sind heutzutage ebenso präsent in Unternehmen der analogen Welt (z.B. Industrie 4.0). Auch hier stellt sich immer häufiger die Frage nach dem Eigentümer der generierten Informationen oder nach der Notwendigkeit eines neuen Schutzrechts. Nicht zuletzt die Verzahnung beider Welten schafft also eine Reihe neuer Herausforderungen für Ökonomen und Juristen. Der Workshop widmet sich intensiv einem Teil dieser Fragen. Hochrangige Vertreter aus Wissenschaft und Praxis tragen mit ihren Präsentationen zu der aktuellen Diskussion bei. Im Rahmen einer Paneldiskussion besteht im Anschluss Gelegenheit, einige dieser Fragen zu erörtern.

Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung