VHB-ProDok: Kurs „Event History Analysis” – 07.-10.10.2019 in München

Vom 7. bis 10. Oktober 2019 führen Professorin Mariaclelia Stefania Di Serio (L’Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milano) und Professor  Nikolaus Beck (Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano) zum ersten Mal in unserem ProDok-Angebot den Kurs „Event History Analysis” an  der Technischen Universität München durch, zu dem wir Sie herzlich einladen.


Techniques of event history analysis have proven to be one of the most important empirical research tools in management and organizational research. These methods, stemming from demography and medicine, are best suited for the analysis of dynamic processes that are characterized by the occurrence of discrete events, or in other words: for the analysis of transition processes between two different states of existence. The most prominent transition process in organizational research is, of course, the death of organizations. However, also other events during the life course of organizations that can be summarized as organizational change events are subject to the application of event history analysis tools.

This course aims at providing students with the most relevant techniques of event history analysis. At the end of this course students should be able to understand the theoretical concepts of event history analysis as well as to apply these methods by themselves.

The following topics are planned to be addressed in the course:

  • The basic concepts of event history modeling: Duration, censoring,continuous time, discrete time, hazard rate, cumulative hazard rate,density, survivor function
  • Non-parametric methods: e.g. life table estimators, Kaplan-Meier-functions
  • Semi-parametric and parametric models: Exponential models, piecewise constant exponential models, Gompertz-, Weibull-, log-logistic models, Cox-models
  • Time varying covariates and split spells: quantitative and qualitative time varying covariates and splitting, panel data. Different forms of modeling duration dependence
  • Recurring event models – organizational change
  • The application of panel data: Discrete time hazard rate models, comparison with continuous time hazard rate models
  • Unobserved heterogeneity: Fixed effects, stratified Cox-models

Anmeldefrist: 8. September 2019

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