
Empirical research is seeking through methodological processes to discover, hopefully, nontrivial facts and insights. Besides choosing a topic and grounding an idea, in theory, the empirical analysis consists of gathering and analyzing data and presenting results in scientific contexts to contribute new issues to the body of acquired knowledge – not only to someone’s own but also to that of others.

Our workshop tackles these steps of your research project:

  • Gathering data via (un)structured interviews and analyzing standardized survey data, and
  • using the computer for qualitative data analysis and as a tool for statistics.

These steps will strengthen the cooperation in empirical research to boost and streamline one’s project.

You are welcome to register for the Newsletter to get updated information on the International Research Workshop and other Ph.D.-related activities.


Simon Jebsen, University of Southern Denmark/Department of Business and Sustainability,

Wenzel Matiaske, Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg/Institute for Employment Relations and Labour, and

Heiko Stüber, University of Applied Labour Studies (UALS).
