Author Archives: Max Kohlmann

Graduate School der Uni Hamburg: Survey Methodology

Institution: Graduate School der Universität Hamburg

Dozent: Lucia Bellora

Datum und Zeitplanung:

  • Mo., 08.06.15, 16-20 Uhr
  • Di, 09.06.15, 10-20 Uhr

Ort: Universität Hamburg, Raum B 537 (VMP 9)

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch


The course aims at (1) preparing graduate students to answer research questions with the survey methodology and (2) enabling graduate students to evaluate survey-based research.

Starting from the predictive validity framework, the course teaches how to safeguard interrater reliability, convergent and discriminant validity when designing questionnaires. Besides sample selection methods, techniques for writing and evaluating survey questions and for questionnaire construction are discussed. Furthermore, the course teaches ways to reduce coverage and sampling error during the survey conduction. Finally, the peculiarities of surveying businesses are delineated.

The course is designed as a workshop. Graduate students are therefore required to hand in and present their own survey-based research projects.


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